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a letter to Dad

Dear father:

Hello! Recently, is your body good? Is the work smooth?

I have one thing I want to tell you. Over the past few months, I have found that you are more and more in love with drinking. In the evening, you often get drunk and come back, and you don’t have time to accompany me. I remember once you were drunk. I said a lot to me, and you said, "Dad knows that drinking is wrong, but this wine is addictive when you drink."

Dad, can't you stop drinking for my family and for the whole family? Do you know? Drinking and driving is dangerous. If something goes wrong, what should I do? What about grandparents? Do you know? Whenever you go out to drink and can't get through your call, how worried we are.

Dad, I want to say to you, "I love you! Dad."

Wishing you:

Good health, good work, and good luck.

Your baby girl: Zuo Wei

November 24, 2019

The fourth grade of the fourth-grade class of the National Center of the Island of Lianghe County, Lianghe County: Dai Yuan

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