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Civilization makes life better

If a person has no wealth, he only loses part of it; if a person does not have wisdom, he loses most of it; but if one does not cultivate and civilization, he loses all. I have found that civilization is by our side, as if accompanied by shadows, big or small, as long as we start from small things, how happy our life is!

Every morning, I will see the neighbors on the first floor of the neighbors put the garbage in the garbage storage place, and clean up the garbage spilling outside. Ah, always laugh at Mimi’s good boy and go to school. Pay attention to safety! My mood is always warm. After returning home, I was very surprised. I asked my mother why the first floor was so anxious to put the garbage in the garbage storage place and clean it up? My mother will go to school every morning and I will be happy to say hello to us. Our garbage is cleaned by someone. They will pull the garbage out of the community at around 8:00 every day and transport it to the garbage disposal site. On the first floor, Ah, put the garbage in it in time, that is, afraid of delaying the transportation of garbage, not letting the garbage pollute the air and affecting the environment of the community. Oh, I understand. If the weather is very hot, the neighbors in our building did not put the garbage in the garbage storage place in time, but waited for the car to leave before the garbage was released. Then we smelled the smell and looked at the dirt. What awkward. I told my mother that I would give it to me in the future. I went to school every morning and took the rubbish down the stairs. Mom smiled and patted my little head and said, hey, our family’s little sister grew up and knew to help her mother. Actually, I admire the first floor of Ah, and she knows how to think for others when she is so old. I have to pay more attention to the little things around me. For example, I don’t shout loudly in public places, so as not to affect others. When I am on the bus. Give the seat to the old, weak and sick who need a seat; when going out to slip our dog, remember to bring a paper bag so that you can pick up the dog's stool at any time, etc. I think as long as we can care about the small side around us. Details, a lot of civilized words, civil affairs, then our living environment, is it better?

Sowing an action, you will gain a habit; sow a habit, you will gain a character; sow a character, you will harvest a fate. Classmates, let us start from some small things around us, let the flowers of civilization fill our hearts, and we will have a better tomorrow!

Sixth grade: Lee of course

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