Work Summary > Safety Work Summary

2013 National Small Kindergarten Safety Work Summary

The year of XX is coming to an end. Under the care and guidance of the leaders at the higher levels, through the joint efforts of the faculty and staff of the whole park, the safety work of our park has achieved good results. The safety work of our park in the past year is summarized as follows:
First, establish the idea of ​​safety first, and put safety work in the middle of our work.
1. Our school regularly conducts safety education for all faculty and staff to enhance the sense of responsibility of the faculty and staff. And organize all faculty and staff to seriously study the various security education, security inspections and other files forwarded by superiors. Through study, let everyone know that safety work is a matter of life and death. Everyone is responsible for safety work, so that faculty and staff are safe in their thinking. Work is highly valued.
2. Organize faculty and staff to study various accidents and cases reported by newspapers, magazines and media, analyze the causes of accidents, and conduct discussion and comment. Apart from a few unpredictable emergencies, many accidents in kindergartens are mainly responsible for the parties. Strongly caused, let everyone realize that their responsibility is great, to take the precepts and strengthen the sense of responsibility to prevent accidents.
Second, improve the safety management mechanism and strictly implement the safety precaution system
1. Establish a safety work leading group.
In order to put the safety work into practice, our park has established a three-person safety work leading group to take charge of the safety work of the whole park. We regularly inspect the kindergarten facilities on a monthly basis to find out the hidden dangers in the park, including the obvious Concealed, such as switches, electrical appliances, food hygiene, disinfection, fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, outdoor large-scale sports equipment, etc., find problems and take timely measures to eliminate, to ensure the safety of young children. Safety inspection files have been established to summarize and improve safety work in a timely manner.
2. Strictly implement the transfer and handover system.
For the safety of young children, our park strictly implements the handover system, carefully counts young children, and makes records to prevent leakage. Children are not allowed to pick up and drop children without violating the regulations. Parents are not allowed to pick up and drop children. In special circumstances, parents must explain and provide sufficient credentials.
3. Strengthen the management of health drugs.
Dispose of drugs, disinfection articles, and therapeutic instruments in the health care room, check them regularly, and replace expired and expired sanitary products in time. For toxic drugs, store them separately and keep them in a safe place. Unrelated personnel are strictly prohibited from entering the health room and medicine room.
4. Strengthen the management of food hygiene.
Adhere to the implementation of the "Food Hygiene Law" and other file regulations, strictly control food procurement, processing, and do not buy rotten, degraded food. The food stored is specially managed by a special person. Others are not allowed to enter the food processing room and the operation room. It is strictly forbidden for outsiders to enter and leave the kitchen. Strengthen the disinfection of tableware and cooking utensils to prevent food poisoning and food-borne diseases.
Third, carry out safety education activities to enhance children's awareness of prevention.
The ultimate transformation of safety knowledge into safe behavior is the foundation of education, which is the most practical. We have a wide range of games, learning, training and practical activities.
First, let the children know the safety mark map. If you are careful of electric shock and beware of danger, walk up and down the stairs and follow the indicator arrows. Do not push to avoid collision. Educate young children not to play with fire, do not move the plug switch.
Secondly, carry out a series of security theme activities, such as obeying traffic rules, introducing traffic rules to children, understanding traffic signs, and knowing the common sense of red light stop and green light.
Third, let the children master simple self-help skills, tell the children, let the children know about the earthquake, flood, self-rescue methods when the fire occurs. And learn to dial the special phone number: 110, 119, 120, etc.
A series of safety education has made children's safety awareness significantly improved, psychological quality, and resilience significantly enhanced.
Fourth, attach importance to the prevention and treatment of "infectious diseases", the measures are in place, and the responsibility is to people.
For example, during the period of "chickenpox", our park can do a good job in the prevention and control of "chickenpox" according to the instructions of the superior.
(1) Establish a leading group for the prevention and control of chickenpox.
(2) Sending "HSpox" prevention and treatment materials to parents.
(3) Health education for young children, if children are uncomfortable, they must immediately tell the teacher.
(4) disinfect the classroom and bedroom with UV and vinegar every day; scrub the children's tables, chairs, toys, etc. with disinfectant; spray the ground to the table; disinfect the tableware; stick to one cup, and disinfect regularly.
(5) Strictly implement the morning inspection system, and the medical staff can do a touch, two look, three questions, and four checks to timely grasp the health status of the children and find out the problems in a timely manner.
In the past year, our park has strictly implemented the safety system and inspection system. The faculty and staff of the whole park always put safety first, do their due diligence, and the measures are effective and strict. During this period, no safety accident occurred.

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