Work Plan > School Work Plan

The first semester of the 2013 school year, the Yunlin Middle School Academic Affairs Office work plan

Yunlin Middle School Academic Affairs Office Work Plan for the first semester of the 2005-2006 school year

According to the superior arrangement, this issue officially started on September 1, 2005, and the winter holiday on January 21, 2006, for a total of 21 weeks. In addition to the holidays and suspension of exam review time, teachers are expected to arrange a new class for 18 weeks. The mid-term exam is scheduled to start three days after the tenth week, and the final exam will be held on the 16th - 18th of January.
The focus of this work: 1. Grasp the management of teaching process and improve the quality of teaching; 2. Emphasize school-based training, strengthen teacher training, and promote the rapid growth of young teachers; 3. Deepen reform, strengthen and refine internal management, and achieve fine management. Enhance service awareness, improve service quality, standardize mimeograph work, and improve the quality of mimeographation; 4. Continue to explore curriculum reform ideas and improve curriculum construction. Focusing on these priorities, I strive to do the following major tasks:
First, fully implement the party's education policy
We will comprehensively and conscientiously implement the party's educational policy, take the "three represents" of the comrades as the guide, take Comrade Xiaoping's "three orientations" and the spirit of the 16th Party Congress as the direction, and organize the teachers to seriously study the "Professional Ethics Code for Teachers" and " The Law on the Protection of Minors and the three love books and related educational theories, strengthen the intensity of teacher training, according to the curriculum plan, open a variety of courses / class hours, further standardize various activities courses, strengthen the curriculum construction and reform of our school.
Second, do a good job in education and teaching routine work
Regular work of teaching and research group and preparation group
1. Implement the bi-weekly teaching and research team leader meeting and the weekly preparation group activity. Overall time schedule: The meeting of the teaching and research team leader will be held in the big reception room on the second week of the bi-weekly Tuesday afternoon. The preparation group activities will be arranged on Thursday evening, usually in the conference room, large reception room or small reception room, if there are other places. The request is to inform the relevant personnel of the Academic Affairs Office in advance so that the work can be checked in time.
2. The teaching and research team leader should carefully organize the teachers in this group to study the party's educational policy in different forms, learn advanced education theories, establish correct educational ideas, constantly update educational concepts, and strengthen the training and research of new curriculum standards and new textbooks to adapt. The need for classroom teaching development. The form of the meeting should be diversified, and the study can be concentrated. It can focus on discussion, communication, and centralized training. At least one center spokesperson is invited at each regular meeting. The center spokesperson should submit an outline with a theme to form an academic atmosphere.
3. Pay attention to the training and assistance of new teachers, and accelerate the pace of growth of new teachers. The teaching and research team leaders should clearly and emphasize the school 's requirements for the "pairs", let them stand on the platform as soon as possible, and often understand the actual situation and find some Problems in the process of cultivating new teachers and put forward research to solve problems in a timely manner. At the meeting of the teaching and research team leaders, it is necessary to regularly report and exchange the training of new teachers in this group.
4. Grasp the work of the preparation team. It is required to organize teachers of the same grade to study the curriculum standards of the subject, clarify the teaching objectives and tasks of the subject, study new situations and new problems in teaching, and propose improvement suggestions. It is required that the same grade should be unified in teaching requirements, uniform in teaching progress, unified in unit testing, unified in marking standards, and unified in usage data.
5. Frequently analyze the teaching situation of each grade and the learning situation of students, handle the relationship between the implementation of basic knowledge and the ability to develop and develop intelligence, study the improvement of teaching methods, and make full use of the existing resources and audio-visual means of the school to optimize the teaching process. Inspire students' interest.
6. Encourage and guide teachers to actively carry out education and teaching research. According to the actual teaching, the research topics of the teaching and research group, the preparation group and the individual teachers are determined. Organize observation classes, open classes, ask for lectures, preside over class assessments, summarize and exchange experiences in a timely manner, and guide and encourage teachers to write teaching and research papers. The head of the teaching and research team will listen to at least one class of each teacher in this group in a full period, and the large group will be completed by the deputy and deputy team leaders.
7. Actively carry out classroom teaching reform. Advocating "four more than three encouragement": more inspiring, more exciting, more intuitive, more practice, encourage questioning, encourage discussion, encourage innovation.
8. According to the different situations of the teachers in this group, plan and measure the training and learning of teachers' business, and check and implement them frequently. Through the old and new, first-class courses, etc., help young teachers and teachers who have difficulties in teaching to become familiar with the business as soon as possible, improve the teaching level, and attach importance to the subject competition.
Serious counseling. According to the arrangement, the coaching is on time, both for questioning and discipline. The counseling in after-school time should also be enthusiastic and patient, focusing on the development of students' individuality.
Seriously experiment and carry out extracurricular activities. Teachers who use the new textbook grades should boldly explore and use new textbooks. Foreign language teachers should use collective wisdom to seriously study and use special textbooks. Classroom demonstration experiments require obvious phenomena, and can explain or summarize the rules that should be used with simpler experimental phenomena. The experimental time is reasonable and the experimental method is scientific; the students can understand and master the experimental content, clarify the purpose of the experiment, master the experimental process, and understand the purpose, performance, approximate structure, use and protection of each instrument. Guide students to participate in extracurricular activities, broaden students' horizons, develop students' intelligence, cultivate students' practical ability and creativity, and make students become "qualified + special" new talents.
Seriously organize testing and examinations. Teachers have the responsibility of propositions, the difficulty value and degree of discrimination should be appropriate, and there should be no intellectual errors; they should be strictly inspected according to the arrangement of the Academic Affairs Office and the grade group; they should be carefully scrutinized according to the scoring standards, objective and fair, and strict and appropriate, to ensure Reliability of results; should be used for quality analysis and paper review.
3. Seriously implement the teaching “four musts”: the lecture must be practiced, the practice must be read, the reading must be evaluated, and the mistake must be corrected.
4. Listening to the class: Carry forward the spirit of unity and cooperation, mutual help and mutual learning. Young teachers under the age of 30 should attend classes for no less than 20 sessions. Each class teacher must listen to the same grade teacher's class for more than 10 sessions per semester. The period is not less than 25 knots. Each new teacher must listen to the same grade teacher class for more than 30 sessions per semester. The instructor must listen to the new teacher class for more than 20 sessions, and exchange opinions in a timely manner to prevent the passing of the scene and the form.
5. Further improve the assessment and evaluation mechanism. It is necessary to combine the process management information with the annual assessment, which truly reflects the practical work, strives for progress and has a return, and does a good job of doing things differently, so that the construction of the teaching staff is guaranteed.
Fourth, work together to grasp the work of the graduating class.
1. Each class should conscientiously organize students to study the "norms" and do a good job in the construction of the three winds, thus mobilizing the students' enthusiasm for learning and forming a good class.
2. Grasp the progress of teaching, complete the teaching tasks on time and quality, and all departments must complete the teaching plan according to the regulations of the school .
3, pay attention to the balance of various subjects, and lay a good overall. The head teacher of the third grade should be based on the overall situation, do a good job of coordination, and truly grasp the two to promote the middle, and comprehensively improve the quality of education in the graduating class.
V. Solidly promote the full implementation of the new curriculum reform
The basic education curriculum reform experiment is based on the "Guidelines for the National Basic Education Curriculum Reform", with the curriculum standards of each subject as the yardstick, under the guidance of the new curriculum concept, the new curriculum reform is carried out in a solid and effective manner; the teacher's teaching behavior is effectively changed. To achieve the transformation of students' learning styles; deepen the reform of education, make breakthroughs in quality education, and open up a new phase of reform and development of Yunlin Middle School in the new century.
To this end, each class teacher should strengthen the relationship between course content and student life as well as modern society and scientific development, and pay attention to students' interest and experience in learning. It is necessary to actively promote students' active participation, willingness to explore, and diligent learning attitudes, cultivate students' ability to communicate and cooperate, acquire new knowledge, and innovate. Efforts should be made to explore new curriculum evaluation mechanisms, play an evaluation function, promote students' active development and teacher improvement, and promote the development of new curriculum. It is necessary to focus on the integration of disciplines, change the current situation of the lack of integration of previous disciplines, and form a new type of new curriculum system.
1. Teaching and research. Teachers should truly reflect the teaching concept in the classroom, and carrying out various forms of classroom research activities is undoubtedly an important way to change the teacher's educational concept and improve the teaching ability of teachers.
Collective lessons. Focus on exploring teaching materials and teaching methods for new courses.
Open teaching. In the experimental class, the demonstration class, the comparison class, focus on the new curriculum, the new concept in the classroom teaching.
Case study. Focus on the changes in the teaching methods of new curriculum teachers and the changes in students' learning styles, as well as the evaluation mechanism of new curriculum classroom teaching.
Teaching activity evaluation. Appraisal activities such as high-quality curriculum evaluation, curriculum reform cases, and excellent teaching design, focusing on exploring efficient new classroom teaching, and timely summarizing and promoting the experience in curriculum reform.
2. System and management. Strengthening management is the key to the smooth progress of curriculum reform. The school establishes relevant systems in the management and guidance curriculum reform experiments, uses the system to regulate operations, and uses systems to strengthen management.
Regular meeting system. The curriculum reform leading group is specifically responsible for the research and organization of the curriculum reform experiment. Management, coordination and implementation. Work meetings are held every two weeks to find out the problems that arise in the course reform; carefully study the causes of these problems and discuss effective measures and strategies to solve them. The regular meeting will adopt various forms such as the stage reform meeting and the teacher symposium, and plan and deploy the next stage of work.
Research system. During the semester, a new teacher report class and a new course seminar will be held during the teaching activity month, and the on-chip seminar will be held more than once. Ensure the healthy development of curriculum reform.
Home school contact system. The school organizes a community open day event at the beginning and the middle of the period, organizes parents to attend classes, holds parent forums, and keeps abreast of parents' opinions and suggestions on implementing school reforms. Make the curriculum reform under the support of the community environment more vital.
Training system. Synchronize with the municipal curriculum reform training and organize 1- to 2 topical studies every month. Form a virtuous circle of continuous training and continuous improvement. To enable teachers to use the new curriculum concept to carry out classroom teaching reform, "wearing old shoes, taking a new road." Each stage is prepared for follow-up training.
Rating reward system. The curriculum reform leading group organizes various forms of participatory appraisal activities, such as appraisal excellent courses, excellent cases, excellent papers, excellent courseware, and so on. Reward the teaching and research groups and individuals with outstanding achievements in the new curriculum reform.
3. Evaluation and assessment. Evaluation plays a guiding role in curriculum reform, and it becomes a key link in curriculum reform. Student evaluation. We will dilute the selection function of evaluation, and give play to the incentives of evaluation and the promotion of development. Process evaluation and summative evaluation are combined through various methods such as student portfolio, usual observation, and interviews. In the evaluation content, it not only pays attention to the evaluation of knowledge and skills, but also pays attention to the enthusiasm and initiative of students, self-confidence and interest. Actively explore the content, form and method of the exam. The combination of written examination and open examination is used to change the status of single evaluation by teachers, and combine students' self-evaluation, mutual evaluation and parental evaluation to make the evaluation more democratic and objective.
Teacher evaluation. Abandon the traditional teacher evaluation model and evaluate teachers with the new curriculum concept. When evaluating and assessing teachers' teaching work, they mainly focus on their attitudes, practices, innovations and achievements in the curriculum reform experiment. In the evaluation of teachers' preparation, class, counseling, and scientific research, the concept of the new curriculum concept of teachers is put in the first place. In the evaluation, pay attention to the individual differences of teachers, focusing on professional and individual development.
6. Conduct extracurricular interest group activities and do a good job of special training. All kinds of interest group activities must have purpose, plan, and measures. Activities should be normal. It is necessary to cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability. Pay attention to the accumulation and arrangement of materials.
7. Pay attention to the teaching of sound and body beauty and actively carry out cultural and sports activities. The sports standardization work should focus on the usual training. The physical education teachers and the class teachers should closely cooperate and manage the two courses and two exercises in a coordinated manner, so that they can be strictly and orderly, and effectively achieve the purpose of exercise and relaxation. It is necessary to grasp the preparations for the city’s cultural performances and sports games from an early stage.
8. Strengthen the management of student status and consolidate the nine-year compulsory education. Seriously implement the regulations on student status management, improve the study, and eliminate the flow caused by the internal factors of the school . Once there is a flow, the class teacher and the teacher should go to the door in time to do the mobilization and reduce the flow. Yunlin Middle School Academic Affairs Office
2005.8 The first semester of the 2005-2006 school year
Yunlin Middle School Academic Affairs Office Calendar

the first week:
1 mobilization of school places.
2 rows of various teaching tables.
the second week:
1 holding a new and old teacher pairing meeting
2 Convene a meeting of the heads of teaching and research.
3 Each group conducts teaching and research activities.
The third week:
1 formed China's small track and field team
2 course reform work meeting
the fourth week:
1 Hold a symposium for some students in the graduating class.
2 Do a good job in advanced school materials without recurrence.
fifth week:
1 first test.
2 Summary of the first month of teaching routine.
Sixth week
1 Convene a summary meeting for each grade.
2 Convene a meeting of the teaching and research team leader to discuss the evaluation class.
3 Organize students to participate in the Danyang City Middle School Literary Performance.
Week 7:
1 Conducting a seminar on Fuling.
2 Hold a mathematics young teacher evaluation class.
Week 8:
Organize a language young teacher evaluation class.
Week 9:
1 Organize an English Young Teacher Assessment Course.
2 Hold a teaching section presentation class.
The third phase of the middle test mobilized.
Week 10:
1 Summary of the second month of teaching routine.
2 mid-term exams.
Week 11:
The mid-term summary meeting was held at the 1st grade.
2 Organize essay competitions for all grades.
The quality of the 3 exams was analyzed and the previous stage of teaching was exchanged.
Week 12:
1 holding a class reform promotion meeting

2 Convene a seminar on apprenticeship teaching and discussion.
Week 13:
1 Organize the third grade mathematics competition.
2 Organize the third grade English competency competition.
3 Convene a meeting of the heads of teaching and research to summarize the work in the previous stage.
Week four:
1 Summary of the third month of teaching routine.
2 excellent teaching case selection
Week 15:
1 Organize the third grade physics competition.
2 Organize students to participate in the "National Middle School Mathematics Competition".
3 The second monthly test of each grade.
Week 16:
1 class to conduct monthly test summary.
February test teacher summary meeting.
Week 18:
1 whole school singing competition.
2 Summary of the fourth month of teaching routine.
3 The first and second grades of the junior college exam.
3 discharge final review class schedule
Week 19:
1 Convene a symposium for students of all grades.
2 final exam mobilization.
3 Open the final class review class
Week 20:
1 Do a good job at the end of the term
Week 20:
1 Organize the final exam

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