Secretarial knowledge > commitment

Four excellent party members' commitment

Firmly establish the awareness of the capital, the awareness of the overall situation, the sense of responsibility, and the sense of service. Combine the four tasks with their own work, check each other one by one, and work hard on innovation and innovation. I promise:

1. Emancipate the mind, adhere to the grassroots units in the production support work, especially the grassroots units responsible for their own contact, and investigate and understand that grassroots cadres and employees are consistent with the tasks issued by their own departments. Whether to arrange work and tasks from the actual and objective, solicit opinions and then issue articles, so as to be targeted, I think this is in line with the content and requirements of the scientific development concept.

2. Master first-hand information, listen to the truth of the grassroots and employees, serve the grassroots and serve the employees, and change the work style of making phone calls, sending files, reading written materials, grasping experience, listening to reports, and persisting in the end. Sitting and doing the work, ensuring the effectiveness of the trade union service, overcoming the blindness of work and exaggerating style, using practical actions to bring the distance between the trade union and the grassroots trade unions closer together, forming a situation in which the trade unions are coordinated, united and interactive.

3, pounce on the body, start from me, do not live on their own, obey the rules and regulations within the party, government, organs, trade unions, lead by example, do not compare, improve the consciousness of obeying the rules. To be honest, to be honest, to be a Communist Party member who is silently dedicated.

4. Respond to the financial crisis, learn the team spirit of the employees of state-owned enterprises and the tradition of diligence and housekeeping. Take the unit as the home, do not extravagance and waste, save every office paper, not waste every grain, and do not use the office lighting. No electrical equipment that is not related to work. I am a party member who said that it is necessary to do it. Please ask the members and the public to supervise and inspect.

Commitment: **

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