Summary of work > Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers

Summary of the work of the Young Pioneers in the first semester of 2019

The intense work of one semester is over, and it is summarized as follows:

The squadron work of this semester first determined the squadron's development goal: to create a harmonious, democratic, lively, united, and upward squadron style.

Under the guidance of the target, I first re-elected the class cadres in the class, especially in the selection of the team leader. Five squadron committee members and five squad leaders were elected. They must be responsible for their work, have a strong sense of responsibility, and assign students to each squad according to the student's situation. Competing in all aspects of study, discipline, and health. Each squad is a small group and everyone is working hard for this small group. Learn to work inside the squad to learn mutual help, and discipline the players to supervise each other. The squad activities are booming, the team leader is responsible, and some teams often use the team activities at noon or weekend. The squad led the squadron. Under the leadership of the small cadres, the team members' sense of collective honor was enhanced, their sense of responsibility was enhanced, and their enthusiasm for learning improved.

In order to enrich the team members' after-school life, the squadron carried out rich team activities. The book exchange meeting cultivated the children's interest in reading and enriched the students' literary accomplishment; the squadron activities that cherish the water resources let the students understand the importance of environmental protection; turned the first ten minutes of preparation every morning into class reading clubs, teachers and students. Start a reading competition, read, analyze, and share together, and guide students to learn from the great people of the celebrities to learn the excellent quality and guide their own learning life.

Although the class activities are booming, there are many problems. After the school started, due to the replacement of the classroom, the students changed from the nearest door to the door, and the discipline has always been poor. Except for occasional weeks, the rest are due to individual students running in the building. Good or the road team to talk and other reasons and deduct points, and even some players deducted points repeatedly, class students' discipline consciousness has to be guided by the big time education, considering the use of class duty staff, at the beginning, the effect is good, However, because the students are younger, the sense of responsibility is not very strong, and they do not persist very well. However, I have seen hopes from them and need to further improve and train them to make the class work a step further.

The above are some of the experiences of the squadron in this semester. In the future work, we will learn from each other's strengths and actively learn from others' advanced experience to build excellent squadrons!

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