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Xiao Gang and Xiao Fang look at the picture composition

Welcome to read "Essay: Xiaogang and Xiaofang to read the composition", "" Daily update for you more excellent "third grade composition", please stay tuned! From: Composition Daquan Xiaogang and Xiaofang are classmates and are the best friends. After a unit test, Xiaogang got a 100-point test paper and showed off in front of the classmates. However, Xiaofang bowed his head and didn't dare to look at his own score of 50 points. After going home from school, Xiaogang asked her mother to take him to eat the "Golden Prince" steak, and Xiaofang took the test paper that was soaked with tears. When she gave it to her mother, she could be sad. After looking at the test paper, my mother said, "Don't be sad, as long as you don't feel discouraged, continue to work hard, you will definitely test it next time, my mother believes in you." From then on, Xiaofang began to anger and learn, and Xiaogang? Then I became fascinated with computer games and my performance plummeted. The final exam was over. After the score came out, Xiaofang scored 100 points and finally showed a happy smile. Xiaogang can't smile anymore. At this time, Xiaofang told Xiao Gang what her mother had said to her last time, and hoped that he would cheer up. Later, the two of them helped each other and worked together. When they reached the final exam, both of them scored 100 points. They were very happy and went home happily. "Xiao Gang and Xiaofang's essays" is a collection of excellent "third-grade essays". It is sourced from the Internet and members. It is for reference and study only. Please indicate the source.

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