Work summary > self-summary

Personal summary essay

In a twinkling of an eye, the freshman has passed and stepped into the sophomore year. Recalling the life of the freshman, there are many gains, and there are some shortcomings.

Learning is a test for each of us! From the high school's way of arranging supervised learning to a no-management-free learning style, everyone who has just stepped into college is somewhat unprepared, and I am no exception. But I understand that freshman is a transitional period from high school to university, new teaching methods, new ways of learning, everything is no longer so disciplined, and I feel confused, as if everything can't be planned, free to learn, casual. Life, ignorant of a lot of time, life lost its focus. However, the second semester of the freshman gradually adapted to the surrounding environment, and gradually found the law in the study, and those confusions gradually dissipated. In addition to various school activities, life is also enriched from boring. The part-time road also allowed me to mature slowly, /ziwozongjie/ knowing how to treat people and things around me. The road to the future is to come out by yourself. You can't rely on anyone, only yourself!

In my life, from the moment I stepped into the university door, I was destined to change it. Because this strange environment needs a stronger and more mature one to face. On that day, we entered a life that was completely our own. Without the embarrassment of our parents, without the embarrassment of the teacher, everything can be decided by ourselves. However, this ease brings us not only ease, but also confusion and trouble. Unfamiliar people, strange things, strange environments, everything is strange. In the face of rich and colorful campus life, we have no choice but to take a different path, but everyone must be responsible for their choice. In college, no one tells you what to do and what to do. Only slowly adjust to life and find the way to go. This is life, a life that makes me grow.

The past year has been a year of constantly enriching myself and constantly exploring. In this year, my ability has improved, my vision has expanded, my thoughts have been sublimated, and my shortcomings have gradually become prominent. The study is not hard enough, whether it is from the daily performance or the final result; the social communication ability still needs to be improved to help the future work life; the physical exercise needs to be strengthened, and the good physical fitness is also a person's continuous development. The essential.

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