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Student review book format

Dear xx teacher:

Today, I am writing this review book with you and my regrets to show you my deep understanding of the bad behavior of absenteeism and my determination to skip class.

Seeing the micro-knowledge, from small to big, as a member of the Communist Youth League, I did not take time off to give the whole class a bad example and caused a very bad influence. I made a profound reflection on the serious consequences of my absenteeism:

1 There is something to do without leave, so that the teacher is worried about my safety. I have not appeared on time, and I am not worried about the teachers who care about every student. Such fears are likely to cause teachers to work distracted all day, causing more serious consequences.

2 caused a bad influence among the students. Because of my absenteeism alone, it is possible to cause other students to follow suit and influence the discipline of the class. It is also irresponsible to the parents of other students.

3Ill affect the improvement of the individual's comprehensive level, so that I can't improve it under the condition of instinctive improvement. Now, I am deeply remorseful and deeply review my mistakes.

4 The ideological consciousness is not high, and the understanding of mistakes is not enough. Imagine that if I realized the seriousness of the matter at that time, mistakes would not happen. All of this problem is due to the fact that I have not yet reached the level of understanding problems that a modern college student should have failed to pay off the hard work of the teacher. I am more and more aware of the seriousness of the mistakes I made. In the next few years, I will strictly require myself to complete my studies and make my words and deeds consistent with a modern college student.

I hope that my teacher can be profound in my first class, and I also have a good performance. I will handle it lightly. Please care for my teacher and classmates to continue to supervise and help me correct my shortcomings and make greater progress. I don't want to write a hypocritical review like many people. The review is just a dead object. Correcting mistakes is not about writing a review, but about acting. Only by really recognizing your mistakes can we correct mistakes. Everything has a process. There is also a process to correct mistakes. This review will be my supervision, an alarm, and supervise me to correct the mistakes made step by step. I also thank the teachers from the college for giving me the opportunity. I must use my own actions to prove my awakening, and definitely live up to your pains!

Chapter two

Studying well, obeying the school rules and regulations is what every student should do, and it is also the fine traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but as a contemporary student, I have not continued to carry it out. Just like many Chinese youth do not know that there is Christmas, but grandly went to Christmas. We all lost discipline in ignorance and did not understand our learning objectives...

The flowers flow from the drifting water, a self-study, noisy and boiling, the teacher you have several times of sorrow, this is difficult to eliminate in my heart, for our ignorance, special review to you.

First of all, the most direct cause of self-study speech is that our self-discipline is poor. After the homework is completed, we feel that there is nothing to do; the indirect reason is that we want to do something other than the coursework, and we can't help but communicate with each other. At the time, the slow self-study class is boiling. Of course, this cannot be the reason for self-study classes not complying with discipline. Mr. Lu Xun said... Goethe also said... We can only make progress by looking seriously, looking for the deep roots behind the mistakes, and recognizing the nature of the problem.

This self-study speech violated the education management system and affected the normal operation of the teacher. This is unfaithful and guilty. I also lived up to the great parents' ardent hopes for me, so that I was wasting my time at school, but I was not filial, and I also sinned. Let the teacher do your best for this matter, sad and disappointed, this is not benevolent, three sins also... At the time of writing this review, I deeply felt my ignorance and regret it.

Finally, the trouble teachers and classmates took time to review the review I made and handed in this review. I am in the test of the teacher.... I now fully understand the teacher’s education and our pains... Discipline is by no means a negligible little thing! As long as we all have good restraint and independent learning ability, there is no excuse in the self-study class. Any reason can excuse the speech! We only have to seriously think about life. There is more to do, so many burdens to pick, there is no reason to not follow the discipline in the normal self-study class.

For the teacher to work hard to spend what I don't have, a lot of time and a lot of patience to teach me, in order to stop the teacher and me from losing precious time, I followed the teacher to write this review and review my mistakes, because I am Write a review and add a dull head, although using the whole lunch break and not letting the spirit rest and adding acidity... Write this review with a heavy and complicated mood, but it is still not well written. We cannot use our profound Chinese language and culture better, please understand the teacher.

In order to thank the teacher for his teaching, I hereby promise that if there is a chance to come back to me, I will do my best to restrain myself and never let the teacher down. Please ask the teacher for my mistake this time!

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