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write a letter

Dear Sister,
Hello there!
Did you receive the letter I sent you? The cold winter is coming, how did your kindergarten go every morning? Is it running? Is it a game? Still doing morning exercises? Our school runs a winter run every day. Look: I saw the teacher Yun Yu’s order and the whole school started running. ||| Our entire class has changed from a one-way column to a two-way column. The team ran forward neatly, and we swinged our arms back and forth. I ran 3 steps, 1 breath, and at the beginning, when I was running the first lap, I felt very relaxed and a bit cold, so I tried my best. After two laps, I felt very tired, my legs were sour, and people were hot. I think: So tired! I really don't want to run. But I look at the classmates in front, they are just as breathless as I am, but they are still trying to run. This time, they seem to have given me unlimited "magic power", making me feel tired. ||| After the ran, the teacher asked us to walk another 2 laps and told us: "Walking 2 laps can adjust the breathing, which is good for our body."||| Jia Jia, in the cold winter, you can Can not sleep until 9:30, and get up early to smelt the body, enhance resistance, less disease. If you are sick, you can't come to Hangzhou to play during the winter vacation. You have to live: if the weather is cold, you should add clothes in time, don't freeze. ||||||||| I wish you|||healthy and happy||| Sister: Shao Yuqin||| December 17, 2019|||

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