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The heart of the forest is hurting

Perhaps, the earth is what everyone has in common. I think the world should be a happy life for every kind of creature. At that time, the forests everywhere, the birds in various poses were lively and lovely, and the smiles on the faces of people were so peaceful and peaceful.

But now what happened, selfishness and greed blinded the eyes of human wisdom. Let the world become blind. The lumberjack indestructively cut down the vast trees, and the indifferent, ignorant shackles destroyed the forest. Totally disregarding the deterioration and revenge of nature. There are only a few hard-boned steel shackles in the pocket. But how can the forest give me so shallow?

Forests can absorb carbon dioxide, purify the air, prevent wind and noise, and beautify the environment. The Tree Kingdom is the world's largest oxygen manufacturer and an indispensable friend of mankind. The forest is also a dust filter. When the air with a large dust flow flows through the forest, the wind speed will decrease, and the dust with larger particles in the air will settle quickly. In addition, the trees are still natural reservoirs and can magically regulate the temperature. The benefits of the forest are endless.

However, today's forests are drastically reduced as if they were enchanted, and the spring of the long grass is now becoming dusty. The most pitiful thing is that those who use trees as their homes have nowhere to hide, and are even cruelly killed as accessories. As a result, one stump is clearly visible, and a piece of desert is prominent.

Don't let the nightmare continue! It is time for action. Let us protect the forest and awaken the lumberjack from now on. Don't let the big worm "money" continually erode our hearts, let every drop of water become clear and transparent, let every tree flourish, make the sky bluer, make the flowers more beautiful, and make the earth more vibrant. exuberant.

Sixth grade: ugly

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