Work Plan > School Work Plan

2012-2013 school year second semester school work plan

School work plan for the second semester of the 2005-2006 school year

In the past year, under the correct leadership and enthusiastic concern of the higher education administrative department, all faculty and staff are united and pragmatic, and strengthen the internal management of the school , especially the teaching management. The concept of “quality school, quality education” is gradually Transformed into the conscious action of all teachers, the quality of education and teaching has shown a clear upward trend, and some disciplines have made new breakthroughs. To this end, we should stand at a certain height to examine our work and guide our work with a scientific outlook on development. In order to continuously improve the overall school-running level of the school, solidly promote the school 's work, effectively improve the deficiencies in the work, and foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, the preliminary opinions of the school work for this semester are presented for discussion and further improvement in the work practice.
First, the working ideas are guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", adhere to the school-running thinking of "establishing a school with morality, managing the school according to law, and all for the development of students", and continue to strengthen various management, with the construction of the teaching staff as Fundamentally, we will continue to activate the new vitality of school development, and strive to improve the professional level of teachers' curriculum reform and the professionalism of class teachers. Unswervingly accelerate the pace of connotation development, earnestly strengthen the work of the graduating class, and actively promote the work of the school in an orderly manner.
Second, the specific work (a) administrative work
1. Strengthen theoretical study and continuously improve their own management ability. There is a philosophy for running a school. The most important management of a school is the management of educational ideas. Especially in today's curriculum reform, if the concept is not updated in time, it will not be able to adapt to the rapidly developing education situation. What we are facing is a colorful future. What should we grasp in the future? Rely on innovation and grasp by learning. The only lasting advantage of the future is the ability to learn faster than others. To this end, the school administrators should continue to adhere to the weekly concentrated study, and must have plans, purposefully choose some theoretical books for self-study, write good reading notes, and regularly exchange and learn. The focus of the administrative staff and all teachers in this semester is the "Class Teacher's Art of War".
2. In the usual work, the administrative staff must do the example, lead hard, enjoy the post, and consciously accept the supervision of the teachers and students. Everything starts from the overall situation, continuously enhance the cohesiveness of administrative work, and give full play to collective wisdom and team spirit. Efforts to achieve individual qualification, group co-production, and overall optimization.
3. Practically improve the awareness and consciousness of implementing education and teaching regulations, continuously enhance the transparency of school work, and especially do a good job in school affairs. We must save schooling and run schools fairly, and strive to improve the quality of services.
4. It is necessary to persist in the classroom and continue to carry out research activities on weak subjects. The administrative staff of each semester should have 20 sessions in the school and the total number of lectures is 30.
(2) Moral education work
1. Firmly establish the concept of “cultivating people as the basis and moral education as the first”, adhere to the working ideas of “solid foundation, expand time and space, focus on activities, and focus on internalization”, clarify the channels of moral education, and grasp the implementation methods of moral education. Practically strengthen the pertinence, effectiveness and initiative of moral education.
2. Actively build a moral education team with the class teacher team as the main body and all teachers actively cooperate, and establish the concept of “all staff education, full education, and overall responsibility”. In particular, it is necessary to increase the training of the work of the class teacher. The Political and Education Department must formulate a training plan. It is necessary to give full play to the role of student cadres and cadres in order to achieve the purpose of self-education.
3. Highlight the ethics of patriotism education and promote moral education with the national spirit as the main line. It is necessary to use activities as a carrier, combined with statutory holidays, important figures, and major event anniversaries, to organize targeted ideological and moral education activities, and guide students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values.
4. Pay close attention to the cultivation of education by cultivating good moral quality and civilized habits. It is necessary to strengthen the strengths and measures of management routines, and combine the school motto “Learn to be a man” and the newly issued “School of Primary and Secondary School Students” and “The Standards of Daily Behavior of Middle School Students” to provide students with basic moral concepts, moral knowledge, etiquette and courtesy. Etiquette education. First, in cognition, emphasis on experience, change the law to self-discipline, and promote the development of civilized behavior habits.
5. Actively carry out special activities on the theme of mental health education, legal education, integrity education and cherish life education. Special activities should avoid forms and general appeals, and carefully design and organize advanced ethical practice activities with fresh content, novel forms, and new curriculum reforms, focusing on life experience, emotional experience and moral experience. To infiltrate mental health education into specific education and teaching activities, each teacher should attach great importance to the psychological counseling work of students and actively help students to solve psychological confusion and psychological obstacles in the process of growth. It is necessary to carry out the activity of “creating an honest campus and cultivating honest teachers and students”. Pay special attention to the management of boarders.
6. It is necessary to strengthen campus safety work, make alarm bells, and carry out regular safety education activities to strengthen teachers and students' safety awareness and self-protection knowledge education. Continue to earnestly carry out the creation of the “Safe Campus”.
7. Continue to establish the archives of the backward students, further standardize the family visit system, and at the same time, do a good job in the establishment and construction of the students' "growth bags".
8. It is necessary to earnestly strengthen the concern for poor students and conscientiously do a good job of two exemptions and one supplement. It is necessary to hold regular seminars for poor students so that they can truly feel the warmth of the collective.
(3) Teaching work
1, to grasp the teaching management. Strictly implement the ten basic requirements for quality education, and complete all the courses. Strictly implement the five provisions of the national and provincial and municipal education departments on “burden reduction”, and effectively reduce the burden of schoolwork, psychological burden and economic burden on students. It is strictly forbidden for teachers to privately order information. Once found, they will be investigated seriously.
2. The Academic Affairs Office should increase the process management and results monitoring of teaching quality, especially for weak subjects, and continue to follow up and investigate. Open classes and evaluation courses should be grasped early.
3. Focus on curriculum reform and focus on improving the professional level of teachers. In the specific operation process, we should base ourselves on the classroom, return the class to the students, and resolutely put an end to the phenomenon that the teachers are talking in the classroom. Classroom teaching should be done: face the whole, lay a solid foundation, and achieve it in the classroom. The starting point is low, the cutting entrance is small, the capacity is large, the atmosphere is live, and the achievement is high. There are both intellectual content, ability training, and creative development. In the form of classroom teaching, according to the actual situation of students and teachers, it is generally: pre-class guidance - questioning discussion - feedback comments - migration innovation. In this way, the classroom can be a reality, and the students are independent.
4. It is necessary to strengthen action research, continue to reflect on teaching, learn from practice, and progress in reflection. It is necessary to pay attention to the accumulation of the usual teaching gains and losses, and insist on writing a good post-teaching feeling. The Academic Affairs Office must make great efforts to grasp practical lessons and collect lessons in class. It is necessary to use research-based learning as a breakthrough to establish a new classroom teaching model. The school preparation day is held every Thursday night.
5. It is necessary to actively develop and implement school-based curriculum, and comprehensive practical courses should be summarized and reflected, and thus further promoted.
6. The training of key teachers and young teachers is to improve the mechanism; second, to formulate specific measures; third, to conduct strict assessments, and to receive appropriate treatment after passing the examination.
7. The work of sports standards should be focused on the usual time, and all kinds of sports activities should be organized and unified. We must earnestly do both exercises and two exercises.
8. Information technology education, one must standardize operations, and the second is to implement them in place. School website construction should strive to reach a new level.
9. Specific matters such as preparing lessons, attending lectures, and correcting assignments shall be drawn up by the Academic Affairs Office.
10. Actively strive for “no school ”.
11. Strengthen the construction of health clinics and give full play to the role that health clinics should have.
12. We must continue to do a good job in the convergence of China and the country, and exchange activities should be normalized.
(4) Teaching and research work
1. School-based training should be used as a carrier to strengthen the construction of the backbone of teaching and research.
2. This semester should be submitted in conjunction with the actual situation of the school .
3. The research work of the subject should be carried out in a heavy process and in a heavy stage, and cannot be in the form.
4. To fully revitalize existing teaching resources, we must continue to study the integration of new curriculum and modern educational technology, and seek new ways to improve classroom teaching quality on a large scale.
5. To continue to grasp the writing of educational teaching papers, we must combine our own teaching and teaching practices.
(5) Graduating work
The graduating class work is the focus of the school work this semester.
1. First, we must have a strong sense of consciousness; second, we must have concrete and solid measures. First of all, we must do a good job in the ideological work of the students. The teachers in the graduate class should work together to fight the overall battle. To sink to the end, from preparing lessons to counseling to the people in the eyes, the bottom of the heart.
2, we must strengthen the study of the new program of the senior high school entrance examination, can not bury the car, must look up the road. It is necessary to actively and actively collect information, and to filter the information obtained, and use the strength on the knife edge.
3, the head teacher should do a good job in the coordination of various disciplines, and timely exchange of information with the teachers. Students should queue up early and hold various types of symposiums in time.
(6) General affairs logistics work
1. This semester will focus on the reconstruction of the teacher's dormitory and the construction of the school wall.
2, the school greening should be based on the actual situation of the school , so that not only spend a lot of money, but also can show the effect.
3. Continue to grasp the management of the canteen, and take concrete measures to reduce unnecessary waste.
4. We must persist in the safety education. Regardless of the principle of “safety first” and “health first” at all times and under any circumstances, we must sign the responsibility at all levels.

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