Work Plan > Kindergarten Work Plan

Kindergarten education and education work plan

The teaching and research work of the last semester was guided by the director of the school, and with the active cooperation of the teachers, the development of the education was basically on the right track. In the colorful teaching and research activities, the education and teaching standards of the teachers have been significantly improved, especially the electrification. The application of education in kindergarten activities has been well received by district leaders. However, teachers' professional theory and educational practice ability are far from modern education thoughts and educational concepts. The understanding of the "Outline" and the application in practice need to be continuously explored. Teachers' research consciousness is still lacking in enthusiasm and initiative. Innovation and exploration must also be strengthened in research activities. In the arrangement of activities, we should explore the integration of the content of the sub-disciplinary activities and the theme activities.
In view of the problems existing in the teaching and research work in the last semester, determine the guiding ideology of teaching and research work in this semester:
Guided by the "Procedures" and "Outline", with the guidance of people-oriented management, strengthen the management of teaching and research work, improve the enthusiasm of teachers to participate in teaching and research, cultivate research-oriented teachers, promote the professional growth of teachers through teaching and research activities, and comprehensively improve the education of kindergartens . quality.
specific measure:
First, strengthen theoretical study.
Seriously study the implementation rules of the "Outline", combine study and research, use the spirit of "Outline" to guide the problems in practice, find support points for educational theory, explore educational strategies, improve the disadvantages in education, and summarize creative educational experiences. .
Focus on this semester:
January and September: Studying the "Exploration of Kindergarten Education Evaluation" and " Kindergarten Guidance Outline Implementation Rules" is based on self-study.
Discussion: Suitable for educational evaluation methods for children in this class.
After the seminar, each class of instructors will formulate an educational evaluation plan suitable for the class, in duplicate. Hand in a kindergarten .
2, October: Learning "How to construct an active and effective teacher-child interaction" is based on self-study and group study.
Through study, combined with daily work, each person writes a study note and exchanges experiences.
Research class: How to construct an active and effective teacher-child interaction in education and teaching activities. Under the responsibility of the teacher, other teachers listen to the class, evaluate the class, and jointly find highlights and deficiencies. Focus on the last education event.
3. In November, learn the professional syllabus of the new "Outline" for preschool teachers.
Based on self-study, each student prepares a related article and sends it to the forum to talk about their own experience.
In April and December, I will study the new "Outline" and the preschool teachers' professional literacy teaching time collective learning, and study the importance of "improving professional standards" after school.
Second, teaching and research work.
1. Each teacher of this semester will focus on the “application of electrification education in education and teaching”. Each class will prepare a preliminary draft of teaching and research according to the class. Completion of the handover at the end of September.
2. Mobilize the enthusiasm of all members to participate in the teaching and research management of kindergartens , boldly practice and explore, and participate in the formulation of goals in various fields of the class, so that the work of guarantee education can be carried out in an orderly manner.
3. Rely on the training of gardens and carry out various teaching and research activities in the park.
Carry out teaching and research activities, and conduct multiple practical researches on the content of unified activities by one or more teachers in the park. In the research, compare the influence of different teaching strategies, teaching methods, organizational forms and value orientations on the development of young children. In the process of doing, researching, thinking, learning, doing, re-study, and rethinking, find the educational value implied in educational activities.
Self-recommended class evaluation activities, everyone to listen to, listen to post-evaluation, so that teachers understand how valuable educational activities should be organized. The leaders of the park listened to the lectures in the classroom, and conducted regular and direct guidance on the activities organized by the teachers to effectively improve the educational and educational benefits of the teachers. Each teacher will recommend the class once a month, and the class and backbone teachers should play an exemplary role.
Each teacher will submit a minimum of one reporting class in one semester, and invite the leaders of the central school and the teachers of the village level to participate.
Garden lecture. Each teacher will organize at least one garden training for one semester. The backbone teachers and class representatives are no less than 2 times. Ready to report kindergarten time. The teacher who organized the lecture sent the lecture title, time, participants, and training content to the school website training version.
4. Strengthen the teacher's ability to reflect, build a reflective teacher role, learn in practice, and improve in reflection.
Reflection before practice, what do I have to do, why do I have such a result.
Reflect in practice, review your teaching behavior at any time, test the feasibility of scheduled measures, and adjust strategies.
Reflect after practice, on the basis of self-reflection, record in time and propose improvements. Communicate through teaching and research groups.
At the end of the semester, each person submits 2-3 high-quality reflective notes, and the school gives excellent reflection notes.
5. Carry out teaching and guiding activities, and the backbone teachers will teach three. Carry out a series of activities to “strengthen the professionalization of teachers”.
September: Play the teaching aids production comparison. Not less than 3 in each class.
October: Case Study Exchange
November: Teacher Basic Skills Competition.
November-December: The evaluation of the application of multimedia courseware in educational activities.
Fourth, strengthen the writing and exchange of teacher education experience.
Teachers should pay attention to the continuous accumulation of education and teaching experience in daily work, and write high-quality educational teaching papers and cases at the end of the period.
The new outline poses a huge challenge to the teacher's philosophy and educational skills. Therefore, we must firmly stand in the forefront of the trend of the times and strive to create a new situation for our Bohai Kindergarten . The general guiding ideology: focus on emancipating the mind, changing the concept, the image of the outside tree, and grasping the quality inside; taking the implementation of the two "Outline" as the core, strengthening the management of kindergartens , and implementing the comprehensive education in a comprehensive manner; Improve the year."
One. The objectives of this semester:
★ Around a theme: seeking quality, outstanding features.
★ Establish two concepts: “People-oriented, promote development”, the concept of “serving teachers, children, parents”.
★ Build three high goals: high ideological awareness, high business standards, and high quality education.
★ Adhere to four in place: Dedication, rigorous study, respect for children, quality service.
★ Do five things:
* Research work on young cohesive topics and fifteen planning topics
* Do a good job in the research work between 0-3 years old and early childhood education
*0-3 years old infant early education inquiry and curriculum construction
* Strengthen curriculum management and improve practice reflection
* Continue to explore the curriculum evaluation and evaluation methods for early childhood development. Strengthen internal management and improve the quality of the park.
1. The rules for improving the quantitative assessment of kindergartens will be refined on the basis of the reforms of the previous semester, and the quantitative evaluation rules will be adjusted to be more convenient to operate. Through quantitative evaluation, the goal of improving the enthusiasm of teachers is truly achieved. This work was completed early in the semester.
2. Strengthen the management of class work. Each class in this semester is constantly engaged in routine management. The kindergartens will introduce the management duties of the class, implement rewards for the management of the class guides, strengthen the management awareness of the class, improve the management level, decision-making level and coordination level of the class, with a good class image, excellent service attitude, and new work. The idea is to complete the tasks well.
3. Efforts to develop characteristics and promote innovation in the park. The kindergarten will organize meetings of the family committee and the committee, listen to the parents' suggestions, work hard to improve the work, and expand the influence of all aspects of the kindergarten . Kindergartens will conduct self-examination according to the classification criteria, identify gaps, and make adjustments inadequate. The whole park will adjust the target direction around the work center to meet the requirements of the classification standards.
4. Play the role of the radiation belt of the Provincial Demonstration Park. During the semester, we will continue to carry out hand-in-hand activities with our new partners and strive to promote the development of one or two kindergartens .
5. Strengthen safety management and improve preventive measures. In the attitude of being responsible for the safety and physical and mental development of young children, the kindergartens combined with the safety month to strengthen safety precautions, eliminate the hidden dangers from the perspective of the use and maintenance of the garden equipment, and improve the safety system. The focus is on the health and safety requirements of the whole park and the management of the canteen. Secondly, the teachers of each class put the safety work into the daily agenda and use the favorable opportunity to strengthen the cultivation of children's self-protection ability.
three. Grasp team building and promote development and growth.
1. Strengthen the cultivation of teachers' morality and establish a good image.
In combination with the teacher's month, the kindergarten requires all teachers to use the propaganda column to promise parents and children, so that the teacher's work is strictly supervised by the parents, and the parents and children are served with a good image of the teacher's morality. Have a peace of mind that parents are satisfied with.
2. Grasp the team and promote development.
Use interactive training mode to organize teachers to carry out various activities, adopt the concept of “people-oriented, and promote development” to engage in participatory interaction and effectively improve the quality of training.
Solidly carry out the "three ones" reading and learning activities.
Create a good research atmosphere. A mutual cooperation, exchange, reflection, and progress between classes, classes and classes, between departments, and between the whole parks form a joint research force.
3. Strengthen training and accelerate development.
1 Strengthen garden training and improve business vocabulary.
This semester combines the needs of teaching and research, will organize teachers to strengthen scientific research methods training, master the use of scientific research methods for research. In addition, each month, the teaching and research team leader organizes teachers to analyze and adjust the curriculum. Each week, there are class guides to organize teachers to discuss. Each topic has teachers to conduct timely assessments, and continuously improve the ability of teachers to control teaching materials.
2 Encourage teachers to actively participate in self-study and academic achievement standards, self-pressurization, self-improvement, to achieve academic standards, and provide opportunities for key teachers to go out and learn.
Fourth, strengthen education and teaching management, and promote the quality of education.
Key tasks: Continue to implement the two "Outline", strengthen research on young cohesive topics, promote bilateral activities of research on small and medium-sized schools, adjust curriculum plans for curriculum, improve curriculum evaluation system, and attach importance to the creation, development and utilization of environmental resources; Carry out early education research activities of 0-3 years old, pay attention to the connection with early childhood education and early education research on child care integration, and comprehensively improve teachers' quality.
1. Course evaluation. Conduct substantive evaluations, guide teachers to pay attention to process evaluation, do a good job record and reflection on weekdays, and use the evaluation forms jointly studied by all teachers to be continuously tested in practice to achieve the development needs suitable for young children.
2. Carry out garden-based training and adjust the teaching and research mechanism. In this semester, kindergartens try to establish a dynamic learning group. At the same time as the actual teaching and research activities, each group sets up a research group. Each teacher actively participates in the research at any time and anywhere to promote the professional development of teachers. This semester will further improve the teaching and research results system and creatively study the new mechanism of education management to meet the needs of curriculum reform and development. Continue to implement the assessment of the objectives of the teaching and research activities, and at the end of the semester, evaluate outstanding teaching and research groups, and reward the good-level departments and class groups that carry out teaching and research activities.
3. In the aspect of scientific research, further improve the practice and research of young research projects, and improve the young curriculum.
Carry out the research on the staged summary of the implementation of the "Young Pathway Program", further highlight the characteristics of the park, reflect the creative activities curriculum, and explore the reform of the garden curriculum.
The research will be carried out jointly with the National Elementary School, such as the convergence of environmental creation, the cultivation of task awareness, the study of art education, and the study of English education. The two sides form a “hand in hand” class, constantly increasing exchanges and interactions, and conducting research research in a solid manner. Work to make young connections work well.
We will conscientiously do a good job in the "10th Five-Year Plan" project, "Theory and Practice Research on the Chineseization of the Liedi Gio Early Childhood Education System and the Guidelines for the Guidance of Kindergarten Education," and complete the research tasks in strict accordance with the requirements of the provincial research group.
4. Strengthen the research on the connection between early education and early childhood education for infants aged 0-3, study the creation environment, continue to carry out the activities of Happy Parent-child Park, and actively cooperate with the establishment of the early education research group to study the educational model and curriculum plan for infants and young children aged 0-3. Develop examples and games.
Fifth, the home community work.
1. Increase publicity and create a good image.
Actively carry out community education experiments, establish a sense of "service to home", provide educational services to community diasporas on a regular basis, and promote research and extension of learning families. Such as: to promote science and childcare knowledge at home, to guide parents how to arrange rooms for children, expand the influence of kindergartens in the community, and raise the awareness of teachers in the whole park to "serve young children, serve parents, and serve the community" in order to win the resources of the community. use efficiently.
2. Conduct a variety of parent school activities.
In order to help parents understand the educational characteristics of kindergartens , this year's semester will carry out a variety of parent school activities. For example, parents are invited to participate in parent-child gardens, children's birthday parties, hold parental child experience exchange meetings, organize parents to participate in parent-child education knowledge contests, etc., in order to better achieve the synchronization of kindergartens and parenting education.
3. During the New Year's Day, the kindergartens will create a new year's environment and hold a home-style fun club. Each class will arrange a cultural program to prepare for the performance.
4. Kindergarten will hold a half-day parental event in early November, and parents will participate in the kindergarten curriculum evaluation.
5. Kindergarten teachers must fully explore and utilize the community environment, culture and educational resources to achieve purposeful and planned projects, and are reflected in the educational curriculum and the activities organized by teachers. It can interact with the teachers and students of the country, strengthen the connection, carry out large-scale activities within and outside the park, and complete research tasks.
Sixth, health care.
1. Continuously improve the quality of children's diet, and work hard on nutrition, flower samples and matching.
☆ Learn children's dietary knowledge and formulate recipes for the daily nutrition of 2-6 years old children.
☆ Regularly organize the masters to go out and visit the Brothers Park to improve the quality of children's diet.
☆ Carry out the cooking skills appraisal activities of the house masters, brainstorming and increasing the variety of colors, and strive to launch a new dish or pastry every week.
2. Continuously improve the quality of early childhood care.
Conservation work is an important part of kindergarten work. During the semester, our park will fully tap the highlights of the old teachers in the conservation work. For example, we can go deep into the children's life, and learn more and learn more, so that the child care work can be further improved.
3. To prevent disease, health is the most important.
Our park will carefully make environmental sanitation inside and outside the park, and make ventilation for the activity room and the children's sleep room to maintain indoor air circulation.
4. Early childhood health education.
To cultivate good living habits for children, in addition to making education in daily life, our park will also carry out health education activities with the theme of planning, such as protecting vision, protecting teeth, and fire safety simulation exercises...
5. Establish a health express website.
Give full play to kindergarten network resources, establish a “Health Express” website, and provide parenting advice to community parents on a regular basis.
six. Key monthly arrangements:
August: 1. Develop various plans

2, the entire environment environment creation
3. Departments at all levels arrange early morning exercises and conduct teacher training

4. Garden training September:
1. Each class strengthens regular training and optimizes children's day activities.
2. The large class teachers went to the national level to do a good job in questionnaire survey.
3. Holding a kindergarten morning exercise
4, the activity area environment creation observation and comparison October:
1. Strengthen study and hold parent school lectures
2. Research on quality education activities
3. Continue to improve the curriculum evaluation system, and teachers will learn from experience while practicing.
4. Phased observation and summary of scientific research topics:
1. Open half-day activities for parents
2, the parent-child garden research activities summary exchange
3. Each special teaching and research group arranges lectures and class activities by themselves.
4. The theme inquiry activity environment creation rating is December:
1. Activity area observation and evaluation
2. Parent school lectures
3. Phased summary of the young convergence project
4. Each class welcomes the New Year's Day environment creation and observes the following January: 1. Teaching and research results report exchange
2. Do a good job in the development of the final child assessment.
3. Teachers make a year-end summary.

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