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Paragraph on health

1. Only when you have a healthy and up-to-earth mentality can you overcome various difficulties and fail to yield if you encounter difficulties.

2, have a healthy body, should start from bit by bit! Such as: not partial eclipse, not anorexia, not picky eaters! And do physical exercise every day! Drink plenty of water and eat more fruits.

3, health, is the goal we have been pursuing, always yearning! If a person has a healthy body, a healthy culture, and a healthy mind, it is a very happy and proud thing! If we do these three things, it will reduce the stumbling block of our life, which is to create a good foundation for our future happy life.

4, health, is a good partner I have always been. She and I can be said to be inseparable. She has spent twelve spring and autumn with me.

5, health, but also a good partner to accompany us for more than ten years, good friends, we can say that it is inseparable!

6, health comes from healthy living habits, health needs to have an optimistic and cheerful attitude towards life.

7. Health also means the expectation of continued survival. There is a broader concept of health for animals with emotions, such as humans. Health and non-health are not absolute opposites, but relatively opposite stages.

8. Good study and living habits have enabled me to develop a character that is innocent and lively, with a strong desire for knowledge, and maintains a good psychological state. The psychology of health has enabled me to understand the true meaning of life, and I have achieved good results one after another on the road of growth.

9. Everyone has their own pursuit of life, pursuing money, reputation, power, or pursuing sublimity, excellence, ... some of these pursuits are vulgar, some noble. But the same thing is that they must first pursue health, and without a healthy life, they cannot talk about ideals and pursuits. The difference between a wise man and a fool is to see who can cherish health and grasp happiness.

10. Please cherish your health, then create and enjoy the colorful life!

11. Let us fight drugs together, participate in drug control, and declare war on drugs together to achieve a healthy and beautiful future!

12. The health of the body, the health of the mind and the health of the culture have always accompanied me to grow up, constantly making me bravely advance on the road to success.

13, physical health, cultural health, mental health, these three points as long as the lack of a point is not a qualified national small student! So we have to develop good behavior habits! Always maintain the true color of the students, do not forget that we are a national student! Let health be our good friend forever, let this partner always be around us, around!

14. No one in the world will feel happy for his unhealthy health. If there is, it must be an idiot. So I said, cherish health is to cherish happiness!

15. Although health often goes out without saying goodbye, you only need to pay attention to it and care for it. One day, he will come back by himself.

16. We can cherish our health and let our health accompany ourselves for a while.

17. If a person has a healthy body, mind and culture, it is a matter of great pride. The ideological and cultural health of the body paved a sunny road for my growth path and laid a good foundation for my happy life in the future.

18, change your eating habits, keep your heart open and happy, and let the unnamed anger, ignorant thinking and unrestrained carnival smash away, so that you can enjoy health, enjoy happiness and enjoy the most in the world. Good things. 19. For any organism, health is a dynamic balance. This is a balanced state: input and output energy and matter in a balanced manner.

20, do not cherish the health of people because they do not understand the value of health; do not cherish the health of people because they have not lost their health; do not cherish the health of people because they have not valued health!

21, not only to achieve physical health and physical and mental health, but also pay attention to the health of culture. When learning cultural knowledge, not only must you carefully study the contents of textbooks, but also pay attention to reading a large number of extracurricular readings. I read the 5,000 years, the mystery of China, and often go to the library to read various books on holidays.

22. “1” stands for health; “0” stands for power, status, reputation... Only when you have “1”, the more “0” behind you, the better, representing your wealth. But when your "1" does not exist, more "0" is in vain, because you have nothing.

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