Work Summary > Safety Work Summary

2014 Kindergarten Safety Work Summary

Article 1:

Safety education is an eternal topic in kindergarten education. Kindergarten is a place where children live together. The teacher knows the importance of safety work and does not spare the effort to do safe work. The safety education work is summarized as follows:

First, provide a relaxed and pleasant security environment for young children.

1. Classrooms and bedrooms are ventilated and kept clean daily, and closed for half an hour;

2. Ensure the safety and hygiene of the tables and chairs;

3, cleaning and disinfecting toys every week;

4, to ensure that children's cups and towels are cleaned and disinfected daily;

5. Prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases in a timely manner.

6. When you are outdoors, remind the children to ask for activities and pay attention to safety. Check the safety of the event site, eliminate unsafe factors in time, ensure the safety of young children, find that the large toys have loose screws, report in time, and eliminate hidden dangers in time to ensure the safety of young children.

7. Through the mark, carry out subtle education. Create "electrical, do not touch", "do not touch the plug switch", "small voice" and other icons, prompt the child: be careful of electric shock, do not play plug switch, whisper, protect the scorpion.

8, pay attention to the details of young children, educate young children not to do dangerous things. Do not put things in your mouth, lest small objects block the trachea. You can't stuff small things into your nose or ears. Often cut nails for young children.

Second, the conversation guides the teacher and the child to jointly formulate rules and abide by the rules.

We have carried out a series of behavioral rules activities and safety theme activities, and use the unexpected events in daily life to discuss with children and jointly formulate behavior rules, so that the rules of behavior are accepted by young children and develop the habit of obeying rules.

Third, integrate safety education into teaching activities and firmly establish the safety awareness of young children.

Use children's songs and stories to introduce children to play safety, ride safety, traffic rules, etc.

Learn to dial the special phone number correctly: 110, 119, 120, learn the correct presentation of difficulties, get rescued. Learn simple self-help skills and learn from self-help through fire drills. Can recite the parent's phone number, home address, etc.

Fourth, do a good job in the safety of parents.

Parents are the children's first teacher and an important guide to safety education. To strengthen the education of young children, we must first strengthen parents' safety awareness. To this end, in the weekly educational activities program, we give parents a warm reminder to publicize traffic safety, campus safety, food safety and other knowledge, and cooperate with kindergartens to do security work. Let parents coordinate with the development of class safety education activities to tell young children some safety knowledge and some preventive measures. Cooperate with homes, make full use of home columns, class blogs, promote safety education to parents, reach a consensus on homes, and resonate.

Article 2:

In order to conscientiously implement and implement the spirit of the Ministry of Education's directives on strengthening the safety of kindergartens and ensure the safety of children in pre-school education, combined with the actual development of the education of the park, the kindergarten safety work plan is specially formulated and required to be strictly implemented. 1. Strengthen the construction of safety system and raise awareness of management according to law

The safety and health of preschool children are related to the happiness and social stability of thousands of families. To ensure the safe and healthy development of children is the responsibility of kindergartens. Therefore, we must pay attention to the safety of kindergartens from the height of protecting children's lives. In strict accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the State and this Municipality, strengthen management in accordance with the law.

Strengthen the construction of the security system, establish and improve the management mechanism for security work, further clarify the work responsibilities of the safety work leading group, further improve the safety work management network, and formulate and revise the safety work system with purpose, and implement safety work at various levels.

While implementing the responsibility system for the director's safety work, the special personnel shall be further responsible for the safety of children, and all departments of each line shall sign and perform the work safety responsibility letter.

Strengthen the study of related businesses, improve the safety awareness and coping ability of staff in each position, and further clarify their respective responsibilities.

Strengthen the supervision and inspection of safety work, regularly check and understand the safety of the site, facilities and personnel in the park, grasp the safe working situation in time, find hidden dangers, plan ahead, and prevent unburned.

Safety work is one of the criteria for teachers' moral assessment. At the same time, safety work is included in the daily work assessment of the whole school faculty, and according to the merits of the work, corresponding rewards and punishments are given.

2. Create a safe and healthy development environment

Actively raise funds, regularly maintain garden facilities, and provide guarantees for the implementation of safety management in kindergartens.

Strictly hire qualified staff who meet the qualification requirements and physical and mental health.

Strictly implement the sanitation and safety disinfection system. Every week, the children's teaching aids are cleaned and disinfected as required, and the children are exposed to bedding every week.

It is strictly forbidden to use toxic and harmful teaching aids. It is strictly forbidden to use toxic and harmful materials to make teaching aids and pay attention to the safety of various environmental creations.

Strengthen the management of food hygiene and safety in the canteen to prevent food poisoning accidents.

Strengthen health care safety management, requiring young children to have a morning inspection rate of 100%. Regularly carry out health checks and records for young children.

Strengthen the management of young children in the hospital, according to the parents' requirements, ensure that the medication is timely and accurate, and it is strictly forbidden to take the wrong or missed phenomenon.

Strengthen school bus safety management, strictly enforce traffic regulations and relevant regulations formulated in the park to ensure the safety of teachers and students.

Establish a class safety responsibility system, and earnestly do a good job in class daily activities, diet, health and safety.

3. Strengthen safety education and improve safety awareness

Actively use the small broadcasts of kindergartens, blackboard newspapers, windows of family education, health bulletin boards and other means to carry out health promotion and education, and strive to improve the safety awareness of teachers, students and parents.

Create an environment for activities related to safety education, combine the activities of daily activities, conduct health and safety education for young children and carry out related activities to enable children to master some self-protection skills and improve their protection ability.

Infiltrate the relevant safety knowledge in the activity, let the children know the number and purpose of the 110, 120, 119 emergency call, and in case of emergency, call for help and minimize the unsafe factors.

Accumulate information on safety education and improve the scientific nature of safety education.

In 2019, we are coming to us in anticipation. The new school year brings us new hopes and we have clearer goals for the development of kindergartens. We should take "I love innovative education" as the guiding ideology, comprehensively implement the core concept of "creating growth with love", actively advocate the idea of ​​"respecting education with filial piety", and realize the kindergarten with the banner of "one-day culture" Automation, standardization and refinement of routine work; adhere to the main theme of “improving quality in service”, pay attention to harmony within the kindergarten and external harmony, pay attention to the development of children, the development of teachers and the development of kindergartens; Develop and pay attention to the development of class-specific courses. With the goal of the top ten work priorities in 2019, we will work innovate.

First, the work target

Early childhood development goals

Children are willing and fond of kindergartens, can fully feel love and freedom, can express their wishes boldly, learn to be friendly with their peers, learn to take care of themselves, take care of the surrounding environment, be willing to learn new knowledge, and dare to try, not afraid failure. Develop good hygiene habits, civility etiquette, and behavioral norms.

Teacher development goals

Let each teacher have a healthy, peaceful, sunny, positive attitude, care for every child, care for every colleague, pay attention to every parent, and experience happiness at work. Strengthen the goal management and self-management of teachers, realize the automation, standardization and refinement of the routine work of kindergartens; carry out reading, pen meetings, speeches, talks and activities, strengthen the training of teachers, and let each teacher improve their professional quality in their work. Progress in learning and development in work.

Kindergarten development goals

Management practices, services in place, quality improvement, increased staff, happy children, parental satisfaction, social praise.

Second, work measures

Key work

1. Service is good for joining the park.

2. Grasp the "one-day culture" and the park, class, and standardization programs to achieve unification and standardization.

3. Emphasize that kindergarten activities use games as the main way to let young children learn in happy activities.

4. Each class shall formulate a class education plan according to the actual situation of the class, determine the educational goals and specific measures, and grasp the cultivation of good habits of the children.

5. Continue to do a good job in the development of class-specific courses. At the end of April, we will launch a full-time curriculum exhibition.

6. Carry out the “June 1st” celebrations.

7. Do a good job in the graduation ceremony for children.

regular work

1. Grasp the safety management of kindergartens. Improve the safety management system, regularly check the various facilities in the park, and make records; strengthen class safety management, eliminate the occurrence of vicious accidents and liability accidents; strengthen child safety education, and cultivate children's self-protection awareness and ability.

2. Do a good job in conservation work. Do a good job in the cleanliness of the park, adhere to the disinfection work, and make a good record; follow the one-day process to do the conservation work of all aspects of the day.

3. Strengthen the construction of the teaching staff, continue to carry out teacher reading activities, do a good job of reading notes, write a good reading experience; adhere to an educational essay every week; insist on practicing basic skills in daily work; carry out teacher listening and evaluation activities; organize relevant training activities Actively participate in other activities organized by the school.

4. Use a variety of methods to strengthen home contact and communication; carry out family education and publicity activities in multiple channels and in multiple forms; open a parent conference every time.

5, make full use of school resources, and carry out a good young work.

6. Establish a good sense of archives and collect, organize and preserve the archives in the park.

Third, the semester work schedule


February 22nd - February 26th: New students register and improve relevant registration materials;

Formulate educational and educational programs;

Routine training;


March 2nd - March 5th: Regular inspection; teacher teaching plan shows the evaluation.

March 8th - March 12th: "My good mother" parent-child activities;

March 15th - March 19th: Teachers' teaching plans showcase the evaluation activities; each class holds a parent meeting;

March 22 - March 26: Teachers open the class evaluation activities;

March 29-March 31: Each class will formulate a "June 1" program plan;


April 1st - April 2nd: Regular inspection;

April 5th - April 9th: Teacher education essays show evaluation; hold "Love Mathematics" teaching seminar;

April 12th - April 16th: Class special course display activities;

April 19-April 23: Acceptance of the "June 1" Children's Day program;

April 26th - April 30th: "Close to nature" spring tour activities; each class holds a parent meeting;


May 4th - May 7th: Regular inspection; teachers reading notes, reading experience to show the evaluation;

Carry out the "Mother's Day" theme event;

May 10th - May 14th: The first rehearsal "June 1" Children's Day program;

May 17th - May 21st: Children's Painting Exhibition; the second rehearsal "June 1" Children's Day program;

May 24th - May 28th: ​​"Six Day" Children's Day Art Performance;


June 1st - June 4th: regular inspection;

June 7th - June 11th: Quality grades in grades;

June 14th - June 18th: Parents Open Day; organize "Father's Day" theme activities;

June 21st - June 30th: Early Childhood semester assessment;


July 1st - July 9th: Preschool class teaching;

July 12th - July 16th: Teachers open the class evaluation ratio;

July 19-July 23: Preparation for the pre-school graduation ceremony;

July 26-July 30: Pre-school graduation ceremony;

Semester work summary.

[2019 Kindergarten Work Plan] Related Reference: Kindergarten Work Plan for the second semester of the 2014-2015 school year

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2019 Kindergarten Health Care Work Plan

Kindergarten work plan for the first semester of the 2014 school year

Teaching and maintenance work plan for the second half of 2019

Kindergarten work plan for the second semester of the 2014-2014 school year

Kindergarten work plan for the first semester of 2014-2014

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Article 3:

Safety is an eternal topic in kindergarten education. Kindergarten is a place where many children live together. No matter how teachers pay attention, it is difficult to completely avoid safety accidents. In the midst of busy work, we are nearing the end of this semester. It is really a joy and worry to review our work during this semester. The safety work is summarized as follows:

In the past year, I have always guided my work with the idea of ​​“safety first, prevention first”, and carefully studied the various safety education and safety inspection files forwarded by superiors. Through learning, it is clear that safety work is a life-threatening Every day, the safety of the work is everyone’s responsibility, and I attach great importance to safety work in my mind. At the same time, I carefully studied some accident case analysis at the security meeting on Monday, analyzed and discussed with other teachers, found out the reasons, and sounded the alarm for myself in order to prevent the child from having a safety accident. Has achieved good results in the absence of security incidents throughout the year.

In the daily life of young children, I insist on putting "safety" in the first place, strictly demanding the safe operation rules of preschool teachers, and providing safety education and routine education to young children at any time, so that children can develop good habits and self-safeness. Protection awareness and prevention capabilities.

1. Before going to work every day, carefully find potential safety hazards, formulate preventive measures, fill out the kyt card, and do your heart.

There are a few. When the children enter the park, I can do a good job in the morning inspection to prevent the children from entering the park with foreign bodies. They should actively understand the children's emotions and physical conditions, and urge the children to take medicine registration to prevent the children from mistaking. . At the same time, parents are also allowed to sign the work and check the daily attendance and number of children.

2. When organizing children's activities, pay close attention to the children's every move, remind the children to pay attention to safety, and do not do exercises.

Chasing, not playing in the classroom, not squatting chairs, not running high, not putting foreign objects into the five senses, etc., educating young children to unite with each other, not beating people, not vying for it, reporting unsafe things to report to the teacher.

3, when children go to the toilet, drink water, wash their hands, organize children to group, in order to avoid too many children to have a safety accident.

4. When the children are eating, I cooperate with the other two teachers and take care of every child's meal with due diligence.

Educate young children to eat slowly, do not talk, eat quietly. After the meal is over, various games are played for the children to educate the children not to exercise vigorously to prevent accidents.

5. When the child is napping, educate the children to take a nap quietly and organize the children to enter the lounge in batches. At the same time, strengthen inspections,

Prevent young children from bringing foreign objects to the bed to play.

6. When the child leaves the park, I and the teacher in the class actively do the job of leaving the park. Let the parents of the children cooperate to do the signing

Work. Co-care for the children in the class and hand the children safely to the parents.

7. In my usual work, I also actively communicated with parents to let parents cooperate and work together with their children.

The safety education has been carried out so that the homes can be carried out simultaneously, and the “home cooperation” is truly achieved.

Of course, during this year, my safety work also has many shortcomings. For example, when young children have unsafe behaviors, they sometimes appear too impetuous, lack sufficient patience to explain safety knowledge and reason for children, but only focus on telling children "what should you do", "What can't you do?" ". This makes it difficult for young children to accept. In the future work, I will try my best to correct my own deficiencies and strengthen the education of children's safety awareness in a way that is easy for young children to accept.

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