Work Summary > Safety Work Summary

2013 Safety Education Month Activity Program

First, in order to enable teachers and students to establish "three kinds of consciousness" and strengthen "three kinds of abilities", our school held a series of safety education activities in June, popularizing the basic knowledge of safety, and making safety culture an important part of campus culture, creating a A strong atmosphere of "care for life and focus on safety."

Second, the theme of the event

Scientific development, safe development

Second, the establishment of the organization, the guarantee activities were successfully completed.

Activity time: June 1st to 30th

Team leader: xx

Deputy leader: xx

Group member: xx

Third, the activity content

Through the public bulletin board and blackboard newspaper, the campus security laws and regulations knowledge, safety common sense, and typical cases are widely publicized.

Conduct various forms of safety education and safety training activities.

1. On the afternoon of June 5th, each class concentrated on watching the "Life and Death" warning education film. After reading, let the students say the feelings, write the feelings, let the children understand that life is only once, and their health is related to the happiness of the whole family.

2. Seriously do a good job in preventing flooding accidents. Hold a special knowledge lecture. We used the flag raising ceremony on Monday, the team meeting activities, etc. to hold a special knowledge lecture to tell the students that the issue of flood prevention safety must be taken seriously. We must establish a safety awareness and master the necessary traffic safety knowledge and swimming knowledge to reduce or avoid Unnecessary casualties to ensure life safety. Organic infiltration safety education. The school requires teachers in various subjects to make full use of teaching materials in the classroom, to seize the security content to infiltrate, so that students can unconsciously improve their safety awareness, and the educational effect is also very good. Conduct activities related to the safety of flood prevention. Each class published a blackout newspaper with the main content of flood prevention water, and each class held a handwritten newspaper competition.

3. Do a good job of preventing floods. According to the forecast, this year's flood control task in our city is more arduous than in previous years. Our school should attach great importance to flood control work, formulate flood control plans in time, master the rain and lyric dynamics, do a good job of pre-existing inspections, prepare flood control materials, dredge drainage pipes, strengthen the duty work during the flood season, and strengthen dangerous walls and dangerous houses as soon as possible.

4. To strengthen life education, strive to improve the safety awareness and self-help and self-rescue ability of teachers and students throughout the school, especially to improve students' awareness of safety and self-rescue and safety, create a safe, civilized and harmonious campus, and combine the work of superior authorities. On the afternoon of June 18, 2019, our school organized an emergency evacuation drill for teachers and students.

During the drill, the teacher guided the students seriously and the students drilled seriously. After the exercise, all the teachers conducted a careful analysis and summary of the drills under the organization of the evacuation and evacuation, and the class teacher also re-educated the class problems. Through this drill, the safety knowledge of all teachers and students has been greatly enhanced, and the teachers and students have greatly improved their ability to escape, self-help and self-care, and to improve their ability to resist and respond to emergencies. The entire exercise achieved the expected goals.

5. Hold a series of traffic safety education.

In June, it was the rural wheat harvest season. The big cars on the roads were small and busy, which brought great security risks to the parents who took the children and the children who walked home. For the education of parents, we adopted a "letter to parents" to remind them to drive safely and not to drive three vehicles. For students, we use the school, the class will conduct safety education for students, educate them to obey the traffic rules, and not sit Three no vehicles, and educate children to write a letter of guarantee, let the children supervise each other, and link the violation of traffic rules with the class management, education to contain the child's safety awareness.

6. A safety hazard investigation activity was held.

In the class, let the children use the week to carefully observe the children's family, the way to go to school, campus, class and other students' lives, and look for safety risks. Through observation, the students handed in a satisfactory report. The school promptly rectified the report according to the student’s report, ensuring a safe space for the child.

The safety of children is related to the future of every family and the safety of teachers and students is an important routine work of the current education system. In the future work, our school will continue to do a good job of safety work to ensure a safe and worry-free living environment for children.

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