Inspirational game

About Inspirational Games: "Trust of Trust", "Trust of Trust"

1. “Trust of Trust ” Game Rules: You need to combine any two people, divided into multiple groups, and two or two competitions. One of the students needs to cover their eyes, and then another student should explain the silent communication between them before the occlusion. Then start on the road, turn or go up and down the stairs, on the same road, to see who will arrive at the destination first, who will be the ultimate winner.

The meaning of the game: to examine the communication skills of both parties, let everyone know how to adapt, how to complete under difficult conditions

Things that can't be done.

2, the finale of the finale - "trust back" game rules: need a certain height of the table and chairs, and a nylon rope. Ten boys are responsible for the two-to-two docking to form a hand net. A student has to tie his hands and then stand up to the heights and back to the net. The host and the students who formed the hand net began to cheer for their cheers. When they were ready, they were dumped by the high school students. A bend in the body during the dumping process is considered a failure, and the straight person is considered a success. Considering that the game is dangerous, it is necessary to be a moderator and emphasize some details.

Game meaning: People must trust each other and understand and support each other.

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