Secretarial knowledge > Responsibility

Secondary school parents' safety responsibility book

Safety is heavier than Mount Tai. In order to further implement the “Measures for the Handling of Student Injury Accidents” promulgated by the Ministry of Education; in conjunction with the “School Safety Year” activities carried out by the County Education Bureau, the school signed a safety responsibility letter with parents for the students to study and live happily and grow up healthily. :

First, parents should regularly strengthen safety education for students and improve their safety awareness and prevention capabilities.

Second, parents should understand the situation of students complying with the school's "safety system", so that home and school can be combined and jointly managed.

3. Parents should conduct the following safety education and management for students. Students should consciously abide by the school safety rules.

1. Educate students not to go to school, to stay on the road, not to play with strangers, go straight home.

2. Educate students to play in less dangerous places, such as construction sites, single parallel bars, and flat ladders. “It is strictly forbidden for students to take a bath in private.”

3, education students do not play flammable and explosive items, such as not playing with fire, do not set off firecrackers.

4. Education students consciously abide by the traffic rules, do not cross the road, do not take the unlicensed car to go to school, do not violate the rules of driving motor vehicles.

5, educate students without a knife nail, lighter, matches, etc. to the school, do not fight.

6. Educate students not to play dangerous games: such as playing slingshots, climbing trees, fighting cocks, not riding to school.

7. Educate students to pay attention to food hygiene, not to eat in informal food stores, restaurants, not to eat snacks, not to smoke, drink alcohol, to prevent epidemic diseases.

8, education students do not enter the video game hall and Internet cafes, do not look at yellow books and videos. In principle, the school does not allow parents to equip their children with mobile phones to prevent students from using their mobile phones to upload or receive bad information, or to use mobile phones to log in to bad porn sites.

9. Students living in the school do not burn indoors, light candles, or arbitrarily pull wires to prevent fires.

10, students living in school must get up and go to bed on time, can not just go to the streets.

11. Students living in school must obey the management of the administrator and the school, and take care of the public property. If there is any damage, compensate the price.

12. Parents urge students to arrive at school on time and return home on time. Regularly communicate with the school and the class teacher to provide and understand the psychological dynamics of the child so that the home school can jointly promote the healthy development of the students' mind and body.

Student signature: year, month and day

Parent's signature: Year, month and day

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