Secretarial knowledge > Advertising

The concept and narrative of advertising slogan

The advertising slogan is an aphorism that succinctly expresses the theme of the product, so it is also called an advertising slogan or an advertising aphorism. It is an important part of the copy.
Both the advertising slogan and the advertising title reflect the characteristics of goods or services in a concise language, all of which serve the creative concept of advertising, and are similar in content and form structure, but the difference between the two is also obvious. From the purpose, the advertising title is intended to induce consumers to read the text, which is an integral part of the advertising text, and the advertising slogan is intended to enable consumers to establish a concept to guide them to purchase business or labor services, that is, advertising slogans Reflected in the brand positioning strategy and appeal strategy, it only appears in this strategy stage.

The following example:
What do you want to send to your relatives and friends for a healthy holiday?

In the past, on the holidays, visiting relatives and friends, people often send cigarettes and alcohol as a gift, although the truth is true, but it is harmful to health; now, gifts can be scientific...
505 gives you warmth and health.

This ad has a title and an advertising slogan. The title is "What is good for the holidays? Send a good health to friends and relatives." Use the form of questioning, attract people to think, and enticing to read the text; "505 gives you warmth and health" is an advertising slogan, let people establish a concept , 505 can bring warmth and health to everyone.
From the perspective of dependency, an advertisement has a title, the newly designed advertisement has a new title, and the old title is discarded. Therefore, the title of the advertisement must be attached to the advertisement text and image, and change with the change of the advertisement content; The advertising slogan can be fixed. In many advertisements of the same product, it can be used repeatedly. The more times the repetition is repeated, the deeper the memory left is, and the greater the role played.
From the position point of view, the title is the title of the advertisement text, generally placed at the beginning of the article, arranged in a conspicuous and conspicuous manner, easy to lure; the position of the advertisement slogan is more flexible, it can be placed at the end of the article, and can also be placed on the side of the advertisement by typesetting. It can also be used alone.
In practice, the slogan and the title often have complex and overlapping situations. Some statements are used as both a slogan and a title. This statement can be regarded as a slogan and a title, but the slogan can be used as a title, but the title cannot. Become a slogan.

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