Inspirational game

Inspiring game: "Dilemma"


Time : more than l hours

Number of people : no limit. When the number is large, the team members need to be divided into a group of five people.

Props :

[each group)

4 diameters are about 20cm. A log of about 45cm in length. Treated pines that are fenced or old poles can be used. Note that the diameter must not be less than 20era, otherwise they will be difficult to roll on soft ground.

A piece of hardwood with a length of about 4 meters. The width is about 30era and the thickness is about 5cm.

A 12ram thick, 6 meter long rope.

Two ropes to mark the start and end points.

Overview : This is a game used to develop the team's creative spirit.

Objective : To cultivate a sense of cooperation and cooperation to solve problems together.



1. Choose a softer ground as a playing field. If the ground is smooth and hard, the logs will be too easy to roll, and the players will have difficulty standing on the board.

2. Let the team members form a group for every five people.

3. After the group is divided, assign a team leader to each team.

4. Let all the teams stand at the starting point and send logs, planks and ropes to each group.

5. Tell the teams that their task is to use a material sent to them to cross a "dangerous" lot. The body must not touch the ground during the crossing.

6. To the game opening remarks:

Your team is working on a secret in a corner of the factory. Suddenly, one of you found a leaking pipe that transported a new type of strong acid, and a lot of strong acid had flowed out of the pipe. These strong acids spread about 10 meters wide on the ground, blocking your escape from danger. The smell of strong acid volatilization is getting stronger and stronger, and you have gradually felt difficulty breathing, so you must escape as soon as possible. You can't walk over from strong acid, because no matter which part of your body touches this acid, you will be dissolved in a few seconds. The only tools you can use right now are four logs, a piece of wood and a rope. The four logs have been treated with corrosion resistance. They can be exposed to strong acids. Wood boards and ropes should not be exposed to strong acids. If they encounter such strong acid, they will be dissolved immediately. If someone encounters acid during the crossing. The entire team must return to the place immediately. Allowing the injured team member to rinse under a special shower is the only way to suppress a strong acid burn. Then the entire team can start to cross again. If the board or rope hits the acid, the same treatment must be done, otherwise the entire board or rope will be dissolved. The condition of the game's success is that the entire team can safely cross this strong acid zone, I wish you good luck!

Example of a discussion question:

What problems did you encounter during the game?

How to analyze the problem?

What did everyone do?

What role does everyone play?

Has the team leader conducted effective leadership?

Can everyone actively participate and solve problems together?

Do you think the entire operation of the group is effective? Why?

What are your suggestions for further improving the operation of the team?

Safety: Make sure that the surface of the log has no sharp edges.

Workaround: If you need to increase the difficulty of the game, you can cast the eyes of two players - tell everyone that the eyes of two players have been blinded by the stimulation of the acid gas volatilized.

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