Work Plan > School Work Plan

School work plan for 2019

1. The guiding ideology is guided by the important thinking of the 'Three Represents' and the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and takes the overall view of the scientific development concept as the overall focus. It closely follows the work center of the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau and conscientiously implements the education and teaching requirements of the higher-level business departments. With the optimization of teaching process management as the main line, to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching as a breakthrough, continue to implement the overall thinking of “deep research, professional guidance, fine management, effective evaluation”, and strive to build “research, guidance, service” and “supervisor” "Double-track operation mechanism of investigation, evaluation and management", do a good job in classroom research, teaching reform, school-based teaching and research, teaching management, student management, teacher training, education and scientific research, and the creation of "School Campus" to further improve the whole street education The level of refinement of teaching management and the effectiveness of classroom teaching.
First, the work points update the educational concept, improve the quality of education, strengthen service awareness, and further improve the professional ethics of teachers.
1. Grasp the standardized education of the professional ethics of teachers. On the basis of the concentrated education of holiday teachers, the new semester will further improve the school's political learning system and adhere to the political and business study week. All school districts should closely contact the "China's Small Teachers' Professional Ethics Standards", "Yantai City Chinese Small Teachers' Professional Ethics Assessment Implementation Measures" and "Teaching and Sports Bureau's Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Teachers' Morality", focusing on the actual work of schools and teachers. Good and varied activities such as investigation, rectification, and exchanges, so that every teacher is closely related to the "Chinese Little Teachers' Professional Ethics" and their own work, to "whether the teacher's morality is noble, whether the thought is healthy, whether the work is in place, Whether the potential is exerted, whether the strength is sufficient and what to do in the future, the content should be investigated. At the beginning of the school year, every faculty and staff must write the "Teacher's Commitment Letter" in order to effectively restrain the faculty's education and teaching behavior and improve their morality. Self-cultivation, establish a good educational image, and guarantee the overall stability of the education system.
2. Combine the development of relevant activities to strengthen the education of moral education for primary school students. In the new semester, each school district should creatively carry out students' moral education work, put moral education work in the whole process of education and teaching, make full use of school , family, social and other educational positions and educational resources to cultivate students' good living habits and study habits. Civilized and polite habits, consciously abide by the habits of social morality. The targeted, effective and initiative of the school's moral education work puts students on the track of healthy growth. In October, we will do a good job in three moral education work, namely, excellent theme class meeting, excellent theme class teaching plan design, and excellent moral education papers.
Strengthen the research and management of regular teaching and continuously improve the quality of teaching
1. Carry out the “Regular Teaching Activity Month” activity and implement new teaching practices. The school districts of all school districts should continue to carry out the "Regular Teaching Activity Month" activities, organize teachers to study "Yantai City National Small and Medium Teaching Work Practices" and "Bayang National Elementary School Teaching Practice Basic Requirements", and combine the teaching routines formulated by the streets to refine the main points. Strictly implement, carry out work, and seriously summarize. The street will organize the inspection of the “Regular Activity Month” and seek new measures that are effective and worth promoting in the regular teaching work of each school, opening a new chapter for the new school year.
2. Improve the teaching management mechanism. First, each school district should establish a sense of balanced development in management, ensure the balanced allocation of grades and subject resources, and thus improve the overall level of running schools. Second, we must combine the reality of the school, improve the content and strategy of teaching routine management in accordance with the principles of effectiveness and practicality, optimize all aspects of regular teaching, and effectively reduce the inefficient and ineffective labor of teachers and students. Third, we must establish a working attitude that maximizes the enthusiasm of both teaching and learning, attaches importance to humanized management, encourages teachers and students to do things finely, and forms a good teaching style and style of learning that is better than learning to help. The street will inspect the above related work during the teaching and guidance. Fourth, we must improve the system of leading cadres to participate in teaching, guiding teaching, and management teaching, implement the system of leading cadres' listening and evaluating courses, and encourage leading cadres to undertake the teaching tasks of examination subjects, improve their ability to practice and guide teaching, and effectively serve as leaders and guides. And managers. The middle-level leaders of the small country of the street should take the subjects of the unified examination. At that time, the street will organize the school district and the new leadership classroom teaching competition to meet the city-wide competition organized by the teaching and research section.
3. Optimize teaching links and improve the quality of regular teaching. The first is to optimize the preparation course. The street will strengthen the collective preparation of lessons based on the principle of effectiveness, encourage teachers to think deeply in preparing lessons, and effectively implement the “Implementation Opinions of Haiyang City National Small Group Preparation” issued by the school year and the implementation plan formulated by the street. According to the allocation, the collective preparation of lessons will be implemented. The second is to optimize the course. Classroom teaching should fully reflect the subjective status of the students. The guidance of the teachers should be timely, appropriate, and appropriate. Students should fully think about time and improve the quality of self-awareness. This will be a focus of teaching this semester. The third is the design and revision of reform operations to improve the effectiveness of the operation. Improve the design and correction of homework and practice, fully consider the learning level of different students, make the design of the homework closer to the actual situation of the students; strictly control the content, form, quantity and difficulty of homework, and effectively reduce the burden of students' excessive work; Correction should consider the form of participation and participation of students, and correct the assignment as one of the content of students' self-directed learning. Teachers should promptly correct the student's homework and find problems in a timely manner for collective or individual remedies. The fourth is the optimization testing and counseling. Each school district should strictly control the quality of the test questions, such as practice, testing, and unit clearance. Make full use of the test questions of each department, do a good job in testing and summarizing, and find problems in time. The street will conscientiously implement the teaching and research section to formulate and issue the “Implementation Opinions on the Operational Reform of Haiyang City Elementary School”.
4. Grasp the weak subject, weak link teaching and weak work to ensure the all-round development of students. First, we must ensure that the General Studies are open, open, and open, and improve the quality of the course through in-class study and extracurricular practice. Second, we must do a good job in the examination of Chinese extracurricular reading accumulation, composition teaching, oral communication teaching, mathematics practice and application of teaching, oral English teaching and learning interest training. Third, we must strengthen the transformation of students with learning difficulties and ensure the quality of "double-based" teaching.
Increase the promotion of new courses and improve the efficiency of classroom teaching
1. Build a sound new curriculum system. The school districts of each school district should open, complete, and open the courses prescribed by the state in accordance with the requirements of curriculum reform, correctly open elective courses, and reasonably implement the school-based curriculum of the street first, laying the foundation for the all-round development and lifelong development of students.
2. Grasp the training of the new curriculum reform grade textbooks and other grade-level curriculum reform materials. Actively participate in the teaching and research section of the beginning of the school to organize key teachers to prepare for the fifth-grade language, mathematics, and English majors, and provide training and preparation for the new curriculum reform teachers; each school should strengthen the research on new textbooks on this basis. The implementation of the training content will enable teachers to form a new concept of curriculum, teaching and students, creatively use new textbooks, and implement new curriculum reforms.
3. Implement a collective lesson system. On the basis of the large-scale collective preparation of lessons organized by the teaching and research section, each school district shall formulate a scientific and feasible school year preparation plan according to the street. The central school will organize teachers to prepare lessons in class on Saturday, and at the same time increase the standardization and efficiency. The research work of collective lesson preparation activities, through various disciplines, cross-grade textbook analysis, unit analysis, class analysis and other methods, so that teachers can clear the textbook writing style, foothold, clear the teaching objectives, determine the teaching focus, difficulties and basic Knowledge points, we should discuss the classroom teaching methods suitable for the teaching of new textbooks, and strive to solve the problem of "teaching what" and "how to teach" in the new curriculum.
4. Strive to build a new, scientific, effective and efficient classroom teaching model. Through the observation of teaching, class seminars, and classroom teaching competitions, the school districts of each school district should actively explore the effective ways of “building an efficient classroom”, change the learning status of passive learning and rote learning, and guide students to form active participation and enjoyment. Exploring and diligent learning quality, each discipline strives to explore a new teaching model of “self-reliant, multi-dimensional interaction” based on “student development”. At the same time, each school should focus on building a simple and simple classroom teaching model, further strengthen classroom teaching research, reduce invalid labor, remove invalid links, and continuously improve classroom teaching efficiency. Teachers should be encouraged to give lectures on quality courses. Everyone must participate in effective teaching activities. The streets will organize relevant personnel to give lectures to all discipline leaders and teachers at a level, and quantify the performance, and incorporate them into the overall assessment of teachers. The implementation of the classroom, and selected a number of effective teaching examples, and strive to discover and cultivate excellent schools and excellent teachers in the construction of effective classrooms during the school year, and organize the promotion of experience in a timely manner, so as to comprehensively promote classroom teaching reform.
5. Strengthen the study of students' learning quality, pay attention to the cultivation of students' learning emotions, attitudes and habits, and strengthen the training of good study styles, so that students have strict and solid study habits and positive and enterprising psychological qualities. All schools should cultivate students' good study habits, form good learning quality, and promote students' all-round development through the guidance of students' interest in lower grades, the good study habits of all grades, the cultivation of learning quality, and the promotion of excellent experience. A good foundation for lifelong development. The street will organize the inspection of the development of each school, and participate in the student learning habits training experience exchange organized by the teaching and research section.
Broaden the channels of teaching and research, and deepen the teaching reform
1. Solidly promote school-based teaching and research, effectively improve the professional level of teachers, and effectively solve practical problems in teaching. Through various methods, schools must change the school-based training work from “singularity and closedness” to “diversity and openness”, and encourage schools to carry out “five-one” teaching and research activities, that is, read a masterpiece of education and write Reading notes; the last section of the open class, write about post-teaching reflection; organize an educational story, write a case study; conduct a small subject study, write a teaching paper; study a famous teacher to teach, write a sense of growth. All schools must implement the effective implementation of the school according to the work arrangement, and the street will organize various evaluation activities to participate in the evaluation activities organized by the teaching and research section, and be included in the teacher target responsibility system assessment. .
2. Actively carry out joint teaching and research to effectively solve practical teaching problems. During the semester, my street will invite excellent teachers from Yucai to send classes to the school. At that time, the two subjects of language and mathematics will be conducted in two stages: low, medium and high. Listening teachers should carefully observe and learn, and write out the lessons of the lectures, conduct on-the-spot exchanges, learn from each other's strengths, and improve together.
3, deep chemical science education reform, improve teaching quality. We will do a good job in the street publication "Fangyuan Education and Research" and let it truly become the "platform and interactive world" for teachers. It will lay a solid foundation for teaching and research to improve the quality of education: we must continue to carry out the "large number of reading and writing" activities and poetry and literacy activities. Combine reading and study, so that students can form a comprehensive ability of language learning, strengthen the intensity of large literacy courses, and improve students' ability to accumulate. It is necessary to do a good job in the experimental teaching of mathematics "four-fourth group cooperative learning" and "innovative learning". Improve the students' sense of cooperation and problem-solving ability; to carry out the teaching experiment of "multiple learning, stratification and progressive" in English, from the in-class to the extra-curricular, to stimulate the enthusiasm of students to accumulate independently, and lay the foundation for reading and writing. The teaching and research section will organize acceptance activities in this area.
Increase the creation of school characteristics and continuously improve the level of running schools
1. Strengthen the advantages of running a school and form a school-running feature. Each school district should re-examine and establish its own school goals, long-term planning, annual work goals, semester work priorities, and innovation points. Adopt an effective mode of operation, and improve the level and grade of running schools in stages, so as to quickly and effectively improve the quality of school running. On the basis of standardizing regular teaching, the central government must work creatively to improve the gold content of work and improve the quality of running schools. School districts should strengthen management and strive to further standardize all aspects of teaching in recent years.
2. Implement reading projects and build a learning school . The school districts of each school district should sum up the actual situation of the school, steadily promote the construction of reading culture through the form of reading contests and reading standards, and vigorously implement “building a learning organization and accelerating the professionalization of teachers”. Reading project “Good books with me grow” green Reading project, actively carry out the "School Campus Creation Activities", forming a strong reading atmosphere, so that all teachers develop good reading habits, improve teachers' theoretical accomplishments and cultural heritage, and strive to create a scholarly campus. The street will continue to carry out weekly educational notes, of which reading experience and education essays each account for one-half, the specific situation will be included in the assessment. Run a good book of "Book - My Friends" reading experience and harvesting exchanges.
Strengthen quality inspection and ensure quality of teaching
1. Strengthen the unit teaching, use the self-testing of the single test questions, do a good job of commenting and checking the leaks, and ensure that everyone has passed the quality control.
2. All schools should continue to conduct practical testing and inspection of relevant disciplines.
3. Each school must complete the teaching quality test of relevant subjects at the end of each semester.
4. Strengthen the fifth grade English oral self-test.
5. Carefully organize the mid-term and final-end 1-5 exams.
6. Strengthen the examination and examination work to ensure that the examination work is fair and equitable.
7. Increase the monthly examination system for export grades and the correction feedback compensation system for each grade.
Strengthening the awareness of education according to law and promoting the all-round development of all work in schools
1. Establish a sense of “safety is more important than Taishan” and “safe work is no small matter” to prevent problems before they happen. Responsible for the party and the people with a high sense of responsibility, the school's safety work, health work as a "top priority" to grasp the good, timely signing safety responsibility at all levels, this semester will adhere to the implementation of various safe work systems. All school districts should attach great importance to school safety and health work, combine campus social security comprehensive management work with school safety and security work, regularly hire legal vice presidents to conduct legal lectures, and regularly strengthen the traffic safety awareness and fire safety of teachers and students. The awareness of food hygiene and the awareness of “three preventions” insist on the principle of “safety at every meeting, safety at the meeting” to ensure that there are no accidents in the school .
2. Standardize school financial management. All school districts should actively and steadily do a good job in implementing free compulsory education, adhere to the "one-fee system" charging method, adhere to the "five unified" of charging time, projects, standards, procedures and bills, announce the report phone, and consciously accept the parents of students. And the supervision of the people. Further increase the transparency of income and expenditure accounts, especially the income of stores and huts, etc., to be standardized and timely recorded. Improve the effectiveness of leading cadres' honesty and self-discipline and commitment to services, carry forward the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic, strengthen the building of party style and integrity, resolutely stop the phenomenon of arbitrary charges, out-of-card charges, and arbitrarily set data, and put an end to all illegal and disorderly incidents. Establish a good image of the education system.
Strengthen investment promotion work.
In the new semester, the school districts in each school district should change their style in a timely manner, keep up with the development of the situation, strengthen work measures and work harder according to the requirements of the teaching and sports bureau and the street work, so that the work has plans, implementation, inspection, and Evaluation, step by step to do the work of the superiors, face challenges, self-pressurization, adhere to the " school security and stability, teaching quality and promote development" thinking, give full play to the wisdom and wisdom of the majority of leading cadres, fully The enthusiasm of the faculty and staff will be mobilized, and the whole body will be devoted to the education and teaching work of the new semester, contributing to the healthy development of education and teaching work for the semester.

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