Work Plan > School Work Plan

2019 next semester national work plan

Guided by the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, centered on teaching, adhere to the scientific concept of development, comprehensively implement the education policy, and vigorously implement quality education; use teaching and research as a guide, reform classroom teaching as a means, and implement regular teaching as the basis. Grasp the graduating class review work as the focus; deepen reform, strengthen school management, strengthen the construction of teachers' morality, adhere to the "four teachings" overall planning, manage schools according to law, do a good job of "three rationals" education, pragmatic and truth-seeking, and strive to make our school The quality of education has reached a new level.
Main tasks and methods and measures 1. Highlight the teaching center and carry out in-depth educational and scientific research activities.
1. Improve teaching and research institutions and ensure that activities are carried out in an orderly manner. The whole school should establish a sound teaching and research network. The school is divided into small Chinese language and mathematics teaching and research groups to strengthen the role of teaching and research in schools . The school should establish a discipline teaching and research group. It is necessary to strengthen the organization and leadership of school education and scientific research work, and the teaching director is responsible for the teaching and research work of the unit. All teaching and research activities must have overall planning, purpose, theme, measures, and summaries, so that the teaching and research work will gradually embark on the track of regularization, institutionalization, and standardization.
2. Strengthen research on topics. First, in combination with the current curriculum reform, we must do a good job in selecting topics and project application; second, we must have planning, topics, measures, experiments, comparisons, analysis, and conclusions for teaching and research activities. Do a good job in the completion of the work in a timely manner; third, the achievements of the teaching and research that have been approved should be further deepened in the teaching practice, and gradually promoted to the surface to make it more effective.
3. Do a good job in teaching research. First, we must give full play to the role of the teaching and research group of the school's disciplinary center, and hold regular meetings to timely solve new situations and new problems encountered in teaching. Second, give full play to the role of teaching and research groups in schools and schools , strengthen exchanges, and listen to each other and evaluate classes. The advantages are complementary; the third is to do a good job of the typical, point-to-face, and at the same time to carry out the teaching activities of new teaching materials and teaching experience exchange activities, promote advanced experience and improve classroom efficiency. To this end, the central school requirements: 1 each teacher has a good course reform seminar; 2 every two weeks of teaching and research activities, three weeks of business lectures, four weeks of observation and discussion; 3 semester school held four observations and four business Lectures; at the end of the 4th period, the teaching and research summary was carried out, and advanced teaching and research groups, advanced individuals and excellent teaching and research papers were selected.
4. Strengthen the study of graduating class review and entrance examination. 1 Learning new ideas, establishing a new concept of teaching; 2 setting up a special research group to tackle the problem; 3 researching new trends, new topics, new methods, strengthening vertical and horizontal exchanges, and strengthening simulation training so that our teaching is in line with current reforms, ensuring Our teaching direction is clear and the method is correct, thus further improving the quality of teaching.
5. Adhere to the four lessons. That is, the old teachers have good demonstration classes, the backbone teachers have good observation classes, the young and middle-aged teachers have good quality courses, and the teachers who have reached the standard have passed the class. The school has to listen to each teacher’s class and evaluate the level. If you fail to meet the requirements, you should strengthen the guidance, and then limit the time to re-evaluate, until the customs clearance, and documented. At the same time, the Central School requires that the teaching and observation activities of the county-level public courses be carried out in an effective manner. It is required to not only attend classes, evaluate classes, and lecture classes, but also take the opportunity to check the assignments, teaching plans, teaching and research records, etc. Request, exchange learning, and improve together.
6. Seriously organize the county school quality class competition activities. In strict accordance with the requirements of the county bureau, in accordance with the principle of recommendation from the bottom up, step by step, select the best, and ensure the group, typical and advanced nature of the selection activities. In this way, we will promote in-depth reform of classroom teaching. On this basis, the selection and selection activities of advanced teaching and research groups will be carried out in depth to promote the vigorous development of school-based teaching and research work.
Second, grasp scientific management and promote school development.
Standardizing school management is to highlight the school teaching center, deepen the reform of education, and improve the quality of education and teaching. To do this, do the following:
1. Grasp the management of the teaching staff.
The main measures are as follows: 1 Each school shall formulate a set of scientific quantitative assessment plans for faculty and staff according to the actual situation of the school and the requirements of the central school, from political thought, professional ethics, academic level, teaching and research ability, attendance work, teaching achievements, etc. Quantitative assessment of teachers, monthly one, one period and one total, this work as an important basis for annual assessment, evaluation of the first evaluation, promotion of professional titles. 2 Fully implement the 20 teaching management work of the county bureau and 16 teaching management of the central school. Earnestly implement the "County China Little Teacher's Morality Responsibility Investigation System", effectively prevent and correct the wrong behavior of schools and teachers in education and teaching, especially for those who are not dedicated, mixed every day, troubled, wrong, contradictory, and The rumors, the poor quality of teaching, the serious crowding out of poor students, the indiscriminate charging, the violation of law and discipline, and the criminal cases that have caused serious impact on the society must be strictly investigated and dealt with seriously, promoting the rule of law, the rule of law, and the rule of law. Improve teaching quality and efficiency. 3 schools should standardize the management of teachers, the system is sound, there must be teacher business file management; teacher quantitative management; teacher teacher morality and style management; attendance management; political and ideological situation management; learning and training management; 4 Continue to link the quantitative assessment of work to work. The school has set up a 200-yuan quantitative management fund for each faculty and staff to supervise and encourage the smooth development of all work. 5 Conduct multi-faceted evaluation activities. Among the students, we recommend “our best teacher” and “my dearest teacher”, and carry out the “teachers we trust” activities among the parents. Each school must write a plan, carry out activities, and make a summary. At the end of the period, the Central School gave a summary of the event and was closely linked to the selection of the “Top Ten Models”. 6 Continue to carry out the “Two Struggles and Two Innovations” activities and the selection of the top ten standards for the teachers and teachers, and create a good harmony among the teachers, such as learning, work, progress, dedication, and learning. The atmosphere. In this issue, the central school requires all schools to vigorously carry out the teacher-teacher-study appraisal activities, so that there are plans, activities, records, summaries, and typical. At the end of the school, the school will be the top ten demonstrators exchange competition. On this basis, we recommend advanced individuals and advanced units in provinces, cities and counties, and at the same time carry out the selection and selection of teachers' morality and style papers, and truly evaluate the faculty and staff who are entrepreneurial and dedicated. 2. Standardize the school's routine requirements.
1 It is necessary to fully implement the education policy, and according to the curriculum standards, open the curriculum and formulate practical plans and assessment rules. It is strictly forbidden to focus on the school , focus on examinations, and strive to improve morality and health sports activities. The students are fully developed.
2 It is necessary to formulate educational and teaching programs for various disciplines and departments in accordance with the actual situation of the school , so that the project is complete and feasible.
3 Improve various systems, print them into a book, and have rules to follow. There are laws to follow, and violations must be investigated. There must be leaders, teachers, students, students, and other personnel, management, rewards and punishments. system. Sign the class teacher, teaching office, logistics department, safety, health, sports, door and other target management responsibility books, and earnestly implement the implementation.
4 Scientific assessment, building harmony. In addition to quantitative assessment of teachers, we must also formulate a comprehensive range of incentive assessment rules. In work, study, and life, less than criticism, more than affirmation, you are actively mobilizing; in addition to implementing student management regulations, students must formulate Comprehensive assessment of student rules, it is strictly forbidden to evaluate students by scores, it is strictly forbidden to crowd out students with learning difficulties, students with difficulties in life, students with difficult skills, and often carry out a variety of activities to cultivate students' comprehensive ability; to improve the quality of teaching in a large area. On the basis of enriching the campus culture last year, this year, schools should take advantage of the opportunity to come up with special funds and make efforts to do a good job in greening and hardening the campus, campus culture and indoor culture construction, and create a good environment for educating people.
5 Borrowing the situation of China's small management inspections in March, the school first formulated a plan, organized manpower to conduct comprehensive comprehensive management and self-examination, and greeted the management of the city.
6 Schools should pay close attention to the consolidation of school places. This spring, the school decided to include this work as an important part of the assessment of class work, and the consolidation of the number of classes.

The level of the class is an important basis for the class teacher to evaluate the promotion and transfer. If the student loses seriously, the class teacher will be given a one-vote veto.
3. Strengthen school safety management.
To establish a safety target responsibility system, it is necessary to take effective and effective preventive measures, and the alarm bells will be long-lasting, and will always be unremitting, to prevent all accidents from happening, and to ensure the safety of school property and the safety of teachers and students. 1 Implement the holiday duty system and the school and circuit regular inspection system; 2 ban illegal kindergartens and kindergartens from illegal use of vehicles; 3 school gates should be locked frequently, and the entry and exit registration system should be carried out. Students should wear badges and access certificates; 4 stations for schooling. Teachers should be subcontracted to the group to be escorted; 5 classrooms, dormitory rooms must have safety conventions and student accommodation list, establish a duty staff package floor system, implement the "six lines"; 6 must regularly conduct safety education, do

Projects, topics, activities, records, and summaries. In particular, do a good job in safety planning exercises. 7 Schools must sign safety responsibility letters with various departments. School safety accidents must be reported to the central school within one hour. Strict implementation of the accountability system should be implemented. If there are problems, all work will be vetoed by one vote, and the parties will be held accountable. At the end of the 8th school, the organization will organize a special supervision and evaluation of this work.
4. Pay close attention to the financial management of the school .
First, strengthen the management and use of distance education equipment, strictly perform duties according to the relevant responsibility book; second, resolutely follow the county education and physical education bureau, the national small to implement the accounting system, the school accounts are managed by the county budget center; The annual asset registration, shopping accounts, accounts take care of; the fourth is to strengthen the management of school fixed assets to prevent the loss of goods; the fifth is to pay more attention to income and expenditure, strict examination and approval system, the large amount of funds must be passed through the central school The principal is strictly approved before it can be reimbursed; the sixth is to resolutely stop the "three chaos" behavior, and it is strictly forbidden to collect the textbook fee and the teaching assistant fee from the students. The seventh is that "two exemptions and one supplement" must be put in place, especially the textbooks for students in this spring are also free. The school must do a good job in this work; the eighth is to implement the audit system of the principal leaving the company, who is responsible for the problem. At the same time, arrange the recycling of some subject textbooks.
Third, do a good job in the implementation of teaching practices.
1. Implement the detailed rules for teaching practice.
Grasping the implementation of regular teaching is an important link and basic way to improve the quality of education and teaching. To this end, we have to: implement the requirements of the regular rules of teaching, and truly achieve the "preparatory, practical, supplementary, and demanding, evaluation" Guided and supplemented the footwork, the central school organizes regular inspections, and it is simple to cope with the preparation of lessons, perfunctory responsibilities, counseling and sloppy, sloppy sloppy, test fraud, speculators, serious criticism, and correction within a time limit.
2. Implement the routine requirements in teaching work.
1 Each school should establish a set of quantitative assessment files for teachers' teaching work. It will be reviewed in January, and will be linked to the first year of the year, and will be linked to the year-end evaluation, the evaluation of the title, and the salary. 2 Do a good job in registration. The first is the registration of teaching and research activities. The school teaching and research group has activities in Zhouzhou, and each activity is more than 16 times. The teacher's listening class records more than 40 sessions per session. There is one teaching and research activity per week between schools . More than 8 times; each stage must engage in large-scale teaching and research activities for more than 4 times. Each activity must have a theme, planning, measures, lectures, general lectures, and registration. The second is the regular inspection and registration of teaching. Every teacher must have inspections and records in teaching and research activities, preparing lessons, attending classes, listening to assessments, correcting assignments, training and making up, and examinations. The teaching plan and the operation school are inspected once a month, and each period of inspection is not less than four times. Each time there must be detailed records and comments, and there must be guiding opinions. It is necessary to evaluate the three levels of excellent and bad. 3 Open three sessions, the final summary of the final exam and the analysis of the papers, and require detailed meeting records. 4 Continue to do a good job in the research and evaluation of the academic disciplines. The school conducts a survey and evaluation of the teaching once a month to find out the basics and summarize them in time. In addition to the unified examination of the county-level period, the current period will continue to do a good job in the evaluation of the Chinese language, mathematics, especially the English subject, and use the results of the evaluation as an important part of the evaluation of teachers and school work. After insisting on the test scores, the three people were judged by the first vote in the year.
3. Strengthen the supervision and evaluation of regular teaching.
1 Adhere to the regular supervision of regular teaching and the combination of two large-scale special supervisions. 2 Adhere to the supervision and evaluation and quantitative evaluation of the principal's work and teaching management. 3 Adhere to the assessment of the examinations of the national small study subjects, especially the supervision and evaluation of English subjects. 4 Adhere to the supervision and inspection of the examinations at the end of the period and the peacetime examinations, and promptly take the exams to ensure the authenticity and effectiveness of the examinations.
4. Deepen curriculum reform and learn advanced experience.
1 Learn the experience of Yangsi. (1) Adhere to the child who has not been taught badly, and start from the last student. (2) Implementing Wuqing, laying a good foundation and improving quality. (3) Improve the teaching method, first learn after school, and train in the church.
2 Learning Dulangkou experience, not afraid of classroom students "chaos", change the teaching mode, adopt 10+35 or preview, display, feedback, show three modules.
3 Learn Xindian No. 2 Middle School, learn case teaching, change classroom to school, change teaching case to study case, and cultivate students' ability of self-study, study, and all-round development. The Central School will conduct a seminar in China this time to explore new ways of classroom reform.
5. Grasp the training and implementation of new textbooks and new curriculum standards.
1 Organize all teachers to re-learn new curriculum standards and new textbooks. In particular, fourth-grade teachers should study in depth and study repeatedly. 2 For the implementation of the new curriculum standards and new teaching materials, if necessary, please ask the county teaching and research section or the relevant experts at the higher level to give special lectures. 3 Organize professional and teaching and research groups to conduct special research and group research, and implement school and group teaching and research linkages to come up with implementation plans. 4 Organize new textbooks and observe seminars 2-3, and carry out comprehensive promotion and implementation.
Fourth, pay close attention to the work of the graduating class.
The graduating class work is the top priority of this education and teaching work. To this end:
1 Seriously study the research curriculum standards and test descriptions. Schools must take practical measures to strengthen their opinions and study on this year's China Examinations, and strive to achieve "three clear" and "one improvement." That is, clear scope - determine the breadth of review; clear improvement - grasp the depth of review; clear direction - understanding the orientation of test questions. Study the questions, coverage, key points, and different points of the exam over the years; thus enhance the pertinence of review and improve the efficiency and quality of review.
2 Give full play to the leading role of teachers. (1) It is necessary to formulate detailed review plans; (2) Prepare review lessons, classroom teaching should have clear review objectives, and scientific review methods; (3) Carefully design review questions, exercises must be targeted, purposeful, and small in quality. High, do not engage in sea battles; (4) to do a good job of commenting, pay attention to feedback correction; (5) to mobilize the enthusiasm of students, facing the whole, is strictly prohibited to reject poor students.
3 Note the flexibility of the forward planning and learning methods of the repeat plan. The review method should be carried out in four steps: the major review, the review review, the key review, and the review and review. The teachers in each class should work out the detailed plan in light of the actual situation. In order to cooperate with the review of various subjects, the central school will conduct a re-examination of the review in May-June.
4 In order to strengthen the leadership of the graduating class, the Center School emphasizes that the graduating class review must be in place:
First, the ideology of teaching in the graduating class must be in place; the second is that the ideology and life of the faculty and the master must be in place; the third is to check the plan, the teaching plan, the unit title, the passbook must be put in place; It is the teacher's mutual evaluation class must be put in place; the fifth is the special study, the collective preparation of the class, must be put in place; the sixth is to open a good class teaching session, clear the target task, the training and replenishment must be put in place;
Fifth, work hard to do four things.
1. Do a good job in China's small moral education, continuously enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of moral education, grasp the direction of educating people, and train qualified personnel across the century.
1 Seriously study the important thinking of the "Three Represents", understand the essence of the spirit, base on your position, dedication and dedication, selfless dedication.
2 Give full play to the special functions of the party, the government, the work, the regiment, and the moral education in the school

We will work together to grasp the pattern of moral education, and pay close attention to the implementation of the plan, the implementation of the activities, and the implementation.
3 Give full play to the main channel role of classroom education, take patriotism education as the main line, and carry out ideological and moral education, traditional virtue education, team spirit education and civic moral education for students.
4 Carry out colorful, healthy and beneficial activities, and implement the moral education work. All schools must carry out "five love" education, traditional virtue education, mental quality education and "five-flag" education for students; implement the "five-one" activities and entertain and educate. The current school plans to carry out the following activities: First, continue to carry out the "two struggles and two creations" activities; second, adhere to the national flag, sing the national anthem and implement the daily behavior standard competition of primary school students; third, adhere to the blackboard newspaper, handwritten newspaper, learning experience evaluation Exhibition activities; the fourth is to carry out a good book competition.
5 Strengthen the construction of campus culture and optimize the environment for educating people. All schools should use the spring to carry out greening and beautification of the campus and create a suitable environment for educating people.
6 Take a variety of forms for Chinese primary school students to carry out "three rational" education.
2. Strengthen the construction of the leadership team and improve the level of running schools. The Central School requires primary and secondary school principals and members of the leadership team:
1 Adhere to the principle of organization, fully implement the education policy, and conscientiously complete the tasks and tasks assigned by the county bureau and the central school; 2 the principal should take the lead, take the lead, understand the teaching information, teach and actively participate in teaching. Teaching and research activities, no less than 40 sessions per course, no less than 6 business lectures, no less than 4 regular teaching inspections, and no less than 8 teaching and research activities. 3 Strictly abide by the 20 regulations of the county bureau, loyalty, stick to the post, take the school as the home, do the attendance work, and strictly prohibit the dislocation and lack of posts. 4 Seriously abide by the law and abide by the law, resolutely implement the "two exemptions and one supplement" to prevent arbitrary charges. 5 Do a good job in school financial management, diligent and cost-saving, complete the goal of reducing losses, and prohibit overspending. 6 The central school and the principals sign the responsibility documents for each work target, carry out quantitative assessment, reward and punishment, and cause adverse effects on serious violations, fraud, work scaffolding, and dereliction of duty, according to the county bureau.


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