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Look at pictures and write words: father and son

Son: Wow, the persimmon tree in the house is so big, and it has a persimmon. I really want to eat it, but unfortunately, Dad won’t let it go and eat it. It can’t be hard attacked. It’s only smart.... When my son came home, he saw Dad reading in the study room and thought: There is a way! Then he said to Dad: "I want to see a few thick books."

Father’s mouth is full of questions in the mouth of the pipe: You don’t usually read books, why do you want to watch today? Son: Dad~ Just want to see it, nothing. And the smell of smoke in the room is too strong, I went to the yard to see it. Father: Well, take a serious look at the knowledge. The son went out of the house with a book.

My father is more and more proud: my son finally knows how to read, I am so happy. When the father wanted to go to the yard to see how his son was reading, he walked over and looked at the house without hesitation.

When the father saw the scene in front of him, the pipe slipped out of his mouth: his son was stepping on the books and carefully picking the persimmons. My father was angry and curled up his beard: this stinky boy, who didn’t read books, used a book to pick persimmons and mad at me! ! !

Linyi City, the first country of the fifth grade: Feng Zhaofei. Xiao Chao

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