Work Plan > Kindergarten Work Plan

Kindergarten Taipan Half-Day Activity Plan

One. Come to the park

Activity goal:

1, can play desktop games quietly.

2. Learn to play with your peers.

Key guidance: Quiet game and learn to play with your peers.

two. Body forging activities

Activity goal:

1. I like to play sports activities.

2, pay attention to proper rest during activities, avoid sweating too much and catch a cold.

Key guidance: shoot the ball

Scattered game: large toys

Collective games:

three. Learning Activities: Tourism History of Mathematics Kingdom

Activity Name: Math Kingdom Tourism Record - Learning and Editing Questions

Activity goal:

1, can try to observe the meaning of the analysis of the picture, in a simple language to tell the meaning.

2, according to the compiled set of questions.

Activity preparation: four pictures of teaching aids, a number of arithmetic cards, and a handful of calculations.

activity procedure:

One. Open train

Teacher: Today, we are going to drive to the mathematics kingdom. See who's driving fast!

Show the arithmetic card, the child drives the train to do the problem.

two. Math Kingdom Tourism

Our train drove so fast that we suddenly went to the mathematics kingdom. The king asked us to enjoy the scenery No.1: What is it? Hey! It’s so beautiful! Who can say what it means? Encourage young children to tell the story. The teacher randomly presented the application questions. Please ask the child to formulate.

Use the same method to learn No. 2 scenery, No. 3 scenery, No. 4 scenery.

three. Look at the gift

We have finished watching the four scenic spots, and the king has prepared a gift for each of our children: a variety of calculations. Let's look through it together: I have a request, look at the number of times and then turn it over: 1 → 3 on the blackboard, the child says one or two, turn over. Children look at the picture set with the title, formula. Show 1 → 5, the child said one two three four five, turned over. Children look at the picture set with the title, formula. Show 3 → 1, the child said that three and two, turned over. Children look at the picture set with the title, formula. Show 5 → 1, the child said five four three two, turned over. Children look at the picture set with the title, formula.

four. Conclusion: Today, our tour of the mathematics kingdom is over. Do you have fun? Next time, Teacher Wu will bring you to play again. good or not.

four. Corner activity

Activity goal:

1. Independently choose the area you like to carry out activities, and have certain persistence.

2. Introduce the area you are playing.

Key guidance: English corner, calculation angle

Living activities

Activity goal:

1. Eat your own meal alone, and eat quietly without picking food.

2, after the meal, the bottom of the bowl is clear, the table is clear, and the ground is clear.

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