Summary of work > Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers

Summary of the work of the National Primary and Young Pioneers in the last semester of 2012

During the semester, the work of the Young Pioneers of our school continued to be guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", adhered to the implementation of the scientific development concept, combined with the central school and school work plans, vigorously developed educational innovation in the work of the Young Pioneers , and fully implemented quality education. Focus on building a harmonious campus and vigorously create an excellent learning atmosphere. During the semester, the Young Pioneers of our school use a variety of ethical practice activities as a channel to guide and encourage the active participation of all team members to promote the all-round development and healthy growth of students.

First, strengthen moral education first, and strive to promote healthy growth of players.

With colorful and ethical practices as the carrier, we will carry out legal education, standardize education, and mental health education, and constantly improve the moral cognition and behavior of all team members.

Make full use of the flag-raising ceremony every Monday, speak under the flag, and cultivate students' sense of patriotism and collective honor.

Taking the major festivals, important figures and anniversaries as an opportunity to carry out various forms of practical activities to improve the effectiveness of moral education. This year marks the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up. In order to let students understand the great changes in these 30 years, and realize that it is the leadership of the Communist Party of China, we can save China, and then we can lift China out of poverty and become prosperous and strong. Our school organizes students to carry out the theme class meeting. Activities, speech activities and essay activities.

On the eve of National Day, our school collects legal knowledge on the Internet and offers lectures on legal knowledge so that all teachers and students receive a good education and are highly praised by teachers, students and villagers.

Under the auspices of President Zhou Jinshou, in order to cultivate students' awareness of environmental protection, the school actively carried out the activity of “I love mothers and rivers”, not only organized students to clean up the rubbish on the river in time, but also let the students be small promoters. The majority of villagers promoted environmental protection knowledge and were praised by the village committees and all villagers. At the same time, all teachers and students felt the most glorious work.

Mental health activities. Mental health is the necessary ability of students to adapt to the society. In order to make every child grow up healthy and happy, our school actively carries out psychological activities, including psychological textbook drama theme class, mental health lectures, mental health handwritten newspapers and newspapers. Evaluation.

Visiting ancient dwellings: Our culture is splendid and long. Our school combines the local characteristics of ancient dwellings, allowing students to experience the exquisite carving art, quaint interior decoration and grand architectural ideas.

Second, strictly implement the "Compulsory Education Law" and conscientiously implement the "cherish life and healthy growth" work.

1. Vigorously publicize the "Compulsory Education Law" and do a good job in propaganda and responsibility implementation of the school.

2. Strengthen the development of home visits, conscientiously carry out the transformation of students with learning difficulties, prohibit discrimination and corporal punishment of students, and create a good living and learning environment for students.

3. Seriously implement the work of “cherishing life and healthy growth”. Adhere to the principle of "safety first, prevention first", and put safety awareness into daily education and teaching activities, and strive to create a good environment for educating people.

4. Continue to improve the teacher value week and student supervision system, and set up the school with Huang Chengjun and Qi Youqun as the value of Zhou Shi, with Wu Zhicheng, Wu Yuqing, Wu Shuiyu, Ding Songbai and Nie Duxiu as the teachers of the day to carry out the school's hygiene and standardization. Check the evaluation work.

5. Conduct various forms of safety lectures and film promotion activities. In conjunction with the CD for Life, the teacher explained how to successfully and correctly escape from the fire; combined with the film "Deaf Children", the teacher not only let the students understand the scientific knowledge about the earthquake, but also let them understand the signs of the earthquake. Escape method with earthquake. Conduct security activities. In the fire prevention, earthquake-resistant drills and safety knowledge contest activities, students actively participated in the activities and accepted some safety knowledge more actively.

Third, strengthen physical and recreational work and promote the all-round development of students.

1. Enrich extracurricular activities, set up a school basketball team with Liao Guoxing and other students, and a track and field team led by Deng Yunhua.

2. Actively participate in physical exercise, carefully select players to participate in the “County Games” activities, and achieved good results: Gao Ying won two first place, and other students also won second and third prizes respectively.

3. Set up an extracurricular reading interest group and earnestly carry out reading activities. Through various channels, the school has collected many books and improved the management of the reading room. Every day, teachers are on duty and fully play the role of the reading room. The students loved the extracurricular books. The teachers and students of our school have achieved good results in the reading speech contest held by small and medium-sized students.

4. Pay attention to the all-round development of students and actively carry out various interest group activities. In the sixth grade, Huang Qi participated in the county “Be a Moral Man” handwritten newspaper competition and won the first prize. On the eve of New Year's Eve, our school launched the "I am reading, I am happy" speech contest, and selected two students from Huang Wei and Qiu Wenqi to participate in the small competition of the Central Committee. In the sixth grade, Guan Shuzheng won the third place in the center's "Reform and Open" speech contest. In the activity, you can enrich your campus life, stimulate students' interest and promote the overall development of students.

The Young Pioneers of our school work under the leadership of the school. Through the joint efforts of all the teachers and students, we successfully completed the various planning tasks formulated at the beginning of the period. However, due to the limitations of the school, the work of the Young Pioneers of our school still needs further improvement. improve.

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