Inspirational speech

Have a dream to have a future

The dreams of the dreams are true and false, and they are also amazing and embarrassing. The dreams of the ethereal and the dreams are constantly intoxicating the dreamers. This spiritual phenomenon has made many literati sages fascinated. Struggle. It is the existence of dreams that makes us more courage to advance and confidence to win, because dreams, our world is more colorful and beautiful.

Some people say that China is a country that is difficult to innovate. Because China has no dreams and dreamers, some people say that the Chinese people's style of life is the most realistic in the world, and it is not as good as the average businessman. However, in history, Chinese and Chinese people have always had no shortage of dreams. Zhuangsheng Mengdie embodies the free release of thoughts, and the rushing of the Wanhu is a bold exploration of the pursuit. From the bright moon of the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Guancheng of Tang and Ming, the Chinese dream has not only been done, but also to reach the other side of the dream. Constantly trying and impacting, we have the four inventions that we are proud of. With the vast literary art, it has made China great and extraordinary.

But nowadays, when we come up with a dream, what we Chinese people think of first is absurdity. If we say that we have to work hard for it, the people around us will not look at the second look except for more white eyes and disdain. As for the chances and dreams of dreams, they will be annihilated forever. In our vision, dreams are just the innocent and idiotic whispers of children. We live in the real world of smart people, we want to develop, we have to be rational, we have to make money, we want... what we want, Do life have to be like this? Whenever we come late at night, when we are eager to count the red revolutionary achievements, where is our heart? When we are going around for survival, when we give everything for money At that time, what did we get and what did we lose? Is our desire only more money to satisfy? We got the money but lost our dreams.

"I have a dream", this is Martin Luther King's famous speech, depicting his dream of the American dream - a dream without discrimination and prejudice, the pursuit of fairness and justice. It is with such a pursuit and such persistence that it has made the United States a strong future.

When we are now fascinated by the civilization and wealth of the United States, have we ever thought that we have had such glory, and when we are full of American dreams everywhere, we have thought about the existence of the Chinese dream. Some people will ask if the Chinese dream exists? I said that the American dream existed at the beginning. When people are sober, it is difficult to dream. Whenever we consider reality and possibility, is it still a dream?

The American dream has made the United States today, so the future China needs the Chinese dream to achieve her future glory. Our Chinese dream requires the courage to dare to dream, the obstacles we need to overcome reality, and the confidence we need to work hard to achieve our dreams. Jump out of the paradigm of thinking and life, take the real repression, find traces of truth, goodness and beauty in life, and recreate the beauty of dreams in life.

If someone asks me what your Chinese dream is, I will say that my Chinese dream is that China has a dream, and the Chinese must dare to dream.

Because there is a dream, there is innovation, and a dream has a future.

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