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Phrase type

Phrases are made up of words and words, and phrases can be used as sentence components; most phrases with a certain tone can be sentences.

Words and words form phrases that form certain structural relationships and phrase components:

1. Side-by-side phrase: consists of two or more nouns, verbs or adjectives. The word and the word are equal unions. There is no distinction between primary and secondary.

For example: newspapers and magazines, teachers and classmates, majestic, singing and dancing, research, glory and arduous

2. Partial phrase: consists of nouns, verbs or adjectives and words that modify the restrictions before them. The noun, verb or adjective is the central language, the words that modify the sentence are the attributive, and the words that modify the verb and adjective are adverbial. The relationship between attributive, adverbial and central language is a positive and positive relationship. The attributive is represented by "", the adverbial is represented by "[]", and the central language is not marked.

For example: grammar, the earth

[completely] believe, [careful] read, [more] strong, [how great] great

3. Moving phrase: consists of a verb and its object. After the verb, the object is the dominant component of the verb, indicating the object, result, location, etc. of the action.

For example: eating dinner, building a house, living in a cave

Some verbs can take two objects. Such an object is called a double object. The verb near is called the near object, and the far from the verb is called the far object.

For example: give me a pen and teach you a song

4. Supplementary phrases: consisting of verbs or adjectives and complements. A complement plays a supplementary role to a verb or adjective after a verb or adjective. It is recommended that the phrase consisting of verbs, adjectives, and complements be called a supplementary phrase. In this way, supplementary phrases are divided into two categories, one is a dynamic complement phrase, and the other is a form-complement phrase. The complement is represented by "< 〉".

For example: washing "clean", turning over "a burst of time", holding up "up", active "on the grassroots", getting hot (sweating), getting too big"

5. Subject-predicate phrase: consists of subject and predicate. The subject is in front, indicating the object of the statement; the predicate is followed by the content of the statement. The subject and the predicate are marked with "?", and the "?" is preceded by the subject, followed by the predicate.

For example: red flag? Flying, weather? Good

A phrase or a component can also be expanded into a phrase. Such phrases contain phrases that become complex phrases. An extended phrase that expresses more complex thoughts or behaviors, such as:

Charming autumn colors - a charming autumn color - a charming autumn

Come in - rush into it - look flustered, hurried into

In addition, prepositional phrases, word phrases, and the like are also commonly used.

Preface phrases such as: from today, to me, to the school, etc.

The word phrases are: male, red.

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