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Dream catching

Everyone has a different dream from childhood, such as wanting to be a teacher or becoming a policeman. In fact, it is such a common dream that it can not be realized casually. To realize our dreams, we need to constantly pursue our dreams.

Female astronaut Wang Yaping also had a dream when he was a child. He could fly to the sky one day to see what the earth we live in was like to see if there were any cockroaches or jade rabbits on the moon. In 2019, she gloriously became a female astronaut, flying into space in China's Shenzhou 10 spacecraft, and her dream finally became a reality. From the process of her dream-seeking, we can see that it is impossible to realize the dream in one step, but it requires long-term, arduous training and persistent pursuit.

I have a dream to be a teacher, to learn and play with the children, and to see the innocent and lively smiles of the children every day. I will pass on the knowledge I have learned to them without any reservations and teach them the truth of being human. I want to be a hard gardener, water the saplings with my own sweat, and let them thrive until they grow into heavenly trees and become useful materials. Let them go better to build their own country. If I can achieve this dream, it is so happy.

The foundation for realizing this dream must first become a teacher. I have to study hard from now on, and lay a good foundation in the study subjects of the middle school and high school, so that I can enter the famous brand of normal universities, so that my dreams can be realized. I know that to be a good teacher is not easy. I still need to constantly enrich myself. I need to learn more knowledge and behave. This way I can better educate my students in the days to come.

Since I have this dream, I have the motivation to be stressed and successful. Every morning, I silently ask myself if I am still standing still. What kind of efforts should I make today? Am I a good student? Sometimes I secretly blame myself. Today I can't be a good student. How can I become a good teacher tomorrow?

The best way to make a dream come true is to keep on chasing dreams. The harder you work, the more persistent you are, the closer your dreams are to you. If you relax a little, your dreams will leave you. Every Chinese has its own dream, and the dreams of thousands of Chinese people come together to be the Chinese dream. In order to let the Chinese dream come true soon, let us work hard to catch up with the dream!

Sixth grade: Li Shizhen

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