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"How to embody effective generation in reading teaching" opening report

First, the background of the problem

Professor Ye Wei pointed out: "A real classroom teaching process is a process of promoting the dynamic interaction between teachers and students and various factors. Because of the many complicated factors involved in educational activities, there are many possibilities for educational development. Advancement is the process of making choices in a variety of possibilities to generate new conditions, affecting the next step of development." This conclusion has been recognized by more and more teachers, so everyone strives to pursue openness and generativeity in the classroom. . However, how much is effective in the current language classroom, especially in the reading classroom? Careful observation, it is not difficult to find that there are many phenomena in reading teaching: such as the pre-preparation of teachers before class, the randomness of random play in the classroom; the fashionable, formal blind generation; the occlusion of the book during the class Sexual generation; blindly cater to students, ineffective generation of free themes; inefficient generation of reading for reading; inefficient generation due to improper questioning; and even teachers who "generate" and "generate", give up normal The chaotic generation of teaching content, and so on. Such a bubble generation that has not been seriously considered by students and lacks the challenge of wisdom not only makes the teaching function not play well, but also has a negative impact and negative effect on the development of students.

"Discovering the problem is to discover the space for development." In response to this kind of problem, our whispering group will "how to effectively generate in reading teaching" as a research topic in this semester, and hope to seek guidance through a large number of observations and analysis of reading teaching. Classroom generates invalid or inefficient "lethal factor", explores effectively generated teaching strategies, methods and evaluation criteria; hopes to promote teachers to return to the "research" state and improve teachers' reflective awareness through the study of "effectively generating reading teaching". Promote the professional growth of teachers; hope that through the research of the subject, students will truly become the masters of learning, so that students have sufficient time and space for engaging in learning activities, and in the atmosphere of independent inquiry, hands-on practice, cooperation and exchange, the confusion will be lifted. Make various emotional attitudes, knowledge skills, and values ​​“effectively generated” in the course of activities.

Second, the definition of the subject

1. “Efficacy” mainly refers to the specific progress or development obtained by the teacher after a period of teaching. Whether the student has progress or development is a key indicator of whether the teaching has any benefit. It includes the following three meanings: one is “effective”; it refers to the evaluation of the degree of coincidence between the results of teaching activities and the expected teaching objectives; the second is “effectiveness”, that is, the teaching effect is large in unit time; the third is “effective,” Refers to the effective achievement of the three-dimensional goal. The effectiveness here not only points to the students' learning outcomes, but also reflects whether students can motivate students to learn, whether they can promote students' active construction of knowledge, reflect the value of individual life of teachers and students, and take life growth and development as the ultimate goal.

2. "There is a generated reading teaching" on the one hand refers to the process and conclusions formed by teachers and students in the learning interaction to effectively achieve the preset goals; on the other hand, it refers to the impromptu creation in the interaction between teachers and students, which is the spark of wisdom of teachers and students. The embodiment not only gives people an unexpected experience, but also surpasses the expected teaching objectives, creatively completes teaching tasks, and promotes the common development of teachers and students. The generated reading teaching emphasizes the meaning and value of the generation, and emphasizes whether the students have developed in the reading activities.

Third, the research content



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Effectively cultivating students' ability to read and understand

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" Grasp the effective expression of the text as a whole"

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"Effective Generation in the Reading of Words"

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"Let Presupposition and Generation Meet in Reading Teaching"

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"Experience effective generation in the sound and emotions"

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two two

Fourth, the research process design

1. Previous research stage

Investigate the current situation of classroom teaching, analyze the characteristics of dynamic generation, ineffective, effective or efficient, complete the investigation report; literature discussion, establish the subject and demonstrate it, and complete the research project.

2, the formation of the research group stage

Set up a research group by means of a combination of designation and voluntary participation; organize a training meeting for project members, propose specific tasks for scientific research, and complete research projects for each sub-project.

3. Specific research stage

1) Regularly hold a group meeting to clarify the work ideas and implement the research goals and priorities of each stage of the project in order to effectively guide the research work.

2) Organize the research team members to carry out relevant theoretical studies.

3) Go deep into the classroom, conduct lecture evaluation activities, and implement the research process.

4) Select a book related to the topic and organize the research team members to study and discuss together.

5) Establish a topic blog and build a communication platform.

In the whispering group education blog, the research column is opened. The purpose is to accumulate experience in the research process, build a better communication platform for the research of the subject, and lay a solid foundation for the later research. In the process of research, we should constantly enrich the content of the research into the subject blog, so as to normalize the information uploading, we must upload some texts, pictures and audio materials in time to make the blog rich in content and reflect the subject. The whole process of research.

6) Complete the entire research task, reflect on the experimental process, and form experimental reports, papers, and essays.

Whispering group

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