Work Plan > Kindergarten Work Plan

Kindergarten education and education work plan

The teaching and research work of the last semester was guided by the director of the school, and with the active cooperation of the teachers, the development of the education was basically on the right track. In the colorful teaching and research activities, the education and teaching standards of the teachers have been significantly improved, especially the electrification. The application of education in kindergarten activities has been well received by district leaders. However, teachers' professional theory and educational practice ability are far from modern education thoughts and educational concepts. The understanding of the "Outline" and the application in practice need to be continuously explored. Teachers' research consciousness is still lacking in enthusiasm and initiative. Innovation and exploration must also be strengthened in research activities. In the arrangement of activities, we should explore the integration of the content of the sub-disciplinary activities and the theme activities.

In view of the problems existing in the teaching and research work in the last semester, determine the guiding ideology of teaching and research work in this semester:

Guided by the "Procedures" and "Outline", with the guidance of people-oriented management, strengthen the management of teaching and research work, improve the enthusiasm of teachers to participate in teaching and research, cultivate research-oriented teachers, promote the professional growth of teachers through teaching and research activities, and comprehensively improve the education of kindergartens . quality.
specific measure:

First, strengthen theoretical study.

Seriously study the implementation rules of the "Outline", combine study and research, use the spirit of "Outline" to guide the problems in practice, find support points for educational theory, explore educational strategies, improve the disadvantages in education, and summarize creative educational experiences. .

Focus on this semester:

January and September: Studying the "Exploration of Kindergarten Education Evaluation" and " Kindergarten Guidance Outline Implementation Rules" is based on self-study.

Discussion: Suitable for educational evaluation methods for children in this class.

After the seminar, each class of instructors will formulate an educational evaluation plan suitable for the class, in duplicate. Hand in a kindergarten .

2, October: Learning "How to construct an active and effective teacher-child interaction" is based on self-study and group study.

Through study, combined with daily work, each person writes a study note and exchanges experiences.

Research class: How to construct an active and effective teacher-child interaction in education and teaching activities. Under the responsibility of the teacher, other teachers listen to the class, evaluate the class, and jointly find highlights and deficiencies. Focus on the last education event.

3. In November, learn the professional syllabus of the new "Outline" for preschool teachers.

Based on self-study, each student prepares a related article and sends it to the forum to talk about their own experience.

4, December to learn the new "Outline" and professional vocabulary of preschool teachers

Teaching and research time collective learning, after school to discuss the importance of "improving professional standards."

Second, teaching and research work.

1. Each teacher of this semester will focus on the “application of electrification education in education and teaching”. Each class will prepare a preliminary draft of teaching and research according to the class. Completion of the handover at the end of September.

2. Mobilize the enthusiasm of all members to participate in the teaching and research management of kindergartens , boldly practice and explore, and participate in the formulation of goals in various fields of the class, so that the work of guarantee education can be carried out in an orderly manner.

3. Rely on the training of gardens and carry out various teaching and research activities in the park.

Carry out teaching and research activities, and conduct multiple practical researches on the content of unified activities by one or more teachers in the park. In the research, compare the influence of different teaching strategies, teaching methods, organizational forms and value orientations on the development of young children. In the process of doing, researching, thinking, learning, doing, re-study, and rethinking, find the educational value implied in educational activities.

Self-recommended class evaluation activities, everyone to listen to, listen to post-evaluation, so that teachers understand how valuable educational activities should be organized. The leaders of the park listened to the lectures in the classroom, and conducted regular and direct guidance on the activities organized by the teachers to effectively improve the educational and educational benefits of the teachers. Each teacher will recommend the class once a month, and the class and backbone teachers should play an exemplary role.

Each teacher will submit a minimum of one reporting class in one semester, and invite the leaders of the central school and the teachers of the village level to participate.

Garden lecture. Each teacher will organize at least one garden training for one semester. The backbone teachers and class representatives are no less than 2 times. Ready to report kindergarten time. The teacher who organized the lecture sent the lecture title, time, participants, and training content to the school website training version.

4. Strengthen the teacher's ability to reflect, build a reflective teacher role, learn in practice, and improve in reflection.

Reflection before practice, what do I have to do, why do I have such a result.

Reflect in practice, review your teaching behavior at any time, test the feasibility of scheduled measures, and adjust strategies.

Reflect after practice, on the basis of self-reflection, record in time and propose improvements. Communicate through teaching and research groups.

At the end of the semester, each person submits 2-3 high-quality reflective notes, and the school gives excellent reflection notes.

5, carry out teaching and guiding activities, the backbone teachers teach

Third, carry out a series of activities to "strengthen the professionalization of teachers".

September: Play the teaching aids production comparison. Not less than 3 in each class.

October: Case Study Exchange

November: Teacher Basic Skills Competition.

November-December: The evaluation of the application of multimedia courseware in educational activities.

Fourth, strengthen the writing and exchange of teacher education experience.

Teachers should pay attention to the continuous accumulation of education and teaching experience in daily work, and write high-quality educational teaching papers and cases at the end of the period.

The new outline poses a huge challenge to the teacher's philosophy and educational skills. Therefore, we must firmly stand in the forefront of the trend of the times and strive to create a new situation for our Bohai Kindergarten .

This class is a bilingual class. The children have been studying English for more than a year. The practice proves that children can get in touch with English during the language development period, and use English and Chinese to express their own thoughts, which is of great benefit to children's language development. . According to the characteristics of this class of children, we have developed the following special projects to achieve the best results of the theme implementation:

First, choose a variety of teaching methods to improve the interest of children in English.

As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher. Kindergarten English education is an enlightenment. It is important to focus on the interest in learning English. If a child is interested in English, he will show a positive emotion in the process of learning, and the child will actively participate in the activity. On the other hand, if you only pursue the number of words, it will pour your child's appetite and the child will be in a negative state. Therefore, in the actual teaching activities, we choose appropriate teaching methods to improve children's interest in learning English.

1. Story teaching method.

The story is very attractive to preschool children. The plot is lively and lively, and the content is very rich and interesting. For example, in the story <Smart Bunny>, let the children tell a rabbit mother to buy food and rabbit. The baby waited at home, but came a big wolf to open the door to the bunny. The bunny found the wolf, and the story of the big wolf running away, in the story, put Come in, please. Go out. The children are very interested in this. Unconsciously, they are all mastered and deeply impressed. Another example: when teaching the word turnip, I first said Imarabbit, Imveryhungry, Iwantsomethingtoeat. After the introduction of this episode, the children review all kinds of food words that have been learned, the teacher is still very hungry, when Imstillhungrynow, skillfully presented the food. The radish leads to the study of the new word turnip. Under the guidance of the teacher, the book pulls out the radish, so that the child and the teacher can participate together and naturally learn new knowledge.

2. Situational teaching method.

The language ability of young children is developed in the actual application process. It is necessary to create a variety of meaningful and real situations so that they want to say, speak, and like to say. Language acquisition is closely related to the surrounding environment. English learning is a natural learning style, not a teaching style. Language learning is not just about learning a few words, but more importantly, using language to interact with others. Therefore, teachers should take kindergarten as the main body and provide a series of rich teaching method situations from their interests, so that kindergartens can understand the language through free activities and learn the language in use. There are also hospitals, restaurants, hair salons, etc. By playing role games, the language that young children learn is consolidated and practiced in the game. Over time, the young children's English thinking ability and ability to use have been cultivated, and the ills that are easy to forget after the time of the brain are solved.

3. Game teaching method.

There was once an educator who said this: The child is born to be active, and the game is life. Indeed, the game is one of the favorite forms of young children. Play is a child's nature, in line with the characteristics of young children's nature. . The game can stimulate children's interest in learning English, close the relationship between teachers and students, provide opportunities for children to fully use language, mobilize learning enthusiasm, integrate knowledge into the game, and let young children practice what they have learned in a fun game. I also mastered the knowledge without knowing it. More importantly, I feel the joy of learning English. Therefore, kindergarten English activities should be as gamified as possible, and education should be taught in the game, so that children can easily learn English in the game. Such as: outdoor sports game "Old Wolf, Old Wolf, What Time", this game is familiar and liked by young children. So, I changed the game to Wolf, wolf, whatcanyoudo? I asked a young child to be an old wolf, and the other was a lamb. The lamb asked Wolf, wolf, whatcanyoudo? The old wolf replied, Icaneat. Then began chasing the lamb. On the basis of their original game experience, young children learned English easily and happily, and learned the sentence pattern Whatcanyoudo? Icanjump/run... exercised English listening and speaking ability, learning and developing during play. In this case, the child feels that learning English is fun, which lays a good foundation for future study.

4. Introduce a competitive mechanism to stimulate the enthusiasm of young children to participate in activities.

Any form of activity, for a long time, the child will get bored. The indifference of emotions will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the activities and introduce a competitive mechanism. This problem is solved. Competition can activate the potential support of young children and can stimulate children's enterprising spirit. Young children are more eager to win, and they are unwilling to lag behind. Therefore, when designing activities, they use competitive mechanisms and rewards in various forms to express their appreciation of the winners and encouragement of the progressives. Sometimes a few words of encouragement - Good!/Verygood!/Clever!/Excellent!.....sometimes a little red flower, a little star...the children are in a lively atmosphere In the middle, you are chasing after me, and the interest in learning English is getting stronger and stronger.

Of course, there are still many teaching methods to motivate young children to learn English, such as mystery grammar, children's song method, jingle method, song method, image teaching method, body language teaching method, etc. I use teaching reference books and my own work experience. In the teaching, the flexible use and interaction make the children's thinking active, the children's language is active, the children always have a strong interest in English, and English lessons become their happiest thing.

Second, create a multi-level extracurricular language learning environment and give full play to the educational role of the environment.

Practice has proved that it is not enough for English teaching to rely on children's 20-minute daily study, because such learning can only let children master sporadic words and fail to learn English. Therefore, teachers should focus on creating a good language learning environment, so that English teaching goes deep into the daily routine.

First of all, we must persistently use everyday language to closely link daily life with teaching content. For example, when the child enters the park in the morning, say Goodmorning.Nicetoseeyou to the child. When resting in the children's class, say Gotothewashroom, please. Didyouwashyouhand?Drinksomewater,please. Let children know about tableware and introduce recipes when they are ready to eat. Such as: Theseareplates/bowls...Wehavenoodles/milk...forbreakfastetc In non-English education activities, teachers should say Standup, Raiseyourhands, Putdownyourhands, etc. to children. In life, the bilingual life situation runs through the children's daily life, seizes every opportunity to communicate with young children, strives to eliminate the boundaries between class and life, constantly enriches the language of children, connects life and teaching, and breaks the fixed situation. The cognitive boundaries of children's English development constraints make them free to use English in their life situations, so that they can learn unintentionally, learn casually, and learn to be happy.

Secondly, create a material situation to stimulate young children to actively learn English.

In the English learning of young children, the language environment plays a very important role. Therefore, it is necessary to have a plan, a purposeful setting of certain scene pictures, activity tools and hands-on materials. In response to observation and operation, they trigger their reaction and use of English. Such as: wall setting, it is the biggest and most eye-catching picture in the kindergarten environment layout. It is like a large advertisement, which condenses the content and purpose of education, and also infiltrates into ideological and moral education, giving children a direct stimulation and subtle influence. Another example is the English activity corner, which is an area in which children use English in the game by fiddling and manipulating objects, pictures, headwear and other items. It is very attractive to children. As long as they are free, they will take the initiative to read the words, or pick up the fingers, play language games with each other, and enjoy the English language atmosphere happily.

Third, the home garden to help children learn English well.

The English that children learn in kindergartens needs to be strengthened in the family so that they can fully grasp them. The home garden plays a very important role in helping young children learn English. Young children should not only listen more, say more, and learn more in kindergartens . They should also insist on listening to them every day and telling them every day. Only when the home is well coordinated, the child can master English and the ability to use English can be continuously improved.

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