Work Plan > Young Pioneers Work Plan

National Primary and Young Pioneers Work Plan for the next semester of the 2013 school year

guiding ideology:

Guided by the message requirements of xx "hardworking, happy life, all-round development" and the spirit of the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we will focus on the work of the Youth League Committee of the Education Bureau, deepen the ideological and moral education of young people, and play the unique functions of the Young Pioneers . Innovatively carry out educational activities in line with the actual situation of the school that meet the physical and mental characteristics of children and young people, so that the young pioneers can better master the communicative ability, learning ability and living ability, and become a happy life and create happiness.

Work points:

First, build a team of excellent quality.

Strengthen the construction of the young cadres of the Young Pioneers . Each semester will carry out the campaign activities of the large and middle-team committees, and train the team members to manage the Young Pioneers and love the young pioneers . Organize the training of team cadres and improve the learning and exchange system of the team. Selecting responsible members to form the "Little Dove" civilized etiquette supervision post and the flag guard team, and strive to allow more players to participate in the construction and management of the Young Pioneers position.

Second, build a solid foundation for the Young Pioneers .

1. Make a speech under the banner of the "Growing Tree" radio station and the red scarf. Ensuring that the hardware passes, training the small editors and announcers and speakers, so that the red scarf broadcast twice a week and the national flag speech can be welcomed by the whole school.

2. Establish a squadron wall newspaper. Change monthly, mobilize all students to participate in the production, provide students with a world of display, make the classroom culture novel and vivid, and build a warm "little home."

3. Establish the Young Pioneers Drum Team. Regular training is carried out to add color to the Young Pioneers event. Do a good job of the new and old connections of the drum player, so that the drum sound is louder and more exciting.

Third, persist in doing all kinds of routine work.

1. Grasp the civilized etiquette and ideological and moral education of the players. Through the inspection and supervision of the "Little White Dove" civilized etiquette supervision post, the team members have noble ideological and moral sentiments and consciously develop good words and deeds.

2. Grab the flag-raising ceremony once a week. Do a good job in the selection and training of the flag-raising hand, the flag-bearer and the moderator, and do a good job of reviewing the manuscript of the spokesperson to ensure the high-quality flag-raising ceremony.

3. Grab the red scarf broadcast twice a week. Continue to carry out the red scarf broadcasting competition, the senior squadron should plan and prepare early, and successfully complete the broadcast mission.

Fourth, carry out a series of small pioneer activities that students welcome.

1. Conduct traditional activities on a monthly basis.

2. Conduct festival cultural theme activities in due course.

3. Actively participate in relevant activities of higher authorities.

4. Innovate and carry out the activities of the Young Pioneers suitable for the actual team members of the school, create a brand and create new characteristics, and form a new bright new culture of the work of the Young Pioneers .

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