Good word

Describe the passage of the wisteria flower

1. Spring is the best time for the growth of Wisteria flowers. You see, how long it looks, it looks like a bunch of "purple grapes".

2. Spring is here, the wisteria flowers are hanging above the red pillars. The beautiful wisteria flowers attract the students. Looking at the beautiful wisteria flowers, the students will involuntarily pick a light hand to touch her. When the wind blows, a burst of fragrance comes from the nose, its floral fragrance is light, not as thick as rape, not as light and tasteless as morning glory. Not long after, the wisteria flower became a beautiful landscape in our school.

3, spring, wisteria flowers are very beautiful, wisteria flowers like a magician, will become a fascinating dragon, will become a string of delicate Xiaofeng Ling, will become a delicious grape It will become a close friend. The spring breeze blew, it is like a butterfly dancing, as the breeze gently flutters, it seems so different.

4. In the spring, the wisteria sprouts long leaves. The branches are full of blossoming lilac flowers. A cluster of clusters, together, but arranged so neatly, like a group of girls dancing. How can the slender and tender branches bear so many flowers? They drew their heads shyly, looking far away, like a bunch of purple grapes. As long as you take a look at this beautiful wisteria, the good mood of the day will bloom. No wonder, many of my classmates are lingering under the wisteria stand, why are they not willing to leave, or a few small poems, or a few words of lyrics...

5, spring, smell a flower, there is a fragrance, this taste is not as strong as roses, not as light and tasteless as morning glory, just a faint fragrance. It’s really hard to eat one, turn around the white pillars, and take a rest when you get tired.

6. The late spring season is over, and the beautiful wisteria blossoms. A bunch of wisteria flowers, hanging from the branches, like a full frame of grapes. Wisteria flowers are getting lighter from bottom to top. At the bottom is the purple color, but it gradually becomes lavender. The petals are blue with a yellow flower in the middle. The full frame of wisteria flowers exudes a rich aroma that can be heard far away.

7. In the early summer, the wisteria flowers are the most vigorous at this time. A bunch of wisteria flowers are like a string of ripe, crystal-clear grapes hanging on the branches, like a purple palace, which is covered with land. The petals are as beautiful as a lilac carpet!

8. This season is colorful in the summer. Every flowering plant has experienced the fall of autumn, the sleep of winter, and the germination of spring. The most beautiful flowers bloom in this flourishing season. This is their signature. They are eager to be appreciated and do not want to be ignored. The wisteria flower is different. She just gives her everything, but she never says anything. Her color is not single, from white to purple, purple is at the bottom. Either the color of the gradient is pure and contains no trace of impurities, just like her inner character.

9. Summer is coming, a bunch of fruits grow in the green leaves, and the wisteria flowers grow longer and more lush. The hot summer wisteria will cover the sun for us. In the class, the students will come here to read the book, read the newspaper, and the sun shines at noon. We play hide-and-seek games under its skirt. When I am bored, I will look at the ancient poems engraved on the pillars. Unconsciously, I became a close friend with Wisteria. At this time, the corridor full of wisteria flowers has become a good place for us to play.

10. In the summer, the wisteria tree is full of shelves. In the lush foliage, dotted with beautiful wisteria flowers. Closer look like a string of pearls, looks like a bunch of grapes at a distance, really mouth-watering! Sometimes after the thunderstorm, the wisteria flower was beaten by the big raindrops of the bean, and the west was a flower, but soon a new flower bud will emerge. Doesn't this mean that our young pioneers are not recovering from difficulties and struggle with difficulties?

11, in the summer, the wisteria flowers thanked, the leaves grow more dense, layered, really like a green umbrella. The lively classmates play and play there, tired, just take a break on the stone bench under the wisteria stand, talk about the interesting things of the day, be happy!

12. In summer, the leaves of the wisteria flowers grow very green. Its leaves are criss-crossed, leaving many small gaps in order to better absorb the heat from the sun. It grows densely and is oval in shape. The park is full of wisteria flowers. When the sun is burning, people sit under the wisteria flowers and enjoy the coolness.

13. In the summer, we enjoyed the cool, reading, reading, and playing games in the Wisteria Garden. We enjoyed the beauty of the wisteria flowers and smelled the fragrance of the wisteria flowers. I often think about fantasy: the mysterious wisteria leaves must hide a group of beautiful flower fairy wearing purple skirts. When the night is quiet, they will dance and play among the flowers, their silver bells laugh. The sound is all over the campus... In my spare time, I also like to write countless beautiful fairy tales for the wisteria flower fairy.

14. When the autumn is over, the wisteria flowers are withered. Its leaves are like dancers dancing one after another. With the command of the wind Agong, a beautiful dance is danced. The ground is full of leaves, leaving only a string on the vine. String the fruit.

15. In the fall, the leaves of the wisteria flower begin to fall off. A burst of autumn wind blew, the leaves all fell from the shelf, and they danced like a little golden butterfly.

16. In the autumn, the wind blew, and the leaves of the wisteria flowers fell like a golden butterfly. Falling to the ground, rolling on the ground, happy for no one to control. In the air, how free, flying! The leaves are gone, the vines of the wisteria flowers are dry, and the sun shines through the wisteria. We shoot the ball and talk about it, and we have a silver bell-like laugh. Wisteria is still so beautiful! 17. When winter arrives, the wisteria flowers are like a spider web, bare and leisurely basking in the sun.

18, winter, wisteria flowers will not lose its past style. Its vines are tightly wrapped around, like a brave dragon. The sun shines through the wisteria and gives the children who play under the wisteria warmth.

19. In the winter, the green leaves of the wisteria are all withered in the harsh winter, leaving only bare vines, like a frog hibernating, waiting silently for the spring of the coming year. Wisteria flowers seem small, but they have a strong vitality. This fragrant wisteria flower makes the campus full of life.

20. I love the selflessness of Wisteria flowers. In spring, it immersed the students in the ocean of flowers. In summer, it used the light sleeves to pick up the heat of the sun and send the students a cool breeze. It is dedicated to everything in obscurity! I love beautiful wisteria flowers.

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