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Don't be confident about yourself, believe in your life value

I have heard such a story:

At a seminar, a famous actor did not say an opening remark, but held up a 20-dollar bill and asked: "Who wants?" Someone raised her hand. Then he smashed the banknotes and asked, "Who is still?" There are still people raising their hands. Then he threw the banknotes on the ground and stepped on it. The banknotes became dirty and Zou. After he picked it up, he asked, "Who is going now?" Still someone raised his hand. Finally, he said: "Friends, we have had a meaningful lesson. No matter how I treat the banknote, you still want him because he has not devalued. On the road of life, we will be decided or met by ourselves many times. The adversity is crowded and even crushed. We feel that we are worthless, but no matter what happens or what is going to happen, you will never lose value in the eyes of God. In his opinion, no matter what your clothes are, It is an invaluable treasure. The value of life does not depend on what we do, nor on the characters we make, but on ourselves. You are unique – never forget this!”

Yes, the actor is right. Don't be self-confident. Don't always think that others are better than you. In fact, everyone has their own strengths, characteristics and advantages. You must believe in yourself and fully reflect your own life value.

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