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Small fish umbrella (see picture composition)

There was a crystal clear river in front of my house. I often swim in the river, fish by the river, and sometimes play with the small fish and shrimps... I haven’t been to the river for a long time. Today, I came to the river and was surprised to find that the river was no longer clear, and there was a variety of garbage floating on the river. I shouted at the river: "Fish, shrimp, where are you?" After a while, I saw a few small umbrellas floating up. Take a closer look, the original umbrella is the small fish. I asked in confusion: "Why do you have an umbrella?" The fish said: "People often throw things into the river, we are all scared by them!" At this time, I found a small fish still wearing What about the mask? I am even more puzzled: "Why do you wear a mask?" "Don't you smell the smell from the river?" I heard the fish say this, I really smelled a bad smell. Stinky. There is another small fish next to it: "The things people throw are really 'rich'. The leftover bones, melon skin, wine bottles, worn shoes... all have everything!" Listening to the little fish Our complaints, I am really ashamed of those who throw garbage! Teacher's Comments: The author's imagination is very rich, using small fish umbrellas, wearing masks and other acts to show the harshness of the environment. People often throw things into the river. The small fish are afraid of being caught, so they have to hold an umbrella. The mask is because the river is too stinky. These are caused by human beings not protecting the environment. This article by the author is very profound and aims to appeal to human beings to care for the environment. The language of the small author is very beautiful. The full text is written in anthropomorphic way. It is very vivid and well written. 2010-3-21 20:18:00

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