Work Summary > Community Work Summary

Civilized community creation summary

In the first quarter of this year, the community closely focused on the general requirements of “people-oriented, service for the people”. Under the care and guidance of leaders at all levels, and with the joint efforts of all community workers and the support of the general public, the community The characteristics of the establishment of a leadership group with the community director as the leader of the group, centered on the role of community-driven development, serving the people, rallying people and promoting harmony, has done a series of work in the creation of community civilization.

First, learn the spirit of Lei Feng, build a civilized community

March is a national study of Lei Fengyue, and it is also a good time for the community to advocate the spirit of Lei Feng and create a civilized community. According to the archives spirit of the district committees and streets, a series of love activities were carried out: On March 5th, the community director led the community cadres and staff to go deep into the community to carry out the work of difficult families. At the same time, they also visited 20 households, and they mainly expressed condolences to two families with low-income families and 11 families with disabilities, and expressed condolences to these 13 families. On March 8th, the community launched a fund-raising campaign of “Reconstruction after Disaster, Love Extension”, donating more than 9,000 yuan to Yushu to help the affected areas rebuild their homes. On the afternoon of March 12, the community organized low-income households in the community to study the policy files such as low-rent housing and housing subsidies, so that everyone could really feel the community's services.

Second, build a beautiful community, welcome the creation of civilization

In order to meet the city civilization creation year, the community has carried out a comprehensive mapping work, standard construction of the hardware infrastructure of the community, such as a school, a city, a field, a window, a column and a one-stop service center. On the wall, listing, etc.; the community also organizes a “Citizen Classroom” on the basis of the Civilization Year and the Olympic Year, and conducts study on policy files, popular science, and legal system. The community organizes community people to learn new labor laws and let them Everyone has an in-depth understanding of the specific content of the new labor law; on March 20th, the community organized low-income households to learn about low-rent housing and housing subsidy policies, and actually do practical things for the people; on March 21, the police station organized community residents to register. Institutional learning, strengthen the management of the community population. Community propaganda positions are changed every quarter, and the promotion of the creation of a national civilized city is intensified.

Third, strengthen environmental remediation and create a beautiful environment

Start from solving dirty, chaotic, and poor conditions, strengthen daily cleaning management, strengthen prevention and control of smoke, noise, and water pollution, and improve community purification, hardening, greening, lighting, and beautification, and continuously improve environmental quality. Strengthen the construction of the cleaning and cleaning team, implement the “three guarantees” responsibility system in front of the door, and implement standardized sanitary cleaning. For the front and back of the business operators in the community, the problem of “difficulty”, together with the property and business owners, jointly formulate specific, detailed and feasible implementation plans, divide the business areas, uniformly manage environmental sanitation, and ensure the community road. The traffic is unimpeded; in response to the problem that the water pipes of the Nanyuan sewers in the community have been blocked for many years, the “Water Resources at the Basic Level” has attracted the attention of the District Water Affairs Bureau, and it has also been reported to the district. The Water Affairs Bureau has carried out Fishing. The freezing disaster at the beginning of the year caused certain damage to the publicity window and publicity column in the community. The community actively worked with the units in the area to repair the damaged publicity column and publicity window to ensure that the community cultural propaganda position fully played its role.

In the next civilized creation work, our community will further clarify its responsibilities, earnestly strengthen the daily management work within its jurisdiction, improve the quality of residents' civilization, carry out propaganda and education, and ensure the smooth passage of the city's inspection and inspection work.

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