Work Plan > Kindergarten Work Plan

Kindergarten autumn health care work plan

With the arrival of autumn, the new semester begins. As the weather turns colder and the climate changes, the human body is undergoing subtle changes, but for young children whose immune system is not mature enough, some bacteria, The virus will be sneaked in. The kindergarten is based on the principle of “prevention first”. Based on the characteristics of the climate and the physical and mental development of children in this semester, the following semester plans are specially formulated:

First, the physical examination of new children entering the park during the semester will be closed. For young children entering the park, they must hold a photocopy of the medical examination card and the immunization certificate, and they will be admitted to the park after passing the medical examination; do a good job in vaccination, missing registration, and do a good job in the kindergarten. The annual medical examination completes the annual physical examination of the faculty and staff of the whole school, the annual physical examination and the gynecological examination of female faculty and staff members; and the establishment of management files for the weak children.

Second, do a good job in morning inspections, strictly follow the "one touch, two look, three questions, four check" system; the weather is getting colder, in order to prevent "SARS", the morning check adds the body temperature measurement of the children entering the park; The child's drug recording work, and timely delivery of drugs, medication, do a good morning observation record for young children.

Third, do a good job in the warmth of autumn and winter, help children to take off and add clothes on time; do the prevention of common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases in autumn and winter; do a good job of killing and killing mosquitoes in autumn, eliminate the source of infectious diseases, Cut off the route of transmission to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases in the park in the fall.

Fourth, carry out mental health education for young children, improve the psychological quality of children; carry out child safety education, improve children's safety awareness; arrange scientific and reasonable daily life, activity routines and implementation.

V. Do a good job in the formulation of weekly recipes and strictly supervise the implementation; the children's diets are subject to patterning, diversification, and thick and balanced allocation. According to the seasonal and climatic characteristics, the recipes are scientifically and reasonably adjusted, and the committee is held regularly. The meeting will solve the problems in a group of foods in a timely manner; carry out psychological education for children to promote the healthy growth of children's body and mind.

6. Conscientiously implement and implement the weekly health inspection system for small inspections and major inspections every day, put an end to all sanitary corners, and do daily ventilation work in the classroom to ensure that children have a clean, clear and refreshing living environment; Organize safety inspections and find problems in a timely manner to ensure the safety of children in the park.

7. Regularly conduct business training and study for the nurses, implement the new work style, continuously improve the business knowledge of the nurses, improve the service quality, and make the whole park work together to make the work better.

8. Write the statistics at the end of the period, write a summary of the health care work at the end of the period, and earnestly prepare the annual report.

Attachment: monthly work focus


1. Do a good job in the sanitation and disinfection of the whole park to welcome young children into the park;

2. Formulate a new semester work plan;

3. Organize the freshmen's physical examination, the annual physical examination of the old students and the annual physical examination of all faculty and staff;

4. Strengthen morning inspection and disinfection to prevent infectious diseases;

5. Measure height and weight for children in the whole park.


6, children's life handling ability to observe;

7. Organize child health records;


8, for large and medium-sized children to measure vision;

9. Do a good job in statistics and corrections for early childhood diseases.

10. Determination of trace elements in children in the park on a voluntary basis


11. Assist the hospital to test the visual function of children;

12. To measure the height and weight of the whole child in the whole park and evaluate the growth and development of the child;

13. Fill in various statements;

14. Organize childcare workers to observe and learn.


15. Organize health care materials;

16. Clean and organize the items;

17. Finalization of the study.

The above is the preparation of the total painting of the conservation work of this semester. I hope that the conservation work of this semester will be better on the original basis!

The new semester begins, and based on the semester's situation, we will develop a new plan. Around the development of kindergartens , we will carry out various tasks. The work arrangement is as follows:

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, advancing with the times, harmonious kindergartens , guiding the work of the education with the spirit of the " Kindergarten Work Regulations" and " Kindergarten Guidance Outline", effectively changing concepts, adapting to the needs of reform, and jointly building the 718 Kindergarten . Thereby promoting the comprehensive development of kindergartens .

Second, the work objectives

Focusing on the theme of kindergartens , we will work hard to improve the conditions for running schools, improve the ideology and business standards of faculty and staff, strengthen the training of new teachers' basic skills, conduct more seminars and seminars, improve the ability to solve practical problems, and strive to have a new quality in the quality of education. Breakthrough.

1. Strive to complete the work arranged by the Hongshan Education Committee

2. Strengthen team building, pay close attention to young teachers, and solve their worries in a timely manner

3. Summarize the shortcomings of the last semester, improve the educational methods, improve the quality of education, and form the characteristics of the park.

4, cultivate the sense of ownership, to achieve "people in the post, the heart does not leave the post; do our best, strive to achieve parental satisfaction, self-satisfaction, colleagues satisfaction.

Third, to promote the growth of teachers and promote the development of children

The teaching and research group regularly organizes business studies, discusses courses, and learns to reflect on education and teaching behavior. We will do a good job in the training of new teachers' gardens, carry out multi-level and multi-form transmission, help, and activities, and promote the improvement of the professionalism of new teachers.

Fourth, do a good job in health care, logistics and safe work in the park to ensure the health of the teachers and children.

1. Establish a sense of “safety first” and always talk about safety everywhere. It is found that unsafe hidden dangers are dealt with and stopped in time to prevent accidents and ensure the personal safety of teachers and students. I hope that our life teachers will continue to explore and improve the care of children in routine work, as well as the self-care ability of children's life, and do a good job in education and teaching.

2. According to the characteristics of autumn and winter, each class actively carries out the prevention and isolation of epidemics in kindergartens .

3. Strictly implement the cleaning and cleaning system: tableware, toys, and utensils are strictly disinfected according to regulations.

4. The accounting staff should do a good job in charging, reporting, statistics, settlement, etc., rationally arrange the funds and the use of a group of food expenses to ensure the standardization and normal operation of the kindergarten financial.

5. Warehouse storage should manage all kinds of materials, articles, facilities and foods of kindergartens , do a good job in logistics support, and provide good services for the education.

6, improve the efficiency and quality of the work of the house, to ensure the quality of children's diet, kitchen personnel to regular physical examination, in strict accordance with the system, regulations, procedures, processing, cooking food, scientific arrangements for recipes.

7. Further improve the conditions for kindergartens to operate, and properly purchase children's toys and teaching aids.

V. Work arrangements for each month:


1. All the parks do a variety of projects: garden affairs, teaching and research, classes, special topics

2, preparations before the start of school: class health, cool drying bedding, safety, class personnel and material exchange registration management work


1. Welcome new students to enter the park and do a good job in stability

2. The park will carry out new textbook seminars and participate in the training of new teaching materials for the 15th Education Committee.

3. Check the life teacher's work process to ensure the quality of the childcare work


1. Strengthen autumn health care and conservation work, and do a good job in daily care and guidance for children.

2, holding the autumn games


1. Strengthen outdoor activities: pay attention to clothes management, nap management, and timely sweating, changing clothes, etc.

2. Conducting observation and analysis of language and English education and teaching


1. Check security implementation

2, do the end of the semester work: inventory materials, organize files, do a good job of evaluation and analysis of various work

Winter holiday on January 24

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