Good sentence Daquan > Discourse selection

Thank you teacher in 2014

1. I am not your best student, but you are my most respected teacher. In your holiday, I want to give you one of the highest respects.

2. Dear teacher, your martyrdom is like a spring breeze, like Ruiyu, and always cherish my heart. I sincerely wish you all the best: recreation, wishful!

3. We grow from a seedling to a big tree, but it will always be your student. In the year of your flower, I wish you a tree of life.

4. You teach in accordance with your aptitude and be good at your heart. We hold excellent results to congratulate you on your victory!

5. Teacher, I wish you the education of the students, talented people, elites.

6. Teacher, you are sincere, kind, and beautiful. I hope that the hearts of all my classmates will be open to you.

7. May my music in this creek echo in your deep valley forever.

8. Everything that has passed will become a kind memory - teacher, I miss the middle school era, miss my alma mater, miss you...

9. If time can go back, let me return to the student era - dear teacher, how much I want to listen to your teachings with a strong heart...

10. After that, for a long time, your voice often sounds in my ears; your figure often appears in front of my eyes; your teachings are always in my heart...

11. Life is a road without end, I walk, walk, and keep walking. When I am tired and slack, my firm face, firm voice, and tenacity will float in my memory. Teacher, you taught me life, how can I forget you!

12. Whenever I harvest, I can't help but miss the hard-working cultivator - teacher.

13. Teacher, although the farewell is long, and your image seems to be a bright and shining light, it has been flashing in my heart.

14. Today, in a distant place, I gave you the yesterday that I gave you, folded into a memory boat, letting it float in the heart of the lake of thought.

15. The costumes are still the same, and the light is still there. Your familiar blackboard, familiar voice, will lead our thoughts to the old student era. Hey, teacher...

16. Miss you, dear teacher! In your heart, you will cherish your awesome gaze. They are like two clear springs, always running in my heart...

17. Drinking the flow of people who have their own source, and learn to be a teacher.

18. When the sea is low, leave the colorful shells on the beach. When we graduated, we would like to offer our sincere wishes to our teachers.

19. Teacher XX, thank you for your care of my family XXX in X years. He has made great progress under your care and education. We can all appreciate this. Thank you very much, you have worked hard. Now, I will trouble you to educate and educate him, thank you!

20. 2.xx Teacher, you have been working hard and diligently. Every time you go to the kindergarten to pick up your child, you will always see that you are busy and busy. When there is no rest, you are obscured, work hard, water with sweat, and use your heart and blood. Smile, hang on the child's face; grateful, flow into our hearts.

21. xx Kindergarten teachers, hello, thank you for your care and training. You have nourish your child's heart with an amiable and highly responsible spirit. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the leaders of the park and all the teachers!

22. When we handed over the baby to you and handed it to the kindergarten, his kindergarten had "good mother, good father, good aunt, good grandmother, good sister", and he has added more love in this world. His people, the child's future growth, as a parent holding the little man's hand to follow the wind, will feel that his other hand is also led by some people, our parents are really happy and at ease!

23. I am grateful to you for saying a thousand words, and your blessings will not change for hundreds of thousands of years - teacher, I wish you all the best!

24. Children's growth requires not only sunshine and moisture, but also our sincere understanding, respect and care. We believe that love is the bridge between us and our children. At this point, your work is really good and in place. My children often show their love for others. We are very pleased. Thank you, I hope that the children will become more and more sensible on your side in the future. Cheerful!

25. Every improvement in the child's progress is inseparable from the hard work of the teacher. The child's growth is related to the teacher's teaching. Thank you for training me!

26. The child's kindergarten life for more than a month makes me feel a lot. The baby is a mischievous, daring, and not afraid of children. Since entering the park, the teachers have cared for him and loved him with great love, patience, confidence and responsibility. Help him with encouragement, appreciation, participation and other educational methods, and infiltrate love into the baby's young heart. Thank you teachers!

27. Teacher, I don't know much about you, but I still have to say: Thank you, pay more attention to your body, don't be too tired for the children.

28. Teacher, my child is really too hard for you, trouble you. Thank you.

29. The teacher's emotional influence on the child affects the children's experience of feelings of the world and the warmth of the people. They will transfer this positive emotional experience to the trust, respect and love of others. Therefore, my child's current performance makes me very satisfied, which is inseparable from your long-term education. As a child's parents, I express my heartfelt thanks! I wish you happiness every day, happiness and health forever!

30. Hello teacher, you are the foundation of the children, the kindergarten is still our hometown, but your tired figure is deeply in my heart, so beautiful...

31. Going to kindergarten every day is the most happy thing for my child. As a parent, we deeply understand that the child's progress and teachers' care, care and education are inseparable. I am grateful to the teachers of xx Kindergarten.

32. You are a rocket carrying a satellite. You are the compass needle at sea. You are invested, you are paying. You are the most respected teacher of our children.

33. Your hard work is the driving force of our children. Our children's success is your pride, but our children will be proud of you!

34. Actually, the gratitude is in my heart. I remember this teacher in my heart. It is a thank you. I said it in my mouth. I don’t think it’s too realistic. What can I say? Is it better to combine language and heart?

35. Since my son entered the park, the teachers have cared for him with great love, patience and responsibility, and loved him with scientific education methods such as encouragement, appreciation and participation, and infiltrated love into the child’s young heart. Nowadays Going to the kindergarten every day has become his happiest thing. The small face often has a cheerful and confident smile, and his comprehensive ability has also improved significantly. Thank you!

36. You are like a red candle, giving all the heat and light to the younger generation! Your character and spirit can be used in two words - burning! Burning!

37. Ah, with you, the garden is so beautiful, the earth is full of spring! Teacher, just open the window and watch it. This garden is full of spring, this garden is full of salutes!

38. If there is no moisturizing of your thoughts, how can you bloom so many beautiful soul flowers? Ah, teacher, engineer of human soul, who is not to praise you!

39. Dissemination of knowledge means planting hope and planting happiness. Teacher, you are the seeder of hope and happiness!

40. Teacher, you are a beautiful cultivator, a beautiful sower. It is your beautiful sunshine, moisturizing with beautiful rain and dew, our heart is only green grass, flowers are beautiful!

41. You are busy with the blossoming of flowers, the ripeness of the fruit, silently hanging the green leaves of the leaves! Ah, teacher, your spirit, always remember my heart!

42. You are like the roots of the unknown, so that the small trees thrive, and the branches are full of fruit, but do not require any compensation.

43. You gave us a rule of life, let us measure it every day; you gave us a mirror of exemplary behavior, let us have examples of learning everywhere.

44. You are the bridge, the mountain that was cut off for us, let us go to the peak of harvest; you are the vine, tough and slender, guiding us to pick the ganoderma and ginseng on the cliff top.

45. When a seed needs a glass of water, never give a bucket of water; and when a bucket of water is needed, never give a glass of water. Timely, given in moderation, this is a good gardener's skill. My teacher, this is also the art of your education.

46. ​​Excluding the hard work and coldness, the peach is ripe and the Dan is tired. It is easy to plant flowers. The scent of the valley is not ordinary, the poem is full of people, the painting is full of humans, and the talents are smiling.

47. Teacher, you use the most noble feelings of mankind - love, sow spring, sow ideals, sow power...

48. Sowing in words, cultivating with colored pencils, watering with sweat, moisturizing with blood, this is the noble work of our beloved teacher.

49. You work in the present, but build the future of the motherland; you are teaching in the classroom, but the achievements are in all directions in the motherland.

50. Teacher, if you compare you to 蚌, then the student is the sand in the scorpion; you use love to lick it, grind it, soak it, wash it... After years, the sand becomes a pearl, radiant .

51. Your teacher's career has countless pride and happy memories, but you keep them in your heart, but just look at the fields to be explored.

52. If I am a poet, I will write a poem with full enthusiasm, praising the vastness and depth of the sea. And give it to you - my broad-minded, knowledgeable teacher.

53. Teachers are fires that ignite the fire of the students; the teachers are stone-level, and they are able to climb the students step by step.

54. You are like a candle, although it is thin, but it has a heat, emits a light, illuminates others, and exhausts itself. The selfless devotion will never be forgotten.

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