Party and group related > Advanced education

Village advanced application materials

Main person in charge of xx town xx village

Ranked as county spirit

Advanced civilization construction

Unit of time

In the past two years, he has been commended by the higher authorities.

Brief introduction of work

The village of xx is located on the west side of the North Bridge of xx Town, Antu County. It is closely adjacent to the village of xx. There are 161 households with 642 people in the village. The total cultivated area of ​​the village is 410 hectares. According to the actual situation of the village, xx villages will speed up the pace of industrial restructuring, implement the project of raising rural income by 100 yuan, improve the construction of rural grassroots organizations, develop large-scale households, vigorously develop the construction of economic people, and increase the cultivation of white sage and ash. The technical content of special agricultural products such as Suzi. At the same time, according to the actual situation of the village, the demonstration zone for melons and fruits was established.

First, develop diversified operations and take the road of industrial restructuring.

From the reality, the traditional agricultural structure of xx village is unreasonable. A single grain planting is not conducive to economic development and the increase of farmers' income. It is not realistic to rely on the old methods of the past to get rich and run a well-off society. This requires changing the concept, developing diversified operations, and embarking on a new path suitable for local agricultural development.

1. In order to speed up the pace of industrial restructuring and increase the economic income of the villagers, the village branch will take the lead in planting 30 hectares of Baisuzi, and this alone will earn 100,000 yuan. Planting 40 hectares of melon, the income reached more than 1 million yuan. Planting soybeans, corn, medicinal materials, and developing animal husbandry, the income will reach more than 1 million yuan, and the income from planting vegetables will be 150,000 yuan, making the per capita income of the whole village more than 700 yuan compared with last year, reaching a per capita income of 3,600 yuan.

2. If we really want to make the villagers rich and run a well-off society, it is not enough to do so. It cannot make the rural economy have a long-term development. Therefore, according to the climatic characteristics of the village, using the advantages of planting melons and fruits, we have first established a demonstration base for melons and fruits in Songjiangyu Village, and developed more than 120 households in the village to expand the area of ​​planting fruits and fruits. More than 10,000 yuan.

3. Vigorously develop the tracking service and support work for raising cattle and raising pigs, improve the quality of cold cattle breeding, consolidate the number of cattle stocks, and develop 5 large cattle raising households with more than 50 stocks. There are 2 large pig farmers, with 110 pigs in the year and 80 heads.

4. Develop and strengthen the construction of the economic team in the village, let the truly valuable economic crops go out, provide powerful intermediaries, and provide intermediary services to the villagers in the form of intermediary organizations, do practical and good things, and help the real people. The villagers will increase their economic income and develop and expand the scale of existing industries more quickly and effectively.

The peasants have tasted the sweetness of developing animal husbandry, the economy has developed, the people have received benefits, and the enthusiasm for the development of the fruit and vegetable industry has been higher.

Second, emancipate the mind, take the road of management efficiency, and strive to build a peaceful village and a harmonious society.

In order to keep close contact with the people and at the same time, in order to speed up the pace of building a harmonious society, xx village has established rules and regulations for the management of village cadres, strengthened financial discipline, strictly implemented the system of village affairs and government affairs, and implemented transparent management to achieve clear accounts. To reassure the villagers. After continuously improving the cadre management system, the relationship between the party and the masses and the cadres and the masses have been closely closed, so that the majority of the villagers have truly relieved the village cadres and trained a team of village cadres who are dedicated to serving the villagers. On this basis, the villagers are classified and managed, and the villagers are classified by the bottom: First, the economic situation is better;

Note: The brief introduction to the work situation includes: 1. Basic profile of the unit; 2 Major achievements in material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization construction in the past two years; 3. Main work and experience in establishing work.

The second is a medium standard; the third is a poor household. Adopt the practice of “good and excellent, middle to the upper, rich and help the poor” in order to achieve the goal of common prosperity. For the poor households in the village, there are also differences in care. For those who have labor in the family but are not well managed, the village cadre guarantee system is implemented to help them develop rich projects. For lazy, the main reason is to dig away the laziness, and then Take off the hat of poverty; for those villagers who do have difficulties, they will raise funds to help them find rich projects. Through the joint efforts of the whole village, the work has achieved remarkable results. Many villagers have been lifted out of poverty and have been well received by the villagers. Now the economy and culture of xx villages are developing at the same time, and they strive for a better tomorrow according to their own ideas.

Recommendations from higher authorities

Review of the Qizhang County Civilization Office


County Civilization Committee approval opinion

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