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a letter to the teacher

Dear Teacher Liu:


Although we get along with each other, I have never expressed my respect and love to you.

The years are rushing, and the past events are in my heart. When I am lost, you are a beacon; when I make a mistake, you are a strict teacher; when I need care, you are a kind mother.

Your words and deeds, and your gestures are inscribed in my heart. You guide, educate us with your words and deeds. Although you are a teacher, when you have made mistakes, you also dare to admit mistakes in front of the students and praise the students who found the mistakes, let me know how to be an honest and responsible person. When the same student is sick or injured, your love is like a kind mother, which makes me feel that I live in a warm family. When a classmate is obsessed with it, you will give him the correct guidance like a strict father. And teaching. Teacher, you organize your classmates to read more and accumulate, let me know the beauty of reading. A book is a world where you let me travel through this world after another and experience different life. Under your guidance, I grew up from a ignorant little boy to a good young pioneer.

Teacher, in a busy life, don't forget to take a moment to let yourself relax and always protect a young and happy heart. Teacher, you are like a fragrant little flower, open in a corner of my heart. The wind is transparent, the rain is ticking, the clouds are flowing, the song is free, the sky is eternal, you are unforgettable!

Wishing you:

All the best!

Your student: 冀卉馨

August 19, 2019

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