Work Plan > School Work Plan

Secondary school year work plan

Antu County Liangbing Middle School's work plan for 2008

In 2008, the work of Liangbing Middle School took the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as a guide, fully implemented the spirit of the county teaching work conference, and guided the work plan of the county government education supervision office in 2008 to effectively regulate the school 's school-running behavior. Based on the achievements of consolidating and improving the "Year of Teaching Quality", we will deepen the reform of school education and teaching, continuously improve the overall quality of students, take the education concept as the guide, and combine the actual situation of the school to make efforts to grasp the school 's work. Promote the improvement of the quality of school education and education, and run the people's satisfaction with the school .

First, adhere to the moral education work as the primary task, and earnestly do a good job in the construction of teachers' professional ethics and students' moral education.

The overall thinking of moral education work is: conscientiously organize and carry out the series of teachers' moral education activities with the main content of “Love and Dedication, Careful Education”, and carry out teacher evaluation work in a solid manner; further strengthen the pertinence and timeliness of moral education work, and deeply study students The state of mind and psychological needs, actively carry out a variety of moral education activities, and train students with ideas and ideals.

Teacher's moral construction:

1. Establish a working group for the construction of teachers' morality with the headmaster as the team leader, further improve and revise various systems for the construction of teachers' morality, and organize the formulation and implementation of the work plan for the construction of teachers' morality.

2. Conduct teacher-teacher learning activities, arrange for concentrated study between weeks, and concentrate on learning for no less than 10 hours per semester. Organize teachers to learn advanced deeds activities, through self-recommendation and recommendation, democratically select the teachers and teachers in the school, and establish a learning model around the teachers.

3. According to the actual situation of the school , formulate the rules conforming to the professional language, behavior, etiquette of the teachers of the school, and require the teachers to strictly follow the requirements of the norms to strictly improve themselves and strive to improve the professional ethics of teachers.

4, to find the gap with the teacher's moral standard, take the teacher's moral questionnaire and solicit opinions and other methods, require teachers to reflect on their behavior in the education and teaching work, write reflection and experience, the school held two school-wide teacher's moral discussion and reflection exchange meeting.

5. Conduct teacher evaluation activities in various forms, solicit opinions and suggestions from students, parents and the society extensively. The evaluation methods are scientific and standardized, the evaluation process and results seek to be open, fair and fair, and constantly improve the professional ethics of teachers. To lay a solid foundation for the success of the people's satisfaction with the school .

6. In the process of education and teaching, the work of teachers should focus on the theme of “doing a good and ideal education, and cultivating students with ideals and ideals” to create an atmosphere of teachers' dedication and happiness.

Student moral education:

1. Moral education work insists on classroom teaching as the main position, moral education in the process of classroom teaching, correctly implements the teaching objectives of emotional attitudes and values ​​in each lesson. Each teacher should strengthen the educational function of classroom teaching. In the lesson preparation, the methods and methods for infiltrating moral education work are prepared for the teaching content.

2. To play the job function of the class teacher, use class meetings, group meetings and organize large-scale traditional commemorative activities to carry out moral education, hold a class meeting every half month, sum up the preliminary work and explore new experiences and good practices in educating people.

3. Bring into play the functions of the Political and Education Department, carry out activities such as moral education competitions, essay writing, speeches, and board competitions in schools, and actively carry out regular moral education activities.

4. To meet the "Beijing Olympics" as an opportunity to sing the theme of "patriotism and love for the people" in ideological and moral construction, comprehensively implement patriotic education, and actively carry out activities such as painting and calligraphy and speeches.

5. Carry out traditional virtue education, actively carry out the "study with my growth" reading activities, write a series of activities such as reading experience, actively create an atmosphere of campus culture, and cultivate students' good reading, study and living habits.

6. Conduct lectures on mental health education for students, establish and improve the files of single and unaccompanied students, and pay attention to the physical and mental health of left-behind children, and strengthen the effectiveness and extensiveness of the psychological counseling room.

7. Continue to explore the series of activities of the study style with the theme of “Four Good” to cultivate students' good study habits and excellent personality.

8. Strengthen the education network of the combination of school , family and society. The Ministry of Political Education and Education will take the lead. The class teacher will be the main implementer and carry out effective home visit activities. The home visit rate of households has reached more than 90%, and it is truly a good situation for moral education in common management.

9. Conscientiously implement the Compulsory Education Law, do a good job of controlling students' flow, and actively carry out charity activities. The Ministry of Political Affairs and Education arranges donations to support learning activities, and arranges for leadership insurance. Teachers guarantee the work of students and resolutely control the loss. Health.

Second, carry out teaching work in a solid and effective manner, promote the steady development of teaching and research work, and strive to improve the quality of education and teaching.

The overall thinking of the teaching work is: pay close attention to the regular management of teaching, to consolidate and improve the "quality of teaching" results, strive to improve the overall quality of teachers, continuously improve the overall quality of students, and promote the curriculum reform in a down-to-earth manner, to the management of teaching To quality.

1. Establish a teaching work leading group with the principal as the first responsible person, regularly and irregularly analyze and plan the teaching and teaching research work of the school , and hold a regular meeting of teaching work at the beginning of each month.

2. Strengthen the quality improvement of middle-level management personnel in schools , and strengthen the study and training of middle-level leaders of the school. The learning notes and learning experiences of each middle-level and above leaders should not be less than 20,000 words per semester, of which the content of the management should be It accounts for more than 50% of the learning content, and effectively improves the management ability of the leaders, so that they can undertake tasks in both theory and practice, and the leaders of all departments can coordinate and creatively carry out their work.

3. Actively carry out activities to strengthen the construction of teachers' style of study. The Ministry of Education will formulate the “Implementation Plan for Teacher Training”. The program should reflect the content of teacher training to carry out “one morality, three newness” and improve humanities literacy. The training time is 70 lessons per academic year. When the teacher learns the notes and the experience is not less than 20,000 words, the content of the program should be clear, targeted and time-sensitive, the measures are specific, and the learning time is scientific.

4. Carry out the activities of teachers' teaching ability improvement, organize and arrange the "three customs" activities of teachers at the school and county levels. The school teachers' theory examination is based on the theory of "successful education", supplemented by other educational theories. The specific implementation method should form a plan.

5, conscientiously implement the curriculum plan, open the course, open the class, open each class. Special attention is given to the development of comprehensive practical courses and school-based courses.

6. Pay close attention to the regular management of teaching, give play to the leading role of the backbone teachers at the school, county and state levels, and increase the intensity of the teaching links such as lesson preparation and class attendance, and promote the rapid growth of young teachers. This year, I am going to ask the leaders of the Education Department of the Education Bureau. In addition to the third-grade teachers, teachers who have less than 5 years of actual teaching experience should take the examinations for the entrance examinations of the senior high school students. The examination subjects can be chosen by themselves, which can promote young teachers to strengthen the teaching materials. Research to improve the ability to quickly understand and process textbooks.

7. Practically implement classroom teaching routines, strengthen the monitoring of classroom teaching processes and effects, organize all teachers to carry out class discussion activities, strengthen the functions of teaching and research groups, actively carry out collective lesson preparation activities, and promote the efficiency of classroom teaching. The teaching office should organize teachers to carry out rookie classes, observation classes, reporting classes, seminars, etc.

8. Carefully organize the monitoring and analysis of teaching quality. Organize two quality analysis meetings each semester, analyze the factors such as student achievement and students' comprehensive quality, find out the causes of students with learning difficulties, and explore ways to solve problems.

9. Do a good job in the evaluation of students' comprehensive quality, do a good job in the preparation of the senior high school entrance examination, do a good job in student education and employment education, and vigorously promote vocational education. Every teacher's work must focus on the employment, survival and lifelong life of each student. The foundation for development.

10. Do a good job in the use of distance education resources in schools , so that modern educational information technology is in education and teaching.

Widely applied, the use of agricultural resources should not be less than 20 hours per month, the responsible person should make a good record, the teacher's teaching plan should leave traces of the use of agricultural resources for inspection and regulation. Continue to improve the school website construction and implement resource sharing.

11. Actively carry out teaching and research activities, pay attention to the establishment and research process of teaching and research projects, and prepare for the completion of individual topics this year. The specific teaching and research work is carried out by the teaching office to make the "Scientific Research Work Plan".

12. Seriously implement the work of the School Education Society and actively carry out the writing of experiences, reflections and essay activities. All teachers in each semester should write at least one high-quality paper and strive to publish in provincial, state and county publications. According to the arrangement of the teaching and research group, at least one textbook will be published in this semester, at least two in the liberal arts group, at least one in the specialization group, and at least one in each middle-level leadership for each academic year, which will reward the teachers and schools that have been over-published. Criticize teachers who cannot complete the task and complete it within a time limit.

13. It is convenient for teachers to analyze students at the annual office. Therefore, the Ministry of Education should organize at least two student evaluation and analysis meetings in the current semester in order to better find educational and teaching strategies and improve teaching quality.

14. Strict management of student status and conscientious implementation of the “Interim Provisions on the Administration of Student Status in the Compulsory Education Stage of Jilin Province”. The special person is responsible for managing the student status, so that the number of students and the flow situation are clear, and the number of students is consistent with the actual number.

15. Give full play to the role of the old three rooms and ensure the experimental rate. A science and technology team will be set up, and the teaching department will arrange a special person to take charge of the main task. Teachers and students will jointly study and explore and strive for effectiveness.

Third, sports, health, art work.

1. Conscientiously implement the "Regulations on School Sports Work", "Regulations on School Health Work" and "Work Regulations for School Art Education", and use classes such as class meetings, school-based courses and sports theory courses to strengthen students' education in sports, art and health. Open two activities to promote the comprehensive development of students.

2. Actively carry out school sports activities and open spring and autumn sports games.

3. Do a good job in the research of sports and art subjects, and take the research of the topic of “Exploration of Forms and Contents of Inter-class Exercises” as an opportunity to vigorously carry out sunshine sports activities.

4. Cooperate with the county epidemic prevention station to do the physical examination work for students, do a good job in the prevention and treatment of common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases, do a good job in the morning check-up of diseases, and conscientiously do a good job in student hygiene inspection and campus health inspection. Do a good job in prevention and education of AIDS.

5, to ensure that the physical education class is full of classes, do a third-grade student sports test and student physical quality test work. Set up a school sports team, carefully train, do a good job in the school team training program, and strive for the county sports meeting to obtain a place.

6. Carry out a variety of artistic activities, use the May Fourth, January 29th and other commemorative days to organize student performances, and carry out large-scale art festival activities to show the students' artistic style.

Fourth, work in safety and general affairs logistics

1. Develop a safety work plan, sign a safety responsibility letter, and assign responsibility for safety work in each room. The safety work of the students is taken by the head of the political and religious department. The safety work of the school is grasped by the general affairs department. The safety records are detailed and the work measures are feasible.

2. Improve various safety systems and formulate various safety plans to prevent safety work before it happens.

3. In-depth development of the "Legal into the Campus" activities, and earnestly do a good job in the "four implementations" of legal education. Run schools according to law and carry out activities to learn legal knowledge so that teachers and students can learn the law, know the law, understand the law and use it.

4. Grasp the school 's school affairs and open work to ensure the vital interests of teachers and students. This work is handled by the chairman of the trade union. There are plans for publicizing the school affairs, the measures are practical, the methods and methods are time-sensitive, the transparency of school- running is increased, and the school is guaranteed to accept the supervision of the society.

5. According to the supervision and evaluation target responsibility system, the target system is evaluated. At the beginning of the semester, the indicators are decomposed into functional departments, and each indicator is responsible for people, collaborating with each other, and conscientiously completing various tasks.

6. The General Affairs Department implements the standardization construction project according to the plan. This year, the equipment purchase of the computer class is completed, and the equipment room cabinet is re-equipped. The annual update rate of book purchases is over 1%, and 100 volumes are purchased. The investment in the purchase of sound body beauty equipment is not less than 10,000 yuan.

7. Actively raise funds for the benefit of teachers. This year, we will strive for more than 10,000 yuan of foreign funds for teacher rewards and benefits. According to the results of the senior high school entrance examination, determine the teacher's promotion award, and strive for funds to let the teachers go out and cultivate the sentiment.

8. Do a good job of beautifying and greening the school campus. The General Affairs Department will do a good job of planning and complete it year by year.

The new year has begun. Let us fully participate in the education and teaching work with full enthusiasm, and firmly establish the school-running idea that lays the foundation for each student's employment, survival and lifelong development, so that students can think every day. We will do something, have income, have fun, and use scientific, normative, pragmatic and efficient management style to deepen education and teaching reform, comprehensively implement quality education, invigorate the spirit, work hard, and constantly improve the quality of education and teaching in schools . Work hard to make the people happy with the school .

Work schedule for the month:


1. Formulate and adopt various departments' plans and work implementation plans, and work arrangements

2. Supervise and evaluate the target system indicators to decompose and implement the responsible person

3. The General Affairs Office arranges preparatory work for the school

4, check the teacher to prepare lessons in advance

5, safe work self-examination


1. March 8th trade union activities

2. Implement and inspect the regular work of teaching

3, the leadership pushes the class, the class

4, organize successful education theory study

5, teaching work routine

6, the class teacher's regular meeting


1. Purchase new and old three-chamber instruments and equipment, and start standardization construction projects.

2, teacher report class, leadership guide course

3. Examination of leadership learning at the middle level or above

4. Summary meeting of quality inspection, analysis and reflection stage

5. Qingming Festival sacrifice sweeping commemoration

6. Teacher and student study style construction activities


1. Commemorating the May Fourth Youth Festival

2, the entrance examination students apply for the job

3. Teacher's moral construction activities

4, teacher evaluation class activities

5, teaching routine inspection

6, teacher evaluation work, parents talk

7. Evaluation of students' comprehensive quality

8. Spring Games

9. Campus beautification and greening work


1. Teaching plan design competition

2, class teacher work experience exchange

3. Student competitions

4. Preparation for the senior high school entrance examination

5. Supervise and rectify the functional departments of the supervision index system.


1. Analysis of teaching quality

2, teacher experience exchange

3. Collect and organize various materials

4. Teacher assessment

5, summary holiday

Attachment: School leadership division:

Li Xiuxiang: Principal and Party branch secretary, presided over the school's comprehensive work.

Yu Yuehai: Dean of the teaching, presided over the overall work of the teaching office, focusing on school teaching, scientific research and teacher-based training.

Liu Xiaohui: Director of politics and education, presiding over the school's political and religious work, focusing on school moral education, teacher's moral work and student safety.

Li Wei: Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch, responsible for the party affairs of the school .

Wang Changhua: Deputy Director of the Teaching Office, in charge of school student management, mainly focusing on flow control work and health work, assisting the director to do other work.

Ji Shangjun: General Director, presiding over the work of the General Affairs Office, focusing on the general affairs of the school and the safety of the school .

Wang Honglin: Chairman of the trade union, presiding over the work of the school union, responsible for the activities of the school teachers' union. The main school is to open school work.

Qu Degang: Secretary of the Communist Youth League branch, presided over the work of the school team, responsible for the development of the Communist Youth League activities, responsible for the school 's sports art work, and school security staff work.

Gu Guangyu: The director of the three-year department is responsible for arranging the daily management of the three-year department.

Tang Yunsheng: Director of the second year, responsible for arranging the daily management of the second year.

Du Jinye: The director of the department for one year, responsible for arranging the day-to-day management of the department.

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