Inspirational speech

Inspirational speech: "Protect the environment, cherish the earth"


The theme of my speech today is "Protect the environment and cherish the earth."

We live on earth because she is the only place where we can survive. We can't do without the sun, we can't do without plants, we can't do without oxygen, and we can't do without water.

But do the students know that the green of the mother of the earth is turning yellow little by little? Scientists estimate that in the near future, the mother’s green will disappear, and I have made a real dream, dreaming. The world has been desertified. At first glance, I can only see the boundless sand and the black sky, and I walked to a spaceship...

But do the students know that the mother will face a disaster--the global warming, the melting of the Arctic and the Arctic, the rising sea level, the flooding of the earth, the ozone hole over the Antarctic, the air passing by, the mass extinction of the animals...

But do the students know that the water we can directly use only accounts for seven hundred thousandths of the world's total water, which can be said to be minimal. However, these water damages are constantly being polluted, and the color of the water on the earth is constantly changing...

I watched TV a few days ago and learned that in the Yangtze River, China’s unique Chinese sturgeon has been extinct, and the living fossils that have made dozens of Chinese people proud have disappeared from our eyes.

I have a wish, I want a three-color earth, the water is blue, the earth is green, the cloud is white, the forest coverage is 100%, the blue sky and the white clouds are harmoniously matched, only the attractive green earth.

Let us protect the environment, cherish the earth, and let the last drop of water be the tears of people. The last breath is the carbon dioxide that people exhale. Work hard for the three-color earth!

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