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a letter

Dear principal:

Hello, I am Qian Yu of the sixth class. In a few months, I will leave the school, enter the middle school, and start a new study life. Before I left this school, I had a suggestion that I hope the principal can consider it.

Principal You once made a comment to the whole school: "If you want to get the awards of the three good students, you must do moral, intellectual, physical, beautiful, and labor. Sports must be good. If the sports don't reach good, you can't get three good. The student’s certificate is only awarded with a certificate of merit and eugenics.” Although this opinion is very good, it can inspire some people to achieve good results in sports, but if they are not able to participate in sports, they have very Great impact. Because if a person can't participate in physical exercise, then no matter how good the person is in learning. Even if that person does moral, intellectual, beautiful, and labor, and sports does not pass, then that person is not likely to receive the certificate of the three good students.

People who can't participate in physical exercise are still in the city center of Zhao. Although I don't know that Zhao is a small city center, there are several people who can't participate in physical exercise, but I am one of them. I can't participate in physical exercise, so I have no confidence in learning. I am about to leave this school and go to middle school, so I urge the principal to change that opinion. If the principal withdraws the opinion, I believe that this will give people who can't participate in physical exercise "refueling", which will make them more confident. Excellent results.

Six classes of money to write

March 22, 2004

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