Fan Wen Daquan > reading notes

Besieged reading notes

Besieged reading notes

"Marriage is like a golden lacquered bird cage. The bird outside the cage wants to live in. The bird in the cage wants to fly out; so it is separated, and it ends, there is no ending."

"It is a castle that is besieged. People outside the city want to rush in. People in the city want to escape." This is the two sentences in the third chapter of "The Besieged City." On the way to Hunan, the protagonist Fang Hongzeng said to Zhao Xinyu: "I have this feeling for all things in life." The besieged city is not a human being, but a trivial reality and a human heart. If the heart is innocent, marriage It will also be innocent. Life is a besieged city. People can never escape their endless pressure and bondage. Everyone can't escape this fate. Marriage, the emotional besieged city, once made Fang Hong gradually yearn for, but when he lived in, he discovered that he was far from his imagination. There is also a besieged city in San Francisco University. There are only intrigues and intrigues in the world. When he left there, he faced a social siege that included his parents' feudal thoughts, family responsibilities, and career decline, which made him feel more at a loss. It seemed that everything was controlled by a dark hand. Fang Hong, who is incompetent, only succumbs to this hand, and accepts the sympathy of his friends and the charity of his relatives. In addition to Fang Hongzeng, Zhao Xinyu, who chased Su Wenzhao for 20 years, could not step into her besieged city. After that, she still could not escape the fate of her wife and children; Fang Fang could not escape the siege of traditional feudalism; Ren Laozhang also escaped the siege of the face. Perhaps people outside the city read "The Besieged City", can not appreciate the helplessness of the city, so they want to rush in; and the people in the city read "The Besieged City", just because they look at the falsehood in the city, they want to escape.

The same is true in contemporary society. The intrigue in the workplace and the love field is more intense than in the Besieged City. Qian Zhongshu’s Besieged City is just a microcosm of the real society.

Qian Zhongshu played the humorous irony in "The Besieged City". "The director of the director of Nao Na boasted, and he was blown into a large soap bubble. When he was not broken, he couldn’t stand it."

The protagonist Fang Hongzeng is a failed image in the Besieged City, but it is a high-definition image. He is constantly eager to get rid of the "encirclement of the city", but after rushing out of this "encirclement of the city", he finds that he has fallen into another "environment", never finds the ideal freedom, and always repeats in desire and disappointment. His emotional entanglement with Su Wenzhao, Tang Xiaofu and others ended with failure due to his incompetence and cowardice, which made him step by step into the marriage trap of Sun Roujia, who was working hard, and finally suffered from marriage and suffering. Incompetent, so weak, weak and incompetent. When he was in college, he was dissatisfied with the marriage that his parents had arranged. He wrote a letter to go home and asked to lift it. After being beaten by his old father, he was "scared short and half" and "was busy writing a letter to discuss and explain." Quarreling with his wife, Sun Roujia, aunts, he was afraid to go. "Soft Jia didn't want her aunt to make things big, but her husband retired, hate no more sad, and said, 'You are a Coward! Coward Coward! I don't want to see you this Coward again!'" Four consecutive Cowards are the perfect portrayal of Fang Hongzeng.

Sun Roujia is just the opposite of Fang Hongyan. Although she seems to be a bird, she has no opinion, but she is the most arduous person, and may even be better than Su Wenzhao. Su Wenzhao is too confident about herself. Her love of the other is to use the strategy of "seduction" and "deliberation", but it is not successful. Sun Roujia is different. She will judge the situation and pretend to be herself. At the beginning, she performed very simply. "Mr. Fang is yelling at me, Mr. Zhao, isn't it?" "I must know, Mr. Fang, you tell me," Also "smile, all sweet, stubborn." Only Zhao Xinyi saw her disguise: "Is a college graduate so naive and childish?" "I am a bystander, I can see clearly, Miss Sun - hey! This girl is very slippery." Sun Rugao The strategy is "trapping" and "forced". On the day she tries to make Fang Hong gradually propose marriage, there is a persecution component in it. It can be said that Sun Roujia is pretending to be very good and his mind is very successful. Her greatest success was to marry Fang Hongzeng, but the biggest failure was married to Fang Hongzeng.

In short, in my opinion, "The Besieged City" is a tragic smile that tells the story of life's helplessness in a slang.

Besieged reading notes

When I was young, I liked reading fairy tales. The final end will be a handsome, brave or wise prince who has married a beautiful and intelligent princess, and they have lived happily ever after. So after every reading of the beautiful romantic or sultry story, I always love to stay for a while, beautifully dreaming of the wedding hall with red carpet, love light and filled with happiness.

However, when I grew up, I read more books, but I began to be confused. What is marriage? Literary writers say that marriage is the result of love.

Diplomats say marriage is a kind of negotiation and they must learn to compromise. Lovers say that marriage is a happy day and painful for a lifetime.

Fashion bourgeoisie said that marriage is the tomb of love, and then romantic love will not last long after the marriage threshold, and eventually become a family.

The words of Qian Zhongshu made me shine. He said that marriage is a siege, people outside want to come in, and people inside want to go out.

It seems that this kind of statement is more accepted by the public and more acceptable to me. Originally, there is no absolute thing in the world. If the marriage is as unbearable as some people say now, then there will not be so many lovers and servants who are happy to sit on the greet car and go to the marriage cage. The marriage registry can also Closed the door; but marriage will not be like the fantasy of childhood, everywhere filled with romantic and emotional color bubbles, happiness can not be added, such a marriage is just a dream, too unrealistic.

But the old words of the money really attracted me. So I ran to the library to borrow this Besieged City and read it carefully. In the book, I saw the spiritual features of a group of intellectuals who had been away from the war and bonfire during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. After the protagonist Fang Hongyan returned to China from studying in Europe, he entered the career, love, and family "three besieged cities" and repeatedly fought the war. In the end, he still could not avoid the fate of failure. In the book, Qian Lao has also shaped other "returning sea" characters and domestic intellectuals, such as the empty and boring Zhao Xingyu, the superficial Su Wenzhao, the pure and lovely Tang Xiaoying, the ingenious Sun Roica, the hypocritical and humble Li Meiting. Through the meticulous psychological description, Qian Lao uses the ironic language and ingenious metaphor to explore the hidden psychology of the characters. I feel that Mr. Qian Zhongshu is very loyal to the performance of the character. In the book, he has vividly shown us the characteristics and image of the character by grasping the character of the character. For example, Mrs. Wang mentioned in the book. "10 points of red nails, a red lips", in a word, it is a picture of a woman who loves to dress up in that era, but who has some vulgarity in the dress.

In the book, the marriage is likened to the besieged castle. "People outside the city want to rush out, and the people in the city want to escape." It shows the relationship between husband and wife in a proper way. In the book, Sun Roujia used the woman's cleverness and tried every means to catch up with Fang Hongzeng. After marriage, after the tempering of life and the change of work, he gradually discovered many of his shortcomings. He was both kind and accommodating, both upright and weak. Marriage slowly emerged from a crisis, spent all day in quarrels, and finally broke away. This kind of marriage life is still seen in many families. The concept of modern people is open, and the marriage is more open. The besieged city is going fast, and it is coming out quickly. I know how to marry soon, and then divorce soon after marriage. I think marriage is like a child. How can such people understand the meaning of love and life? Really? People are sea otters. It is not easy for two people to have a relationship in a besieged city. Since they are married, they must understand each other, understand each other, manage this love, and run a good family. Everyone must be humbly accommodating each other so that they don’t let the other person have the idea of ​​escaping. What are the people who escaped from the marriage siege, are you better able to find happiness? Do you regret when you recall the love of the past?

It is true that marriage is like a besieged city. However, when all people and things become beautiful because of hard work and optimism, then this siege is no longer a terrible bondage and pressure, but a happy paradise. No one will try to leave her, even Fang Hong, who is self-pity and sorrow, will like it, and false and ugly will be assimilated into truth, goodness and beauty. Such a "city" may no longer be "encircled".

Finally, I would like to say that if we can grasp and cherish today's life well, then our life will be happier and better, that is, all the sieges will be the siege that let us enjoy.

Besieged reading notes

I. Introduction

I finally read Qian Zhongshu’s Besieged City, and I felt a sense of relief. The book "The Besieged City" was written by Qian Zhongshu's "锱铢 accumulation". The novel has no clear story clues, but some trivial plots that are "patched together" by the author's trivial insights and experiences. In general, a trivial book must have excellent verbal expression to become a successful work. Zhong Shujun’s "The Besieged City" really applies the language to the realm of the peak. Therefore, reading "The Besieged City" can not ignore the language as much as the general novel, and if so, "The Besieged City" will lose its meaning of existence. The slogan in "The Besieged City" is the most successful part of this novel, and it is also the most worthy of appreciation.

Second, the appropriate approach

There are two kinds of metaphors in "The Besieged City". One is the image metaphor of real writing and writing things. It is comfortable to read and feels just right. The second is that abstract thinking and feelings use metaphors of concrete objects, or vice versa, to make people feel new and mysterious.

In the opening paragraph, "the night seems to be soaked in oil and turned into a translucent body. It gives the sun a hug, and it can't be separated. Maybe it is intoxicating to the sun, so the night after the sunset glow is also blushing." This sentence is mixed with anthropomorphic, and the whole is smooth and natural without any pretense. This is also the first metaphor I said. It is very common in the book, and as the five people went to Sancha, the description said, "This rain is getting better and better." The water points are made into silk, and the river surface is like acne. There are countless paralyzed water vortices, which follow the life, and the rain line is denser, and the smooth water surface is long hair." "Old" Used in the rain, it can be said that Mr. Qian is one person, and it is good to use! Rainy said that the water is "long hair", but it is even more novel, but it is just right!

"Fang Hong gradually took a shower, went back to the cabin, lay down and sat up again, dispelling the thoughts that had already started as if he were pregnant with a woman who was pregnant." It is very uncomfortable and difficult for a woman to have a baby to become pregnant. The author is using this, the metaphor is the kind of psychology that Fang Hong gradually wants to invite Miss Bao, but does not say it. From this, we can also see Su Hong's passion for Miss Bao and his style of playing with the right and wrong.

Mr. Zhang, who is interested in Zhaohong’s arrogance, likes the meaningless English words in Chinese. Mr. Qian said that “the English words embedded in the speech are still inferior to the gold teeth embedded in the mouth, because the golden teeth are not only made up, but they are still acceptable. Use, just like the meat chips embedded in the teeth, indicating that the food is well eaten, and it is useless." This ratio is accurate and vivid. The face of a vanity fake foreign devil is revealed by this ratio.

"Fang Hong gradually believes that her friendship is here, like two parallel lines, no matter how close they are to each other, how long they are, and they will not come together to become one." Mr. Qian will use mathematical knowledge and use parallelism. The nature of the line shows that the love between Fang Hongzeng and Su Wenzhao will not end in the end, but also paved the way for his short relationship with Tang Xiaofu. Although the two paragraphs are far apart, the author can still make such a far-off, and it can also show that the author's thinking is so clear.

Another example is the description of Mrs. Shen: "There are two black bags under her eyes, like a round-shell marching thermos. I want to save the passionate tears. The thick rouge on the lips brings the spit into the mouth, dyeing the dark yellow rugged teeth. The road is red, bloody like a clue in the murder of detective novels." Even with a few strange metaphors to spread the renderings, reading can not help but be disgusted, the author is often half-satisfied and half-sorrowful tone. "Hey all beings", he is rapper, playful, narrow-minded, Lenovo is particularly lively, quick-thinking, and can't take a break. He always swayes the kind of literary essays, integrates Chinese and Western cultures, and integrates infinitely translating specific description objects to the broader thinking space. It can create a kind of wisdom that is composed of knowledge, wisdom and humor. Such an aesthetic world and a unique style of ingenuity.

Although some metaphors are very novel, sometimes very humorous, but humor is still not a smile, not complete. Because there is always such a feeling in my heart: laughing at others streaking in the crowded streets, suddenly found that I only wear a shameful pants. This has a very good interpretation. The car is in a muddy ditch and refuses to leave. "The chauffeur is screaming and screaming at this moment. It’s even worse. At the moment, there is only one meaning: the car driver is willing to talk to the mother and grandmother of the car. A physical love occurs." After reading this place, I couldn’t help but smile and smile. I suddenly felt that it was like saying myself, and the laughter stopped!

Third, humorous satire

What is shown in The Besieged City is the scholarly humorous satire of Qian Zhongshu. The style of Qian Zhongshu is quite different from that of Lu Xun. Lu Xun used a sharp dagger, which touched the blood and gave people a feeling of blood. Qian Zhongshu used a sharp long needle. At first glance, it was useless to the affected area, but it was like acupuncture. The part is stabbed, the thorn is deep, and the thorn is penetrated. After a pain, it feels very comfortable, and people are convinced orally. Lu Xun takes the problem seriously, and Qian Zhongshu casually asks questions, but it is the same to attack the sickness of people and smile at the human weakness. Qian Zhongshu’s "indignation" is not to mention the inappropriate words of the ancestors: but through humorous and understated strokes, they have read a few books about the so-called intellectual souls. Delineated and witty, profound knowledge, and pungent sarcasm, exposed and criticized the ugly things of the society at that time, and also revealed many philosophy of life.

Anyone who has read "The Besieged City" will always remember the vivid and interesting irony in the text. The characters appearing in the text, except Tang Xiaofu, the rest of the people were pitifully tortured by the profound irony of Qian Zhongshu. Among them, the most interesting thing is to be Miss Fan. I heard that Mrs. Wang gave her a medium, and she was asking for it, but she was guilty of it, and she still suspected Sun Roujia behind her. Wang Chuhou and his wife invited to dinner. She only went to Wangjia at five o'clock. She said that she was embarrassed. She was more anxious than anyone else. She painted herself with flowers and wanted to attract Zhao Xinyi's attention as much as possible. After seeing Xin Xin, as I said in the article, "I have drawn an invisible circle, and I am surrounded by Xin Xin. The conversation is so close to water." Moreover, Miss Fan, like the husband and wife, said that this is boring, Miss Fan said: "Isn't it? I rarely talk to people, it is really stuffy here." Zhao Xin did not say that he worships grass carp, Miss Fan. I rushed and said: "Mr. Zhao, I am so happy, your opinion is exactly the same as mine." On the way back, she tried several times to open Fang Hongzeng and Miss Liu, leaving Zhao Xinyi and her two. go. She said that the bridge was too narrow for a while, so that Xin Xin accompanied her to the bottom of the river; for a moment she said that she had forgotten the handbag and asked Xin to accompany her back to Wang to take it, so that Miss Fan’s character was on the paper, very interesting.

Looking at this new and better, Hong gradually went to Zhao Xinyi’s western-style apartment. “If you didn’t enter the door, you would hear the radio in the apartment, and broadcast the popular “Spring Love Song”. The air gave the popular female star to the public. The screams were torn apart. The female star’s delicate voice was turbid, and most of them were like the ones in the nose. They were greasy, sticky and weak. The main nose of the nose had the same sample.” . The female star is smashed by this ratio. Mr. Qian is used to this kind of bare, unrelenting, satirical irony.

Qian Zhongshu is not only very good at people's satire, but even the food in the restaurant can be used as a humorous satire, just like: Fang Hongzeng and Miss Bao on the way back to the country to eat in a meal. "Who knows from Cold dish to coffee, no one thing is delicious: the soup is cool, the ice cream is hot; the fish is like the Marine Corps, has been logged in for several days; the meat is like a submarine soldier, the club is in the water for a long time; Beyond, bread, butter, and red wine are all sour." The quality of the food in the Western Restaurant is vividly depicted in a humorous metaphor. Satire the operator at the time, the society at the time. Interested students may wish to take a look at "The Besieged City", you may find more places that can not help but can not help.

Fourth, summary

Qian Zhongshu said in his preface: "In this book, I want to write about a certain part of society in China, a certain kind of person. To write such people, I have not forgotten that they are human beings and have the basic roots of a hairless biped." One type of person is the sick intellectual at the time. In the Besieged City, there are often witty front blades that stab the so-called "hairless bipeds." First of all, the satirical humor of "The Besieged City" boldly draws on the techniques of Western psychological description, carries out delicate observation and analysis of the psychology of the characters, and carries out artistic exploration in depth. Secondly, he is also good at seeing the psychological basis of the character's words and deeds, picking up the gentle veil of various relationships between people, exploring the inner world of the characters, revealing the ugliness of the satirical object, debunking and ridiculing the object in words and deeds. Falseness. In addition, Qian Zhongshu is also good at interweaving the characters of various characters in the works on the same occasion, forming a subtle and intense psychological conflict.

"The Besieged City" is a book that reads back and forth. Reading "The Besieged City", you can not only feel the surprises along the way, but also experience the metaphor of fun and fun, and chew the symbol of deep meaning. It sometimes makes you laugh, sometimes makes you cry, under the humorous appearance of the funny and wonderful words, there is a tragic hidden secret that makes people sigh and sigh, so that nothing can be lost. The progressive ideological tendency and superb artistic skills displayed in "The Besieged City" not only laid an important role in the history of modern Chinese novels, but also laid a role that Qian Zhongshu could not ignore in the group of modern Chinese novel writers. As Mrs. Qian, Ms. Yang Yu said, Qian Zhongshu’s “childishness” makes “The Besieged City” more authentic and dramatic. Qian Zhongshu's satire and sentimentality in life is deeper than all languages, and all laughter is included in Besieged City.

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