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A Wu Qiren

A WU Author: Zhenning Gu

Write down this topic, a sense of guilt that is unspeakable, and even faint. Because Awu is not my classmate and friend, but the boss, the head teacher. It is a sinful sin of the "ten sins" to swear by him bluntly. Although we get along only 5 months and 12 days. However, there are constant incidents and the relationship is quite harmonious. Now I am daring to divulge one or two. I hope that I will laugh.
A Wu is cheerful and young, and very young and lively. It is easy to mingle with classmates, and then simply call brothers and brothers. Since listening to Su Yi’s written article “I Love Qingxun”, everyone has called his name. Every day, “Qingxun” is heard all the time. Ah’s voice is not angry, but also beautiful. The life of the teacher, etc., also claimed to be the close friends of the young people.

A Wu is not tall, black face, said that his face is black to be sick, but his face is black and makes people feel friendly and comfortable. Ah Wu always wears a blue, gray and white down jacket. Although it is no longer handsome in sportswear in the autumn, it is also full of charm. Perhaps this is the "manly spirit" of Qi Jing.
A Wu also has a shortcoming, that is, a heavy woman. He has to deal with some of the killers of the boys, such as seeing which naughty is too outrageous, and not being able to get a "sweeping leg"; or which boy is bullying the girl, he will smile and say: "Which one is itchy, let you give you a free scratch." After the treatment of Awu, the recurrence rate of itching is extremely low. But the girl A Wu is so good as a mother, and her face becomes faster than June. For example, which girl made a mistake, he always made a serious deal, and he blamed a few words. It’s too irritating and it’s just two screams, never really.

A Wu gave the girl a nickname that was better than one, "Sui Princess", "Qi Qi Gege" and "four talented women". Look at the boys, what "Zhang Wei", "Mr. Bone", "ostrich", etc., the evil spirits can also scare off half of the soul. Ah Wu is very concerned about girls. Our boys’ studies have just gotten a little better, and he is busy holding a girls’ congress. I thought that we had a "6. Five boys standing up" mobilization meeting, but he was "impatient". Since the break of the meeting, the girls seem to have eaten stimulants, and the arms of the class are raised high, like the shape of the Astro Boy. Look at his supporters, the one-size-fits-all.
In my heart, A Wu's language class is unmatched, and the tacit understanding between teachers and students is extremely good. His lectures are always straight, his voice is loud and swaying, and he speaks humor from time to time to make everyone laugh. For example, explain the famous writer Lao She wrote "Prairie." He first let everyone open the book, and at the same time press the button to simultaneously play the Mongolian singer Tengger's "Paradise", the beautiful picture, plus the beautiful and light music to make the background. Everyone listened to the catchy essays and couldn't help but shake their heads. It seemed to be a guest who visited the grasslands and was in the green sea. "Ah! The days here are more lovely than others, the air is so fresh, the sky is so clear, so I always want to sing a song, indicating that I am full of happiness..."
From Wu Rongrong, he talked about his "Prairie". He talked about the author's artistic conception, and the whispered words were well-worded. Whoever listens must be impressed.
The class on A Wu is impeccable. Even the euphemistic ancient texts, through his analysis, are often interesting and beautiful. A few ancient literatures are good, such as Han Gu or something, but also wrote a "No, no, no, no, no," masterpiece of regret. Nowadays, when writing and writing, they bring out some "who are also". Sometimes the frequency of use is higher than the punctuation. Even the students whose language scores are average will say two old words.
Awu's classroom discipline is surprisingly good. This is not news. In addition to his fascination in class, there is also the export of Awu. It is a ridicule that the undisciplined in class often speaks out, the whole class is awkward, and it is very painful to beat the dog. The meaning, listen, "Well, um! Su Yi, your behavior seriously hurts the heart of a man with strong self-esteem." If the first-class dialogue is recorded, it can be compiled into a "critician." A Wu’s glorious deeds are too numerous to mention, and I will come back to the author’s leisure time.

This article was published in the Education Times, Wu Di, September 10, 2003.

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