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Rectification program

Personal rectification plan

I. Guide the thoughts of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents" as the guideline, taking the criteria of the "Ten Good Party Members" as the rule of the Party Constitution as the ruler, and based on the self-analysis materials of "seeking two signs and three fingers" With the world outlook, outlook on life, and values ​​being transformed, the party's standards have been improved, and we can wholeheartedly fight for the party's educational cause for life. The people really feel the changes and progress brought about by educational activities as the general purpose, and the problems of their own existence. And insufficient to formulate corrective measures.
Second, the individual's problems with the advanced nature of the Communist Party's Advanced Code of Conduct for the Communist Party of China and the "Standards for the Advancement of the Communist Party Members" are based on their own ideological work. I feel that whether it is in the concept of purpose, work style or innovation, There are still some problems and deficiencies in service development.
First, the learning consciousness needs to be further strengthened. The Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and the important thinking of the "Three Represents" have not been thoroughly studied, satisfied with learning, not comprehensive, not systematic, and lack of grasp of the scientific system and spiritual essence. In the content of learning, the study of laws and regulations concerning industry and commerce is more serious, ignoring the study and understanding of market economy theory and modern science and technology knowledge. In the way of learning, the theory is linked to reality, the guiding practice is not enough, and it is impossible to do it in the middle school and in the school.
Second, the purpose of the concept is not established. We cannot always bear in mind the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, based on the functions of industry and commerce, and doing good deeds for the people and the work of the interests are not enough and comprehensive.
Third, the awareness of pioneering and innovation is not strong. In the way of thinking, sometimes I am accustomed to thinking about problems by experience, thinking that things are based on reality in practice, and there are fewer ways to explore boldly.
Fourth, the work style is not solid enough. Although the center has achieved certain results. However, the awareness of establishing a service for economic development is not deep enough. There are times when privileged thoughts exist. Advance with the times, the sense of innovation is not sound enough, although you can master the work of this unit, but the flexibility is not enough.
In short, in terms of subjective and non-objective principles, serious reflection and rational analysis, we believe that the problems are mainly caused by the following reasons:
First, there is insufficient understanding of the importance and necessity of theoretical learning. Without a solid theoretical foundation, there is no conscious action. In the work, only the problem of not keeping the purpose is not strong, the theoretical level is not high, the key is to relax the theoretical study of the theory, sometimes the learning theory as a soft task, the business work as a hard indicator, the emergence of theoretical learning and business work Disjointed phenomenon. It is precisely because of the lack of solid theoretical guidance that it is not enough to make itself better serve the people.
Second, it is not thorough enough to understand and understand that development is the "first priority." The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out: "The development must be regarded as the party's top priority in governing and rejuvenating the country." The work of all levels and departments must be subordinated to this important task. Although I have carefully grasped and studied this argument, because the degree and breadth of understanding is not thorough enough, when using the business function service to "develop the first priority", there is a one-sided function, some functions are not Be able to play well in a timely and effective manner.
Third, the mental state failed to actively adapt to the needs of the development of the situation. The work performance of the center is more prominent, and the public has a good reputation. However, the awareness of enterprising has been inflamed to varying degrees. The awareness of “creation” and “contention” is not strong enough, and there is less communication with each window, which diminishes the consciousness of striving for first-class, even giving up.
Third, the next step of rectification measures:
1. Strengthen learning, improve temperament, study theory, economic policies, regulations, focus on learning, face new opportunities, new challenges, advance with the times, constantly update concepts, and strive to maintain socialist market economic order. struggle.
2. It is necessary to promote economic development as its own responsibility, and firmly establish the ideological concept and privileged thinking of serving the economic development and serving the people. Establishing a correct view of power and clearly recognizing that the power in our hands is what the party and the people have given us is to serve the people better. Only in this way can we continuously improve the quality of our services.
3. To be measured by the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the people, the first standard of our work has changed style, and we have maintained close ties with the broad masses of the people, so that our actions are always under the supervision of the people and all walks of life. With the new realm of action, new style, and new attitudes, we will establish "maintaining the advanced nature of party members and creating excellent services to promote development."

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