Work Plan > School Work Plan

2013 school year work plan

First, the guiding ideology is guided by the spirit of the "Basic Education Curriculum Reform Outline", and the county education bureau's 2008 education work points, adhere to the people-oriented education and teaching direction, and adhere to the education reform scientific research as the core. Seize the opportunity of curriculum reform, build a new harmonious campus, and do an education that satisfies the people.
The teaching work of the school will be carried out around a center and two basic levels. One center, that is, the center of teaching reform and research; two basic levels, namely, the 1-2 grades focus on the cultivation of behavioral habits, and the third to fifth grades focus on the cultivation of learning methods. Pay special attention to the starting grade. In order to improve the quality of teaching in the true sense, we must first comprehensively improve the overall quality of all students, let students learn in pleasure, think in doubt, innovate in thinking, and fully publicize the good personality of students. Let teachers have more practical activities of personalized teaching, and strive to improve the professional quality of teachers. Make the school 's education and teaching work to a new level.
Second, the work objectives
1. Seriously implement the teaching routine management, and strive to implement the curriculum reform concept into the specific teaching routine management, actively promote the curriculum reform of all subjects in the whole school, and improve the quality of education and teaching.
2, research strong schools, and then to a new level.
Adhere to the "scientific research guide" and deepen school-based research. Organize teachers to carry out school-based research that is based on the classroom and is oriented to students and service teaching. / Grasp the behavioral habits of the first and second grades, and cultivate the third- and fifth-grade learning methods, which is a good example for other grades in the school . It is indeed in-depth "Strategy and Research on the Cultivation of Students' Behavioral Habits" and "Implementing Individualized Teaching to Improve Students Research on Learning Ability. To strengthen the school with scientific research, explore the individualized teaching of teachers, and lead the students' individual chemistry, so as to initially implement personalized teaching and achieve a true sense of teaching quality.
3. Improve the teaching and research group mechanism and improve the professional quality of teachers.
The teaching and research activities of the teaching and research groups should be strengthened and managed. The teaching and research group activities should establish “central research issues” based on the actual conditions in the teaching. It is necessary to make in-depth research on the "problems of central research", but not to show, but to involve everyone, to combine traditional teaching and research activities with online teaching and research activities, so that "central research problems" can find better. Solution.
4. Strengthen the teaching management of various disciplines and improve the evaluation plan.
Strengthen the school-based teaching and research efforts, focusing on the implementation of curriculum reform, the change of students' learning methods and the reform of the teacher-student evaluation system. Strengthen the teaching management of various disciplines, and according to the various assessment systems issued by the Education Bureau, combined with the actual situation of the school, the evaluation system will be more perfect and perfect.
5. Guided by the spirit of humanities and modern teaching, continue to strengthen and enrich the school 's characteristic construction. Focus on the school campus activities and carry out the school-wide display work. Practice, reflect and summarize, and strive to achieve new results.
6. Strengthen the construction and management of key teachers and young teachers, and promote the formation of good teaching styles. In order to meet the needs of the rapid development of school education and teaching, we will build the brand of the school from the perspective of creating a famous teacher. Strengthen the formulation and implementation of the backbone training, management, and use system, and effectively exert its radiation role, and truly play a leading role in the school's teaching backbone. The training of young teachers should also be put on the agenda. The backbone teachers are required to give a demonstration class in each semester. At least one young teacher will be listened to and evaluated every week. The young teachers will be given systematic guidance. The listening and evaluation courses must have written materials.
7, do a good job in the graduating class, quality and quantity to complete the teaching tasks.
Do a good job in the ideological work of graduates and students, and hold regular graduation grade work meetings to find out problems and formulate solutions to ensure the quality of teaching.
Third, specific measures, strict teaching practices, optimization of process management, and improvement of evaluation programs.
Practically strengthen the strict inspection and monitoring of the whole process of teaching, and strengthen the usual, dilute the end of the period. The focus is on preparing lessons carefully, taking classes seriously, seriously improving the quality of the classroom, and improving the quality of classroom teaching on a large scale. Standardized management will be implemented to standardize and institutionalize teachers' business learning, collective lesson preparation, and exchange seminars. We will do a good job in the innovation of the teaching management system and achieve the goal of “six-oriented”, namely: “recurring group preparation, concrete preparation of lessons, artistic teaching, extracurricular activities, standardized unit testing, and institutionalization of quality analysis”. Strictly control the classroom, mainly from the following three points.
Strictly implement the curriculum plan. The school administration does a regular patrol work, finds problems, and points out in time. Regularly carry out surveys on the implementation of curriculum plans, urge teachers to strictly implement the curriculum plan, and effectively improve each lesson.
Strict preparation for class management. This semester we will continue the collective preparation system. It is required that the primary and secondary teachers should grasp the teaching materials as a whole, be familiar with the knowledge and structure of the teaching materials, and evaluate the role of the taught knowledge in the whole knowledge system. Be good at mastering teaching materials and innovatively processing textbooks. Grasp the intrinsic link between the key points, difficulties and knowledge of the textbook. Strengthen the collective preparation system of “personal preparation + group discussion + personal modification”, effectively improve the quality of preparation for the lesson, and improve the quality of the course to improve the quality of the class. The Academic Affairs Office will regularly check the preparation of the teachers of each subject according to the time of the first one and two weeks of the month.
Strict job management. For the design and correction of the work, each teacher should take it seriously, and strive to be scientific, objective and effective. It is strictly forbidden to use punishing homework to disguise the students in disguise. The homework should be implemented in a “selected and refined and refined” and “received, If there is a certain amount of approval, a batch must be evaluated, and a mistake must be corrected, "the four fine four must be required to work hard to achieve the position."
Strengthen the teaching management of various disciplines, and according to the various assessment systems issued by the Education Bureau, combined with the actual situation of the school, the evaluation system will be more perfect and perfect.
Strengthen leadership and supervise implementation.
The focus of the school's teaching work this year is centered on research projects and focus on two basic levels. The first basic level is that the first to second grades focus on the cultivation of behavioral habits; the second basic level is that the third to fifth grades focus on the cultivation of learning methods. The school conducts a serious study of the student's situation and refines the behavioral habits required and the learning methods that need guidance. It also requires the teachers to draw up specific measures and implementation plans, submit them to the school for review, and supervise the implementation, implement regular inspections, and strengthen implementation.

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