Inspirational speech

After 4 years of graduation, I am 10 times higher than this salary.

Xiao Ke's introduction: Although it is about the IT industry, the whole industry can learn from: 1. Improve personal core competitiveness; 2. If the company is not good, quickly withdraw, responsible for your own life...

The text begins:

Why talk about this topic?

In the first four years after graduation, my salary has risen more than 10 times. From the very beginning, I have been suffering from a bitter haha, and I have grown up in the operation work, and I have a relatively good salary.

When I graduated, I was ignorant and ignorant. I was eager to make some achievements. After working hard for a period of time, I didn’t improve my ability. I began to get confused and confused. Then I gradually found out the doorway and went back and forth. I made a lot of mistakes. I also did something right on some choices, and I felt a lot.

I used to be a silk.

Like many people, I didn't enter a very good company from the beginning, and I also took a lot of detours.

When I was a senior, I went to Shanghai to participate in an entrepreneurial event and met the boss of the first company. At that time, he was the most impressed entrepreneur in the speech event, and he also published a book.

After I bought the book and went back to it, I was moved by his story. I felt that his career pattern was not simple. He took the initiative to go to the company to find him. He hoped to work at his company and be able to get close to him. To more things.

Seeing a young man like me who is so brave and eager to be so motivated, gave me a chance.

At that time, the boss often told me that when young people first entered the society, they should focus on growth rather than material returns. When doing business, what is important is the value to society, not the company's profits.

As a self-proclaimed person, this sounds so good.

But I never thought that I really only gave me a very low salary, 1500 per month, and it lasted for another year, oh...

Xiao Ke's introduction: Although it is about the IT industry, the whole industry can learn from: 1. Improve personal core competitiveness; 2. If the company is not good, quickly withdraw, responsible for your own life...

The text begins:

Why talk about this topic?

In the first four years after graduation, my salary has risen more than 10 times. From the very beginning, I have been suffering from a bitter haha, and I have grown up in the operation work, and I have a relatively good salary.

When I graduated, I was ignorant and ignorant. I was eager to make some achievements. After working hard for a period of time, I didn’t improve my ability. I began to get confused and confused. Then I gradually found out the doorway and went back and forth. I made a lot of mistakes. I also did something right on some choices, and I felt a lot.

I used to be a silk.

Like many people, I didn't enter a very good company from the beginning, and I also took a lot of detours.

When I was a senior, I went to Shanghai to participate in an entrepreneurial event and met the boss of the first company. At that time, he was the most impressed entrepreneur in the speech event, and he also published a book.

After I bought the book and went back to it, I was moved by his story. I felt that his career pattern was not simple. He took the initiative to go to the company to find him. He hoped to work at his company and be able to get close to him. To more things.

Seeing a young man like me who is so brave and eager to be so motivated, gave me a chance.

At that time, the boss often told me that when young people first entered the society, they should focus on growth rather than material returns. When doing business, what is important is the value to society, not the company's profits.

As a self-proclaimed person, this sounds so good.

But I never thought that I really only gave me a very low salary, 1500 per month, and it lasted for another year, oh...

1. Why is there a high salary?

Enterprises hire talents not to relieve refugees, but to develop business, so compensation is determined by the value created by employees.

There are three factors that determine a high salary, the core competitiveness, the degree of irreplaceability, and the degree of demand for this ability.

2. What is core competitiveness?

The core competitiveness was first proposed by Professor Prahalad and Gary Hamel, referring to the difference in competitive advantage and core competence of individuals compared to competitors.

Core competencies represent not a single ability but a combination of multiple capabilities.

Value: The advantage or ability to create value for a company is its core competitiveness.

Before, I received a resume with the words "League of Legends" hitting a certain position. This is not valuable for the job positions I need to recruit, nor can it constitute a core competitiveness; of course, for some games. For operations or anchors, it may be valuable.

The ability to be valuable to the company does not necessarily mean that there is an advantage, because it requires an irreplaceable degree.

For example, "will use Excel" is very easy to replace, so it does not give you many advantages in this respect, but the ability to "use Excel PivotTable for data analysis" is a very few people can master the ability.

The higher the irreplaceability, the more valuable this core competitiveness is.

3. What is the core competitiveness of the product operation field?

Consciously focus yourself

Continuously improve core competitiveness

When you have no core competencies at all, hard work and active commitment can be your core competitiveness. At the same time, you must consciously set yourself a direction and cultivate your own stronger core competitiveness.

4. Begin the stage of gradually forming core competitiveness

Active research and active expression

A better chance

With the profound lessons of the previous work, I paid more attention to the conscious attention to the improvement of my ability in the second job.

When I first arrived at the new company, I needed to participate in the construction and operation of a marketing forum. Because I was just starting to do it, there were only two people. Another older colleague of my age, who graduated from the Department of Computer Science of 211 University, also had work experience. More abundant than me, it is natural for him to take the lead, and I assist in participating.

At that time, I was very interested in doing forum operations, so I spent a lot of time researching information about forum operations, experience articles, interviews with webmasters, plug-in tools, and researching the planning and operation of excellent forums.

At the discussion of the boss's participation two weeks later, I expressed some of my views on these issues on specific issues. I can clearly feel my understanding of the forum and I am more than another colleague.

Again, the position began to turn around and began to designate the overall work of the forum in charge of me, assisted by another colleague.

Judging from my past promotion experiences, the emergence of such opportunities is faster than I expected, especially in small companies. I don't believe you to try.

When you are responsible for one thing independently

Is the fastest time for my ability to grow.

Although I took a lot of detours in the early stage of my career and wasted a lot of time, the independence of one thing during this period of time has brought me tremendous improvement and leap.

Through proactive, I started to be responsible for the construction and operation of the entire forum, from the initial design of the section to the introduction of seed users, content operations, moderator recruitment management, planning activities, inviting big cattle, and developing new features.

When I need to be responsible for one thing independently, I need to not only consider all aspects to enhance the overall concept, but also need to find ways to solve the problem of improving the response when facing specific problems.

The boss has never recruited other newcomers in the early days, just giving me a fuller opportunity to practice all aspects of the forum operation.

In addition, the content positioning of the forum itself is related to marketing, marketing and operations. During this period, I have consolidated my theoretical foundation and practical experience in operation, and the ability to copy the script is mainly promoted during this period.

Focus on time

The most important thing

A few years ago, I was still in a long distance, and I had a lot of time. I found a neighborhood that was closest to the office. I found a bed for six people in this neighborhood. I can go to the company in 5 minutes because I am close. Save a lot of time to go to work every day.

I got up at 6 o'clock in the morning and went to the company. I left the company and returned to my residence at eleven o'clock in the evening.

Because I lived in a multi-person room, in order to avoid the queue, I even put the toiletries in the company. When I saw the eyes, I went to the company to start brushing my teeth, and then I started learning. During that time, I was four times more than my colleagues. After five hours of study, the ability gap quickly opened.

Youth is very short, and there is really not much time for you to be fully engaged in work after graduating from college. If you are 22 years old, graduated from college, 24 years old, 27 years old, 28 years old, you can really let yourself struggle. Really not much.

As a married person, I want to tell you that I really don't know how envious of the days when I could study for two days on weekends. I feel that the days when I can do what I want to do in college every day is a paradise.

Through such an experience, I began to form my own core competitiveness, and the salary has also increased slightly. Due to the limited traditional thinking of the boss, I found it difficult to improve my ability for a while, so I jumped out to find new ones. opportunity.

Let the people around you get better

Free yourself more time

Later, I went to a startup funded by a real fund. After two months of employment, I started to be responsible for the establishment of a new project for the transformation of the company. From the initial project planning, process design, user communication, copywriting design, cooperation negotiation, and then To the advertising and customer management, I am completely responsible for one person, and I have completely experienced the process from zero to one.

What's more precious is that this is a profitable project that started to help the company turn around, including the user's paid conversion and accurate advertising. This is very valuable for me.

In these efforts, my ability has improved significantly and I have gradually brought the team. I didn't know how to authorize at first, and I was very tired and hard.

Later, I reflected that I need to make the people who follow me work better, release my time, and let myself invest in more valuable things.

Respect their ideas, actively encourage their progress, and enable them to take on a relatively independent work as soon as possible.

Due to the smooth progress of the project, the project I was responsible for accounted for more than half of the company's profit. After another year, I was responsible for the operation and management of the entire company, and the monthly salary has also risen to more than 30,000.

Choice is more important than effort

Do the right thing

Not the easy one

Since graduation, I have been working very hard, but the speed of progress at different stages makes me understand that choosing is more important than hard work, choosing the right direction for the company, and grasping the opportunity is really important.

I made the phrase "Do the right thing, Not the easy one." into the cover of the mobile phone, constantly reminding myself that we should pay attention to ourselves on the right path and avoid deceiving ourselves with "feeling hard".

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