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Create provincial-level greening advanced unit reporting materials

Reporting materials for provincial-level greening advanced units in XX

In recent years, our company has taken the opportunity of creating a national health county, a provincial civilized city, and a provincial garden city, taking the opportunity of creating a national sanitation county, a provincial civilized city, and a provincial garden city, strictly in accordance with the “Standards for Greening of Courtyards in Henan Province” and “Standards for Residential Greening in Henan Province”. The Standard and the directive spirit of the greening office of the provincial, city and county greening departments have gradually greened and beautified the office environment and living environment of our company, so that the greening rate of the greenable area has reached 98%, and the green rate of the unit has reached 36%. It has invested nearly 150,000 yuan to carry out greening, planting 75 scenic trees such as cherry blossoms, large leaf mud sand, alfalfa and apricot trees. More than 160 meters of turkey green belts have been built on the inner and outer sides of the building's surrounding buildings. Five flower ponds and lawns have been built, and the green area of ​​3,380 square meters has been completed. This has greatly improved the working environment of our company, and the landscaping project has begun to take shape. At the same time, our company has also hardened, greened and beautified some of the branches, hardened the roads in the family areas, and carried out greening on the roadside, in parallel with the landscaping construction, providing a good living for the employees and their families. Leisure environment. In order to do a good job of daily management of flowers and trees, the company's greening leading group will contract Huamuhuachi and grassland to special personnel management, clarify responsibilities and strengthen management. At the same time, a full-time florist was invited to provide professional guidance on planting, pruning, watering, pest control, etc. to ensure the normal implementation of the landscaping project.

The reason why the office and living environment of our company has changed so much, the reason why the greening and beautification work has achieved such obvious results, there are three main conclusions:

First, the leaders attach importance to the goal, clear the greening and beautifying the environment, and put it on the agenda.

The company's leaders attach importance to the long-term vision. A few years ago, when the company focused on solving the housing problem of employees, it was determined to rectify the surrounding environment. Pay attention to the coordination of construction and beautification of the environment. The cadres and staff members agreed that it is not only to improve the office and living conditions of the employees, but also to improve the visibility of the unit and to promote the spiritual civilization of the unit. Underestimated value. The improvement of the ecological environment with greening as the main body will certainly improve the economic development environment of the unit at the same time, help to improve the overall competitiveness of the unit and make the economy full of vitality. The housing of the employees must be solved, the income of the employees should be improved, and the company's environmental greening and beautification work should not be delayed. The greening and beautification of the environment, if you don’t do it, you must do the best, and you must move toward the goal of a modern double-geological geological unit.

In order to do a good job of "renovating the environment, greening the home". The company has set up a leading organization, with the company manager as the team leader, the deputy manager as the deputy leader, and the heads of the various functional departments as members, and formulated a set of practical and feasible management methods, forming a good situation of consistent and consistent management. Every year, the funds are put into the environmental remediation and greening and beautification work, and the green space is used to improve the quality of the living environment. At the beginning, individual people did not understand the environmental remediation and planting and planting grass, and they did not believe that the company had the ability to solve the current dirty, chaotic and poor living environment. Some people even think that it is a bad behavior for unit leaders to spend money on planting trees and planting grass. It is better to use the money to increase the income of employees. The goal is set, the company's leaders are not shaken by gossip, in order to enable the majority of employees to support greening and beautification actions, the leaders of the unit team lead the staff representatives to the county's greening, environmentally friendly environmental protection bureaus and other units to visit, really feel the comfort of the environment, That kind of joy, that kind of pleasant, thus increasing the support of the majority of cadres and workers. In the specific construction process, the unit leaders personally urged and implemented the project. When a road is laid well, the flower beds are built successfully, the trees are planted with flowers and trees, and a set of lighting equipment is installed. The whole office and living environment are fresh and beautiful. When the paintings are displayed in front of the people, the staff and workers are all admired. Leadership vision and courage.

Second, greening and beautifying the environment, the functional departments are really working hard and creating results.

Goals and planning are good, and how to make goals and blueprints a reality is a must. From company leaders to employees, we will give full play to our subjective initiative and find ways to create a fresh and pleasant "green".

First, unified deployment, scientific planning. In order to do a good job in “renovating the environment and greening the homeland”, the company specially hired garden engineers with professional knowledge to assist in planning and design. Where to plant flowers, where to plant trees, and where to plant grass, are tailored to local conditions, unified planning, and reasonable arrangements. Make Joe, Irrigation, Flowers, and Grass configure each other. The place of this kind of arbor is willing to spend money to purchase the mature trees, and some places pay attention to the layering. The following kinds of flowers and plants of different colors, the shrubs of different shapes in the middle, the tall and magnificent trees above, from low to high, Very three-dimensional. In addition, different seasons, different colors, different fragrances of flowers and plants are distributed reasonably, green all year round, and the landscape effect is also very good.

Second, attach importance to the protection and management of greening results. It is not easy to plant flowers and trees that can be greened. It is not easy to grow the flowers and trees on the plants. In order to protect these greening achievements, the company has specially formulated relevant rules and regulations. First, let the broad masses of workers and staff establish a sense of protecting the flowers and trees, protect the green environment, and cherish the hard-won greening achievements; the second is to let the management and maintenance personnel clarify their scope of duties and understand what they should do every day. At the same time as formulating the relevant system, the garden experts were also invited to provide professional training for the management and maintenance personnel to increase their knowledge of managing flowers and trees, improve their daily management level and ability, and be more conducive to the healthy growth of flowers and trees. Under the careful management of the management and maintenance personnel, the longer the flowers and trees in the green belt of our company's residential area, the more popular it is. At present, no pests and diseases have been found and humans have invaded and destroyed the green space.

Third, do a good job of cleaning the branches and leaves. In order to ensure a beautiful environment and fresh air, the company has specially ordered a number of exquisite and practical garbage recycling bins, which are placed beside the main road and next to the road between the buildings. At the same time, personnel are dispatched to clean the road garbage and flowers every day. The broken branches in the leaves will promptly clear the garbage in the trash can. Regular spraying of drugs on the green belt will prevent the growth and reproduction of mosquitoes and ants.

The formal management makes the ground cleaning of the entire unit compound good. Some foreign guests once joked: You just walked around the unit compound and went home to sleep without washing your feet. Land greening and clean roads improve the quality of people's office and living environment, and also improve the taste of the company and residential areas.

Third, the greening and beautifying environment, the workers and staff consciously care for the flowers and trees and the green land.

Before the start of the greening work in the residential areas of the workers, the trees and flowers were very poor, and the passages for the workers and workers were only cemented on the main roads. At that time, it was really "sunny shoes full of dust, rainy days full of mud". All kinds of lines in the sky are stalking and stalking, full of "spider webs"; dangerous sheds are built everywhere, there is no regulation; some "green spaces" seen in front of us are also vegetables of the family members of the workers, living like villages in the outer suburbs. Some employees’ children are even reluctant to go home for the Spring Festival, fearing to stain the shoes on their feet.

Now all the roads are hardened and no dirt is seen. The greening places are planted with flowers and trees; a special area is also set up for cultural and sports activities, providing employees with a place for fitness and leisure. "It has become green, it has become beautiful", and the changes have been so great, so that the masses of employees can really feel the benefits brought about by "renovating the environment and greening the homeland."

The awareness of the greening of the staff and the flowers and trees has gradually increased. In order to strengthen the awareness of the workers and the public to protect the environment and protect the achievements of greening, the company has specially built and opened a series of propaganda columns: “Learning and Publicity Column”, “News Column”, “Publication Column”, “Project Fertility Promotion Column”, “Health” Education Publicity Column, etc. Through the propaganda of these columns, the phenomenon of past graffiti has been effectively stopped, and the phenomenon of uncivilization in the first model network is becoming less and less. The propaganda department has strengthened the propaganda of “protecting greening and loving my homeland”, and effectively motivated the general public to pay attention to the environment and pay attention to greening; the company consciously organized employees to plant trees and enhance the green awareness of employees. The Communist Youth League also led members, youth and students to remove weeds under the flowers and trees from time to time. No one deliberately damages flowers and trees, and confetti, people are not randomly littered. A good style of planting trees and planting flowers and loving trees and love flowers is being formed among the workers and staff.

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