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Create a safe unit work summary

Create a safe unit work summary
In accordance with the deployment of the superior and XX district comprehensive management committees, our company adheres to the safety work guidelines of prevention, prevention and treatment, strengthening education, group prevention and group management, and enhances employees' safety awareness and self-protection ability through safety education; Co-management, to create a situation in which all employees care and support the safe work of the unit, so as to achieve effective protection of the safety of the unit, individual employees and clients and the loss of property.
First, the leadership attaches importance to the measures. In order to further improve safety education and earnestly strengthen leadership over safety work, our unit has included safety work on the important agenda. The main leaders directly grasped and took charge of the leadership. The office, material management department, general affairs department and other departments are responsible for daily work. management.
Second, the system guarantees that the measures are in place. First, we included the safety and security work in the target assessment contents of relevant departments, strictly implemented the accountability system, and seriously investigated the responsibility of the direct and related responsible persons for causing major safety accidents. The second is to establish and improve the rules and regulations for unit safety and security work, and continue to improve and enrich according to the development of the security and security work situation. The third is to establish a sound safety management system that combines regular inspections and daily prevention, as well as rules and regulations such as guard duty, patrol duty, fire prevention and disaster prevention, and fire safety management. For all kinds of work involving security and security, we must adhere to the rules and regulations, and must violate the regulations, leaving no blind spots and no loopholes.
Third, grasp the joint management, group defense. Worker safety education is a social system project that requires the close cooperation of society, units and families. We actively cooperated with the district public security, health, and comprehensive management departments to do a good job in unit security, and organized a series of ethical and legal education, safety and fire protection activities, and achieved good educational results. We also carried out the investigation and mediation of contradictions and disputes, and regularly analyzed and reported the work situation to the higher authorities and the street and social housing committees. Over the years, there have been no major criminal cases and public security disasters, no crimes committed by employees, and no occurrences. The escalation of petitions and collective petitions maintained the stability of units and localities.
Fourth, regular inspections, check for hidden dangers. We also carried out detailed registration and documentation of the office, especially the key parts such as the finance room, archives room, computer room, warehouse and fire exit, and strengthened daily safety management, invested funds, installed anti-theft nets, security doors, and equipped with fire extinguishers and other hardware. Facilities, improve awareness and ensure completeness. We also carry out safety inspections from time to time. The inspections focus on the implementation of safety responsibilities, fire prevention and burglary, electrical safety of equipment and equipment, etc., so as to prevent hidden dangers and prevent accidents, and achieve the goal of ensuring no accidents.

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