Summary of work > Summary of family planning work

Summary of township planning and fertility work

Since the beginning of this year, with the leadership of the higher authorities and the close cooperation of relevant departments, our town has always placed the planning and childbearing work on the important agenda of the party committee and the government, and “two kinds of production” have been grasped together to fully implement the population. The Plan and Childbirth Law, the Regulations on the Administration of Planned Fertility Technology Services, the XXX Population and Plan Birth Control Regulations, and the Measures for the Administration of Population and Plan Births of XXX are implemented on the “three mains” and actively carried out. The “three good and one satisfied” qualified towns and villages activities have achieved a virtuous cycle of planning and childbearing work, which has made great progress in the family planning work of our town.
I. Completion of various tasks
The completion of family planning indicators
X. According to statistics, this year's X-June XX day, the total population of the town is XXXXXX, the number of married women of childbearing age is XXXXX, and the number of births is XXXX people in the XXXX plan, one child is born XXXX Two children were born XXX, many children were born XX, the birth rate was X.XX‰, the planned fertility rate was XX.XX%, the two children's family planning rate was XX.XX%, and the birth baby sex ratio was XXX. The total birth population of the town accounts for XX.XX% of the annual control index of the county, and the natural growth rate is X.XX‰.
X, the town completed a total of four XXXX cases, accounting for XX.XX% of the annual XXXX cases, of which XXX cases were completed, accounting for XXX.XX% of the task XXX cases, XX cases of induction of labor, XX of the task XXX cases .XX%, complete XXX cases of people flow, XX.XX% of XXX cases of tasks, complete XXXX cases of ring release, accounting for XX.XX% of tasks XXXX cases.
Infrastructure and work situation
X, the town party committee, the government has continuously invested a large amount of manpower, material resources, financial resources to set up a town and village level family planning service room, to achieve gynecological examination, drug distribution management does not leave the village, ring, take ring, check pregnancy, women The inspection and rehabilitation inspections do not leave the town, which is convenient for the public and increases the income of the service room. The town service provides contraceptive equipment room, B-room, disinfection supply room, private room, equipped with B-computer, pregnancy tester, surgical bag, rehabilitation bed and other equipment. X of the technical staff of the service, all of whom are medical secondary school or above, and are all certified to work. The town's XX village committees and communities have service rooms, all equipped with contraceptive kits, workbench, and specialized and part-time technical staff. They can carry out publicity and publicity of scientific knowledge, distribute contraceptives and return visits. Since the beginning of this year, the town has carried out three gynecological examinations. XXXX people should be examined. XXXX people have been examined. The rate of examinations has reached XX.XX%, and the reproductive health check XXXXX people have a CK of more than XX%. Free treatment for all children of childbearing age who have been diagnosed with gynecological diseases.
X. Improve the construction of the “three-in-one” well-off demonstration park for family planning and give full play to the interest-oriented role. Our town has helped the family to “three-in-one” XXX households. All units in the town have fully exerted the functions of the department and provided assistance from projects, funds, manpower, financial resources, technology and information. The town has organized a total of “three combinations of family planning”. "Technology to get rich training class X, issued more than XXXX of relevant scientific and technological information, and implement the assistance fund of XX million yuan. In the town, the Xinmo Village Committee was established to establish a “three-in-one” well-off demonstration park for family planning. It has received good results and established a typical model to promote the development of family planning work in the town.
X. Actively promote the autonomy of villagers who plan to have children , and do a good job in rectification of the association. Up to now, the town has had XX village committees and communities such as Lusong Agriculture and implemented community-based villager autonomy, accounting for XX% of the total number of village committees and communities in the town. The work of family planning self-government and comprehensive reform demonstration villages can be carried out effectively. The self-consolidation and deepening rate of family planning and villagers account for more than XX% of the villages under their jurisdiction, and they have played an autonomy role. Our town planning association strictly follows the standards of “organized organization, frequent activities, good service, and fashion”, effectively strengthens the organization and construction of grassroots associations, and continuously improves the work level of family planning associations at all levels in the town, so that members of the association can “take the lead, publicize, The role of service and supervision. Since the beginning of this year, a total of XXXX people have been developed, and the membership card XXXX has been issued, and the total membership of the association is XXXXX.
X, town, village population schools have to have brands, systems, plans, teachers, etc., population and program birth rate penetration rate of XX%, the public should know the rate of XX%. All villages and communities have implemented the project and village affairs publicity, and announced the relevant work of family planning work on a quarterly basis, accepting the supervision of the public, and at the same time carrying out the activities of “three good and one satisfied” and “marriage and breeding new winds into the family”. For example, in the publicity activities of the “X.XX” Family Planning Association and the “X.XX” World Population Day, the town party committee and government invited the literary and art team to perform in the village. The leaders of the party, the people and the government took the lead to enter the village. Sending publicity materials on the streets and answering the population and family planning issues, and achieving good results.
Second, the main practice
The achievements in the past year are mainly the result of strengthening the leadership of the town party committee and the town government for family planning work. As the most populous and township town in the county, doing a good job in family planning is related to the stable low birth rate of the county and the coordinated development of population, economy and society. In view of the fact that the family planning work area is large and the difficulty is increasing, the town party committee and the town government have established a work policy of in-depth, meticulous, pragmatic and practical planning, and continue to strictly implement the responsibility system for the planning of the birth target, and pay close attention to the implementation of various responsibilities. First, we must actively explore new ideas and methods for strengthening family planning work under the new situation. Second, we must increase financial and human support for population and family planning work. Third, we must further strengthen the comprehensive management of family planning and childbirth . In this way, the town's population and family planning work will be promoted.
Strengthen leadership and strengthen management
In order to effectively carry out the population and work, the town party committee and the government have paid close attention to the “three-level linkage” family planning network of towns, villages and towns. The town and the village have established a population and family planning leading group, including “three mains”. The leading group of the "three-in-one" work is headed by the leader, personally grasping and taking overall responsibility. The town party committee and the government signed the responsibility for the management of population and family planning work with the village committees, communities and towns, and linked the family planning tasks with bonuses and political achievements, and implemented a bundled assessment to implement the “one-vote veto” for family planning . The monthly family planning work will be held on time to study the work of family planning. Regularly or irregularly listen to the report and analysis of family planning work, specifically grasp the problems existing in each stage of family planning work, and take timely measures to solve them in a timely manner. Since the beginning of this year, the town party committee and government have held XX special meetings on family planning work and held XX meetings of family planning work.
Doing good facts for family planning and increasing financial and human support for population and family planning work
The town party committee and government really put the family planning work in mind, implemented it into action, and effectively solved the practical problems for the family planning work.
X. Ensure the stability of the township and village family planning teams. The staff of the township planning and family planning associations shall be prepared according to the requirements of the higher authorities. The villages and communities are also equipped with population administrators and medical staff. Remuneration such as wages and post allowances can be paid on time and in volume.
X. Establish an interest-oriented mechanism and conscientiously solve the problem of the family life of some cadres and workers who have difficulty in schooling for children of purely female households.
After the merger of X and the three towns, there were more staff in the Family Planning Office. There was no centralized office space and transportation vehicles for the countryside, which affected the normal development of family planning work. The town party committee and the town government held a meeting of the party committee members on the X and XX days to study and solve the problems. The X and X buildings of the original office building of the Penang Town Government were vacated to the office of the township family planning office, and the X government of the town government was transferred to the family planning office. For the purpose of going to the countryside.
X. In each of the family planning and publicity service activities carried out, the vehicles and personnel of the county's point-of-sale units and township units will be organized to participate in the family planning and publicity service activities. The vehicle oil is responsible for all units.
X. Do everything possible to ensure the investment of family planning funds, and include the family planning funds in the budget, and ensure that the per capita funding is up to XX yuan.
Further increase the comprehensive management of family planning and increase the work of backward transformation

X. Coordinate and urge the relevant departments of public security, industry and commerce, civil affairs, health and other departments to jointly work on the planning and childbearing work, carry out comprehensive management of population and family planning , and form a "party and government responsibility, departmental cooperation, public participation, complementary advantages, and joint management" The pattern. Since the beginning of this year, we have convened all relevant units and departments to hold a family planning work meeting, especially on the issues of floating population, high sex ratio of born babies, etc., and carried out special governance.
X. Due to the historical problems and various reasons, the existence of the village after the family planning, the work of our town has been affected to a certain extent, the development is unbalanced, and the assessment of the responsibility system of population and family planning is restricted. The town party committee and government have formulated and formulated the post-village conversion work plan, coordinated the relevant departments to carry out comprehensive management of population and project births in the post-village village, and the party and government leaders and leaders in charge of the post-village transformation work, focusing on and often grasping the combination, the town The government insists on using X to X days to organize relevant departments to carry out family planning and publicity service activities. The family planning office always does regular work and catches every day. The implementation of the family planning risk mortgage measures, the town leadership team members and the family planning office leaders each XXX yuan, the town government and the township family planning service staff XXX yuan per person, the end of the year to complete the various tasks of the family planning indicators to reward according to the amount of payment, and vice versa The mortgage paid is used as the funds for family planning work. Through various effective measures, the family planning work in the village after the town has been greatly improved.
In the past year, although the town has achieved certain results in the family planning work, there are still some problems. For example, the concept of marriage and childbirth has not been fundamentally changed. In the future work, we will resolutely implement the "One Law, Three Regulations" and the relevant laws and regulations on population and family planning , further implement the "three mains" work policy of family planning , and promote the "three integrations" of family planning and birth . Carry out the "three good and one satisfaction" activities of family planning, work together, work hard, and push the family planning work of our town to a new level.

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